Saturday 22 March 2014

Chapter 36

Chloe's POV

A week had passed since i was reunited with Gary. Finally we've made it home, even if Mark hasn't really spoken to either of us, i guess he's just giving me and Gary time alone to try and sort things out. Every day Gary is slowly getting stronger and hopefully as time goes on, his memory will be fully restored. Setting the timer on the oven, i walk back into the living room to find Gary sprawled out on the sofa watching TV. "Hiya babe..." Kneeling down in front of the sofa, my hand rests on Gary's kneecap whilst he flicks through the TV channels.
"Uh? Oh hi love."
"How are you feeling now? Do you want another coffee?"
Setting down the remote onto the sofa's arm above his shoulder, Gary shakes his head. "Oh god...i've had enough coffees in the past few days, i'll never be able to sleep at this rate. Yeah, i'm ok. Just a bit sore here and there, but nothing major... how're you?"
Running my hand through his soft blonde hair, softly i breathe a sigh of relief. It still doesn't feel real that Gary's here, that he's actually alive. "I'm good..." Gently i take Gary's hand in my mine, placing it over my stomach. "...We both are..."
"Erh...g...good..." Slipping his hand from under mine, carefully he tries to sit up on the sofa. Taking hold of his hand i try my best to help him to sit comfortably, until he pulls his hand out of contact again. "I don't need help." He winces.
"S...S...sorry..." Quietly i whisper, whilst standing back to my feet. Since the whole accident, Gary's moods have changed, making him have less patience which means he can become a little angry now and again.

Sighing deeply once he's positioned himself onto the sofa, he gently pats the empty space beside him. "No...i'm sorry... i shouldn't keep snapping at you for no reason...i know you're only trying to help and i can't thank you enough for sticking with and supporting me." The corners of my mouth curl into a smile. "...I love you... and erh... the little one too...of course..." An arm coils around my shoulder, allowing me to rest my cheek against his steady breathing chest.
"Can you believe i'm almost coming up to two months?" My hand rests against my own stomach, whilst i stare up at Gary.
"Hmm...yeah... can't believe a lot of things at the minute." It's almost like he's acting as if he isn't interested in the baby, maybe the whole accident has changed his mind about fatherhood? Hopefully the memory loss will only be temporary.
"You are happy...aren't you babe?" Lifting myself up a little, my hand remains still placed on my stomach.
"Chloe, what have i said about the question overload? I'm not 100% and being fired with questions aren't making me feel any better." He speaks as if he's telling off his pupil in class. Feeling slightly embarrassed i now sit perched on the edge of the sofa.
"S...Sorry... Gary..."
"Anyway... enough chit chat... i'm starving...what's for dinner?" Smacking his lips together, his hands massage my shoulders, rubbing away the stress and tension in them.
"Erh... i've just put the chicken on... it should be ready in about 10 minutes it's one of those ready cooked ones so it doesn't need long, i was going to pack our belongs away whilst we were waiting, but there isn't any point by the time i'm up there i'll be back down to turn the oven off."

Gary's fingers skim along my knuckles, as he takes my hand in his. "I'll turn the oven off. You've set the timer, right?"
"Are you sure? Yes... i have."
Playfully he rolls his eyes. "Of course i'm sure, i've had a knock to the head. I can still work an oven, dear. Go and sort whatever you want doing and i'll turn the oven off once the alarms gone off, ok?"
"If you say so... i wont be long... 20 minutes...max." Maybe it isn't a good idea to leave Gary alone with an oven, but then again he's right, if he says he can do these things then i shouldn't smoother him as if he's a child.
"Take your time..."
Giving him a cautious smile, i do as i'm told...this time. "See you in a sec, babe." Pecking his cheek, swiftly i make my way upstairs to our bedroom. The quicker i am the quicker i can go downstairs again. Walking over to the suitcases, which are carelessly thrown onto the bed, i'm soon stopped in my tracks by the vibration of my mobile. Sitting onto the empty space on the bed, i take a deep breath by the sight of the contact name - Markie . If things couldn't get any worse, then they sure will now. Opening the message i glance at the short sentence. 'Are you free this afternoon?x'

Even though the conversation is lacking explanation, i know exactly what he means. He's after a chat from the recent experiences we've had during the holiday. 'I'm looking after Gary, i can't leave him alone at the minute.' Once i've typed a message back to his question, i start to unzip the cases. Within a few seconds my phone begins to vibrate again. Wow. Someone's desperate for this chat. (1) new message- Markie - 'Oh come on, he's not a child. We need to talk and obviously i can't come round to yours. On the other hand...maybe Gary will be interested to know what exactly went off whilst he was fighting for his life?' Mark's new reply has left me with a slight heart rate increase. He wouldn't do that to me... or the baby, surly? I guess he's just trying to scare me, to make me agree to go and meet him... well i hope that's what he's doing anyway. Suddenly i feel my entire body freeze, preventing me from typing back another message. The smell of burning swirls around my nostrils. Dropping my phone in shock, i make a dive for it out of the bedroom. "Gary?!" Calling his name at the top of the stairs, i'm greeted by a small cloud of grey smoke. "Gary?!" Running down the stairs, a figure catches my eye who sits on the sofa.
"Chloe? You alright?" A voice speaks through the smoke.
"Gary?! I told you to turn the oven off?!" Covering my mouth from the smoke, i open the back door and windows in the kitchen, trying to get as much smoke out of the house as i can. Gary walks into the kitchen as i'm turning off the oven.
"Woah." Loudly he coughs, waving away the smoke in front of his face. "What happened in here?"

Using a tea towel to remove the remaining smoke from the kitchen, i look at him surprised. "What?! I told you to turn the oven off once the alarm went off? I even heard the alarm going off whilst i was upstairs! What on earth was you doing?"
"Oh so that's what that noise was!" He releases a quiet giggle. "I was searching through the TV channels thinking the noise was coming from there. I didn't even know you were cooking anything?"
Stepping backwards i study his face. "Are you kidding me? I'm not in the mood for jokes, Gary."
"And i'm not joking? You went upstairs to toilet whilst i was watching TV, then you come flying downstairs yelling my name and here we are standing in a smokey kitchen, because you forgot to turn the oven off."
Words fail to leave my mouth. Did i just imagine telling Gary to turn it off? No. Of course i didn't, he's forgotten. "I knew i shouldn't of left you alone." Shaking my head, i pull down the oven door to reveal the now charcoal chicken which is burnt to a crisp.
"Excuse me?" Gary folds his arms whilst frowning his eyebrows at me.
"It's too soon after your accident... i shouldn't of left you alone... and i shouldn't of given you a hard task...i'm sorry."

"Hold on a minute." Gary tugs my shoulder, not hard, but enough to make me flinch. "Why are you acting as if i'm a child? You didn't tell me to do anything, so don't you dare blame me." His voice rises.
"I told you Gary. I told you i was going to go upstairs to unpack and you offered to keep an eye on dinner."
"Will you stop with the lies? I'm not some sort of...senile old man. I do have a brain so stop fucking acting as if i haven't got one!"
Reaching a hand out to his bicep, gently i stoke it. "I'm not acting like you haven't got a brain, Gary. I'm just telling you what hap-"
"And i'm telling you the truth! What is it? You don't listen to me, because i'm not fucking Mark Owen?!" Taking hold of the tray with the burnt chicken on, he throws it across the kitchen, missing me by a couple of inches.
"Gary!"Almost being hit by the tray, it causes me to scream from the shock.
"Ughhh my head!" Angrily, Gary rubs his forehead whilst closing his eyes firmly. "J...Just leave me alone."
Breathing faster, again i reach my hand out into his direction. "G...G...Gary...are you...ok?"
"Leave me alone!" His voice bellows, as his fist hits against the worktop, causing me to flee back upstairs. For the first time of actually being with Gary, i'm scared. I'm actually scared of my own boyfriend. The tears stream down my cheeks, as i curl up onto the bed next to the still unpacked suitcases. Things can't get any worse than this, right? He was just upset... he wouldn't hurt me. I know he wouldn't "...would he?" I ask myself in a shaky breath. Footsteps creak along the floorboards in the kitchen, followed by the sound of the TV being switched back on. He's settled again. Looking around the bedroom, my eyes fix onto my mobile which is still in the same position i had dropped it in. "M...Mark..."

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Chapter 35

Mark's POV

Edging inside the room, Gary looks at me through his foggy vision. "" His voice hums, echoing around my ears. For a few seconds i stand still, just glancing from Gary to Chloe, noticing the tears run down Chloe's face as her hand remains in contact with Gary's. Taking a deep breath i force out a fake smile.
"O...Oh... Gaz... mate, we've been terribly worried about you... Chloe's been going out of her mind." Walking over towards his bed, i place both of my palms over the tops of Chloe's shoulders, feeling her tensed muscles. Rolling his eyes over towards Chloe's, he breathes a heavy sigh, as his fingers trail along her knuckles.
"...I...I'" Wincing as he speaks, he still looks slightly dazed.
"Sssh... Gary...please...please don't apologise... none of this is your fault... i'm just relieved you're here now... i don't...i don't know what i would of done without you..." Cupping her face, she continues with the water works.
"Chloe, hunny... you need to have some rest yourself... you haven't slept properly since Gary's disappearance... how about you go back to your room for a sleep? It's not just for your sake, but the baby's also."

All of a sudden Gary's eyes snap open. " What baby?" He asks with confusion soon filling his face.
"Erh... your baby? You and Chloe are having a baby...remember?"
Squinting his eyes, Gary shakes his head with annoyance. "Excuse me?" Chloe tilts her head backwards, locking her gaze onto mine, whilst her eyes fill with worry and slight fear.
"I...I told"
"No you didn't?!" Surprisingly Gary finds the energy to snap in reply. "I think I'd remember something like that."
"Gaz... just calm down, mate." Brushing my finger tips down Chloe's arms, i try and relax her from Gary's reaction.
"Don't tell me to calm down! it mine? Or..." Focusing his eyes onto mine, he stares at my hands touching Chloe's bare arms.
Shrugging her arms, knocking my hands out of contact with her flesh, she shakily wipes away her tears. "O...of course it's yours! You've had a knock to the head... that's all... the doctors said your memory will be back shortly, but in the mean time we just need to try and rest you up, OK?"

Gary scrunches up his face in response to Chloe's comment. "And look after me like I'm some sort of mental old person? I don't need help, i just need my home and my work." Sitting up in his bed, a pain from his stomach prevents his moments. "Good grief!" He hisses holding onto the covers.
"Gary! Sit down!" Easing Gary back into the bed, my patience soon starts to run out. "What you need is your family around you and shouting your mouth off isn't going to get you anywhere is it? Just get some rest and we'll see you tomorrow."
"Mate." Gary sarcastically laughs. "Not after what you've done to me, you're no 'mate' to me. Life wrecker."
"Jesus Christ, Gary. We've sorted this out ages ago. You really have had a knock on the head haven't you? Is work and old history all you care about? Do you understand the amount of stress and pain you've caused Chloe and your child?!"
"You really think i can forget something like that? Just leave us alone. If i see you place one finger onto my girlfriend again, you'll regret it. Who do you think you are? I bet you loved it without me, didn't you? I go and you step in. Typical. Just...just fucking do one, yeah?" His eyes burn with anger. Looking down at Chloe, who's face is tear stained still, a smile spreads across my face.
"A finger, eh? More like a snog." I think to myself, sensing by the look on Chloe's face, she can tell exactly what i'm thinking, with the words resting on the tip of my tongue, i hold them back with my teeth. Believe me it'll be more than a snog next time.

"I...I...i think... you better go Mark..." Quietly a small voice speaks, which is hardly audible to my ears which seem to be deafened by my thoughts.
"Excuse me? You're asking me to go? He's the one out of lin-"
"You heard her." Gary interrupts, whilst a smug looking grin spreads across his face. If only he wasn't in this bed, i'd teach that smart ass mug of his a lesson. Looking down into Chloe's eyes, she immediately bows her head avoiding any further eye contact with me. After a few seconds i decide to do as she wishes, nodding my head i swiftly make my way over towards the door again.
"Alright... i'll go... but that doesn't change things... just remember that." Leaving on that note, the door loudly slams behind me.

Gary's POV

My head starts to spin almost as if i've necked a bottle of vodka. "Mhmm..." Smacking my lips together, my eyes remain firmly closed. Flickering my eyes open, i stare up at the night's starry sky. I'm back on the island? But it can't be?! Panic rushes through my body, as i hurry to my feet, soon being stopped by the pain.
"Gary... stay calm..." A pair of hands wrap around my under arms, instantly calming me down and soothing the pain. "I'm here now... ssshhh..." Steadily a hand rakes through my hair, massaging my aching temples. Resting my head backwards into the crook of the figures neck, i inhale a deep breath. "You came back..."

Tilting my head over my shoulder, i'm greeted by a bright shining smile, enough to warm my entire frozen body. "I promised you...didn't i?" Tiarna continues running her hands along my bare flesh, her fingertips beating any sort of treatment i need for my wounds and aches.
"There's one more thing i need you to do for me... if you can do that?" Her warm breath brushes against my over grown stubble cheeks.
"Anything..." Our lips now inches away from one another, whilst my eyes gently press together. Waiting for the feel of our lips to collide.
"Wake up... you've got to wake up for me Gary..." Her words echo around my heavy feeling head, it almost feels like I've got a lead weight on my shoulders.
"H...huh?" Confused by her words, my eyes instantly widen once I've reopened them, getting lost by my new view. I'm in a boat?! The water splashes against the partly broken wooden boat I'm standing in. "T...T...Tiarna...?" Looking around the abandoned island, its soon becomes lifeless. Where is she? We were just together?!

Suddenly something catches my eyes. A injured figure rushes to the edge of the island. "H...H...Help..." Weakly a female's voice calls in the distance.
"Tiarna?! Tiarna is that you?!" Searching around the boat for a stick or ore, it soon becomes clear that i must of left them on the island. "Stay there! I'm coming back for you!" Dipping both of my hands into the water, i start to move them in a doggy paddle motion.
" me..." She continues to beg, as three or four darkened figures begin to approach her, dragging her along the sand. It's almost like the boats stuck, as it continues to move further away from the island.
"Leave her alone!! Get off her!" Yelling at the top of my lungs, i feel the tight grip of hands pull onto my hands. "Tiarna! Tiarna speak to me!" Fright enters my emotions hearing nothing but the sound of the calm sea, hitting against the sides of the boat. "Please! Talk to me! Tiarna!"
"Gary? Gary wake up?" Something pushes against my chest like a pair of hands.
"" Its like someone's removed the moon and stars from the sky, drawing a pitch black curtain over my eyes. Moving my head side to side frequently in panic, there's a sudden sharp pain in the pit of stomach, which cause my eyes to open automatically. "TIARNA HELP ME!" Light reappears and the island has gone out of sight. I'm back in the hospital.
"G...G...Gary?" A heavy breathing female holds onto my arm, looking as shocked as I'm feeling. The pain seems to have gotten worse, almost unbearable. Pulling back the thin covers, it reveals a blood stained bed. "Oh...g...god..." I mutter, noticing that my stitches have come undone.