Friday 11 April 2014

Chapter 37

Chloe's POV

Sneaking down the stairs, with my back pressed against the banister, i peer over the top towards the living room. A figure sits on the sofa watching the TV. Its Gary, of course. I've texted Mark minutes ago, agreeing to meet up, the fresh air will do me some good after earlier's little moment. A good talk with a long term friend will help, i don't want to argue anymore with Gary, plus i shouldn't just be thinking about the pair of us, i should be more concentrated on this little one in my stomach. Whilst Gary continues to doze off watching the TV, very quietly i tip toe down the stairs, before espacing through the front door, it almost feels like i'm a prisoner. The reason why i haven't told him where i'm going is, because i don't want to stress him out, and now that he's got a bump to the head the past has repeated itself, the old wounds have been reopened.

Brushing away my thoughts, i finally reach the cafe where i've argreed to meet Mark in. Already i notice him straight away, wearing his usual style of clothes, he's the only man i know to wear those type of hats at his age. Walking into the cafe i swiftly force out a smile, as soon as his eyes latch onto mine. "Chloe!" Beaming me with a grin, he stands to his feet pulling out my chair for me, he knows how much i love a man being a gentlemen.
"Hiya Mark." We kiss one anothers cheeks before taking our seats.
"I've already ordered you a drink, fresh orange juice, its suppose to be good for you and the baby... vitamins an all." He points to the glass of brightly coloured orange juice, which sits in front of me.
"Oh...thanks Mark... how thoughtful of you. You haven't been reading baby books have you?" I joke, whilst taking a gulp of the liquid.
Shaking his head he laughs slightly. "Nah, i'm a doctor aren't i? This is just basic stuff. are you?" He asks the words i've been dreading to hear, Mark is a smart man he can easily tell when i'm lying, after all we've been friends for what feels like forever.
"Erh... i'm up and down... have you been up to anything lately?"
"Nothing i can't handle, the usual head deep in paper work saving a few lives here and there." Sipping his coffee he doesn't take his eyes off me, even though i'm focused on the bubbles popping in my glass, i can still feel his eyes burning in the side of my head. "Are you going to tell me how you really feel? Your body language tells me different to how you are saying you feel."

"Can't hide anything from you Owen, can i?" Gently i smile, whilst stroking my stomach where i release a deep sigh.
" come on...spill."
Hitting my fingers against my glass, i avoid his piecing eye contact. "It was nothing really...I...I mean... he didn't mean it... he was just upset..."
Mark lifts his hand with a face full on confusion, as he almost chokes on his steaming coffee. "Woah hold up. 'He didn't mean it'? What do you mean by that? Has...Has he hurt you?!"
"No! N...No...i mean...-"
"He has hasn't he?! That stupid fu-"
"Mark. Just...please don't..." Slumping back against my chair, i fold my arms feeling the tears prick to my eyes. I don't like talking about Gary whilst he's not here and espeically when its nothing positive. Mark slides back his chair, before nudging me over slightly, sitting now beside me on the empty chair.
"Come here..." An arm is coiled over the top of my shoulder, as my arms remain crossed. It doesn't take long until i surrender, allowing my head to freely rest against his chest, which is covered by only a thin material t shirt. "Now tell me...what happened...? Did you have an argument?" A gentle nod which is hardly visible is all i reply with, looking grim at my half drunken orange juice. "May i ask what it was about? You can call me a nosy old prick, but i'm only looking out for you, because i care about you silly." He tightens his grip a little, helping me to relax and feel safe once again.
" is still foggy...and its been getting him worked up over the simplest things..."
"As in?"
"Well today i wanted to finish off packing, but dinner was almost ready to be served. We were on the sofa talking and Gary offered to turn the oven off once the chicken was cooked, so me not thinking i agreed to not smoother him and allow him to take on such tasks..."
Mark listens carefully to me, stroking his hand against my arm, showing me support. "Right, ok..."

"So i guess he forgot, because the next thing i know is the house is full of smoke. When i finally turned everything off, Gary walked into the kitchen without a care in the world. He didn't even notice what had just happened, then he started pointing the finger. 'You didn't tell me' etc."
Looking stunned at me, Mark strokes his forehead with his free hand. "Wow... i didn't realise his memory was that bad... i can understand how frustrating it must be for you, its like having another kid."
"I'm not the frustrated one... he is... he started yelling then the tray almost ended up hitting me... i can't keep doing this...i need to protect the baby...i sound awful don't i? Protecting our baby from Gary?"
Breathing a heavy sigh, he looks down at me. "No woman should feel the need to protect her baby from its own father. Wait until i get my hands on him." Already he clambers to his feet, setting alarm bells off in my head.
"Will you stop this?! Hitting him isn't going to knock any sense into him!"
"It might do..." Mark smirks.
"And you really think its going to make it easier for me? He doesn't even know i'm here and especially not with you... he would go off his head if he knew."
"Oh big bad hard Gary... i'm shaking." Sarcastically he laughs, whilst holding his hand out into my direction, hoisting me out of my seat. "How about you come back to mine?"
Rising my eyebrows surprised over his comment, i let go of his hand. "Excuse me?"
"Well you need somewhere to stay, right? And i could do with the company..." His fingertips stroke my bare shoulders, for a moment my eyes close, just admiring the softness trace my skin. My emotions have been all over the place recently, its as if i'm a new person for all the wrong reasons. Suddenly something abruptly pulls me from my thoughts, a pair of lips skim across mine.
"Mark?!" Loudly i yelp, jumping backwards out of his contact. He even looks stunned over his own actions.
"Oh...Oh i just..."
"Don't bother. I knew this wouldn't be a good idea after the last time. I thought you were a friend, someone i could talk to... i guess i was just a ticket to you so you could get in my underwear."
"Wait! Chloe! It wasn't like that i swear, i just got caught up in the moment, i'm sorry ok?"
Swallowing hard i hold back the tears, i just need to get home and have a long sleep, maybe in the guest room tonight. "Forget it..." On that note, i trail out of the cafe, leaving Mark call and sigh for me to come back.

After taking the extra long walk home, i finally reach our house again. Quietly opening the door, I'm greeted by complete darkness. The door creaks shut, whilst i fiddle around the wall, frantically searching for the light switch. Out of nowhere a pair of arms wrap around me, crushing my body. Feeling my eyes stretch, i try and make out who the figure is. The sound of sniffling and fast breathing echoes in my ear. "G...Gary?" Lifting my hand to touch the figures head, the street lights from outside shine through the door and onto his face. Its Gary. And he's crying. "Oh Gary...what's happened?" Still seeing nothing but darkness, we try and make our way to the sofa.
"Y...Y...You left...and...and i was...alone...and...I...I hurt you..." His body trembles ever so slightly.
" no... don't beat yourself up about it... i went out to erh... just for a quick shop whilst you were dozing on the sofa. I didn't want to drag you all over town, not the way you're feeling."
"B...But you didn't say anything? I...I...I thought you left me...for i started panicking..."
"Gaz, no. Never would i leave you... no matter what...there's no one on this planet i love other than you... and this baby... you need to believe that..."
"S...Sorry..." He sniffs loudly with a blocked nose, finally catching his breath back and breathing calmly once again. "S...S...So did you buy anything?"
"Buy anything?" My mind goes blank.
"From the shops?" He looks up at me, whilst his arms are around my waist.
" i didn't...went in a few baby shops, but there's no point buying anything without knowing the sex, is there?" Putting on a fake smile, my fingers run through the strands of his hair.
"Yeah...guess you're right... shame you didn't look anywhere else though." Its like Gary's started talking in riddles and at the state of my mind i can't figure them out.

"You know..." Knocking me softly against my ribs with his elbow, he continues to stare up at me, this time with a smudge of cheekiness spreading at the corners of his mouth.
"Am i missing something?"
Both of Gary's hands press either side of my face, stroking my cheeks, until finally pulling my lips against his. The kiss lasts for around 5 seconds. 5 wonderful seconds which i've been craving all day. "God i've missed you, Miss Matthews..." Gary whispers. He hasn't called me Miss Matthews in a while, but it still manages to give me butterflies in my stomach. "I've missed having your skin pressed up against mine..."
"B...But your...stitches Gary...we can't...i'm not risking that..." Breathing faster from the kiss, i feel the warmth of his breath tickle against my neck.
"There's other" His breath is replaced with a tongue. A tongue which snakes down my neck, tracing my jawline all the way up to my earlobe. Gary's long fingers press deeply into my skin through my shirt as he speaks hoarsely.
"Mhmmm..." Planting kisses up my right arm, which is above his head, his hands stroke in between my inner thighs. He's loving this. He might not be 100% healthy, but his luring and seductive charms are back. Nothing has changed that way, thankfully. His fingers swirl around my navel, until sinking towards the hem of my jeans, flicking his fingers against the steel button. "I want to feel you so badly..."
" sure?" Gripping to my bottom lip, my eyes remain closed as Gary's fingers begin to explore my exposed skin.
"More than ever... sit...sit-" He pants in the heat of the moment.
Prying open one of my eyes, i glance down at the flushed man's face. "W...Where?"

A mischievous look spreads on Gary's face, as a glint sparkles in his eyes, whilst still in the darkness. "On...On my face..." He instructs.
"Gary...but I...-"
"Now!" Demanding, he unzips my jeans before rolling backwards onto the sofa, settling into the right position. Confused and surprised over Gary's sudden mood change, i don't argue, not that i want to refuse this offer anyway, carefully i kick my jeans and knickers from my body. The bottom half now naked. Gary stares over into my direction, licking and smacking his lips. "Someone's been a naughty girl..." He growls, leaning forward. Digging his nails into my flesh, i feel my blood begin to boil from pleasure. Squeezing my backside, he gives me a hard whack, causing my skin to burn. Repeating his actions, i can't take it any longer, my body pleads for more.
"G...G...Gary...p...please...". I whimper.
For the first time, Gary listens to my pleadings. He rests his head against the back of the sofa, staring up at the ceiling. Very carefully, i step onto the sofa, both of my legs turn to jelly when placing one each side of him. Securing me, Gary grips to my thighs allowing me to turn around. Once in position there's only one thing left to do. Without hesitation he pushes down my hips, so i fall onto his face, sitting over the top of his mouth. There's no slow build up or pokes here and there, we both know exactly what we want and whats going to happen. Gary immediately dives in, flicking his tongue up inside my entrance, scratching his nails down the backs of my legs. "O...O...oh god yes..." Stuttering slightly, i place both of my hands onto his shoulders. Gary speeds up the licks, swirling here and biting there, adding as much pleasure as he can. Moving my body in time with Gary's licks, loudly i begin to moan. It seems like a decade since we've been this close and i still get the thought in the back of my mind that Gary being here is all a dream, but that thought doesn't matter anymore because he's added a finger or two to the mix, and boy does he know how to use them! Curling his fingers inside of me whilst his mouth is still occupied, he pulsates them deep inside of me.

My knees tremble like a leaf, this is all getting too much. Gary's a man with many talents and its exciting to explore those talents every once in a while. "Mmm...come on baby..." Gary grunt, as he begins to taste me slowly, acting hungry for me.
"F...fuck...oh god...yes...yes Gary..." Panting loudly, i can't hold it back any longer, as much as i want to, it feels far too good. Speeding up his fingers until they hit the correct spot which causes me to squirm. I finally surrender. "OOOOOH GARY!" Groaning loudly, my orgasm washes over me multiple times, filling Gary's delight. He licks every part of me up, including off his lips. Exhausted, i drop my head onto the arm rest of the sofa, trying to get my breathing back.
"Feeling de-stressed now baby?" Wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, delicately he plants tender kisses onto my covered breasts. Its almost like his kisses are acting as a way to say 'round 2 baby?'
The house phone rings, interrupting Gary's kisses. "Ignore it..." His lips vibrate against my shoulder. There's two thoughts running through my head, one being its the doctor maybe asking for Gary to come in for a check up... or the other one being Mark. Now that's one person I'm trying to avoid right now, after this evening...
"I...I better get that..." Silently i whisper, as my finger tickles his stubble.
"Oh...why? They'll ring back...I've got better things to do." He winks at me, whilst continuing to trail his lips over my body.
"It'll only take a sec... we don't want to be missing appointments now do we?"
Gary exhales a sigh, backing away against the sofa, where he folds his arms, child-like. "Go on then, but don't go into deep conversation...i need you right now." Obeying his instructions, i swiftly make my way over to the phone. Switching on the table lamp beside the TV, i pick up the wireless telephone, focusing my eyes onto the caller ID. Blinking my eyes a few times, i refuse to believe them.
"Who is it?" A mumble sounds behind me, as the feel of hands stroke along my spine, stopping at the bottom of my back.
"E...Erh...its...its your Dad..." It feels like someones dropped a led weight, as the room drops completely silent.