Monday 2 June 2014

Chapter 39

Chloe's POV

Staring out of the kitchen window, my hands wrap around myself. Right now, i don't even know who i am. Gary needs me, but all i can think about is Mark. My mind should be concentrating on getting Gary well again so we can start our family, but instead i just want to go and meet up with another man, my best friend and Gary's enemy in fact. The sound of the kettle clicking manages to knock me out of my daydream. Maybe I'm being like this, because of what happened today with Gary's Dad, but surly i should be warming even more to Gary after it all. Pouring the hot water into a mug, i stir in the sugar before disposing the tea bag. Heading back into the living room, my eyes are immediately drawn to the figure curled up at the end of the sofa. A tear stained face with reddened eyes stare vaguely at the blank TV screen. He looks like a heartbroken little boy who's just lost his favourite bike. I become hypnotised by my view. The only sound which can be heard whilst i stand watching miserably is the faint sound of Gary's breathing or painful sighs. Gary's arms are wrapped around his legs where his knees rest against his chest, slowly breathing whilst the life drains away from him. Just watching him be in this state feels as if someone has ripped my heart out. How could i ever think about running off to another man, leaving the love of my life, the father to our unborn child, alone to suffer?! "Gaz...?" At first he doesn't hear me, instead he continues staring in front of him. "Gary...?" Approaching him, carefully i place the mug onto the coffee table next to the sofa. "I made you a cup of tea... you need some fluid inside of you..."

Forcing out a smile, he unfolds his arms allowing his legs to stretch to the bottom of the sofa, as he weakly tries to sit up. "" Wincing under his breath, painfully he tries to sit in a comfortable position for his stitches. Thankfully he can have them removed next week therefore he will not be in pain, because of them. Sadly that doesn't mean he will be pain free from the emotional stress he is going through.
"Stupid question, are you feeling now?"
Reaching for his mug, the rim touches his lips where he inhales the hot steam through his nostrils. "OK... i guess." Carelessly he shrugs, before taking a sip. "Kinda expected it, you know? So i don't get why i found it a shock..."
"If i knew this was going to happen, believe me i would of never allowed him to come over. That was the last thing i ever wanted you to go through." Resting the mug back onto the coffee table, he looks up at me in a gentle loving way.
"Babe... i know... and I'm sorry for being this way. I'm a lot of trouble, i know that. I'm putting yours and the baby's health a risk, because of my problems. "
"No baby no. Don't blame yourself." Sitting beside him, my arm firmly wraps around his shoulder, bringing his cheek to fall against my shoulder. "...I'm glad you share your problems with me, after all that is what relationships are about... we go through tough times together and then we get to celebrate the good times as a couple. Honesty is the key."

"Yeah... that's true. Just seems that luck isn't really on my side lately."
"It might not seem that way, but when you look over all this of your father and your accident you still have the good things in your life. You have your family for one." Lifting his hand, softly i place it onto my stomach. "...And we are here to support you every step of the way." Smiling down at Gary, i notice the colour has began to reappear in his cheeks again.
"And I'm so thankful for everything even if i don't show it, i really am thankful..." Pressing his lips against my shirt, he plants a trail of kisses onto my covered stomach, before wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. "Right here... this is all i need in my life..."


The pair of us must of dozed off, because the next minute i know is my eyes instantly snap open by the sound of thumping against the front door. Unsure at first of where i am, vibrations against my stomach refresh my mind. Gary is fast asleep still, as his mouth opens and closes only just audible beneath the knocking. "Chloe? Chloe? Are you in here?" The voice calls from the other side of the door, hairs on the back of my neck stand on end by the familiar voice.
"Fuck sake..." In an annoyed way, i mumble under my breath. Its Mark. Very carefully, i lift Gary's head from my stomach, placing him into a comfortable position onto the sofa to allow me to slide from beneath him. Pulling off the silk throw over from the sofa, i wrap it around his body, as he continues to sleep. "Chloe! I'm not going anywhere until you answer this god damn door!" Rolling my eyes, quietly i march into the hallway. This is the last thing Gary needs. It sounds as if he's replaced his fist with his foot, kicking against the door. Gritting my teeth, trying to hold back my anger, the door swings open once i unlock it. The first thing i see, is Mark standing in front of me on the door step heavily breathing.
"Mark?! What the hell are you playing at?!" Hissing through my teeth, i push him away, enough for me to close the door behind me.
"Me? What am I playing at?! Why haven't you been answering my calls?"
Folding my arms, i rise my eyebrows not even feeling that shocked by his question, I'm annoyed more than anything. "And who do you think you are? Because right now you're acting like an over protective boyfriend or worse... a stalker."
Mark snarls by my comment. "Don't you play innocent with me Chloe. I only came by to see if you were OK, especially after what you told me about him."
"Yeah, well 'him' has a name and that name is Gary. My boyfriend."

Running his hand through his hair, Mark steps closer to me. "Are you trying to make me jealous or something?" He smirks. "I'm worried about you. I don't want you getting hurt."
"There's no need. Everything is fine." Mark's eyes begin to scan me from head to toe, not breathing a word, which starts to make me feel uncomfortable. "...What?"
"Why do you look so tensed?"
"Maybe because you're staring at me?"
Mark releases a sigh, whilst cupping his forehead with one of his hands. "...OK...enough games. I just want to know what's going on? I...I care about you Chloe and the last thing i want to see is you not acting yourself and us arguing..."
Lowering my guard, i walk over to sit onto the front garden's wall. It feels good inhaling the fresh cool air, instead of being locked in doors feeling stuffy with the weight load of problems. "I'd rather not talk about it..."
"Chloe...come on... Its me...Mark... your friend..." A smile paints on his face, as he walks over to me. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" In a friend like way, he coils an arm around my back, as a hand runs through my hair.
"I...I know...its just..."
"Just...what? Please don't keep things bottled up... its not good for your health... i know that, because I'm a doctor." He smiles at his own joke and it even manages to make me smile too, strangely. "Has he hurt you...?"
It feels good being able to talk about my problems with someone else, instead of being on the receiving end like always. ""

"Don't be afraid to admit it. He was in state wasn't he? Did he lash out at you? I promise i wont do anything... i just want to know exactly what's going on..."
"H...He...he didn't...i mean... he wouldn't...he's not like that." Nuzzling my face against Mark's shoulder, my eyes focus on the darkening sky in front of us. "I...I love him...and he loves me..."
"But that doesn't make it right, Chloe. You told me about the way he acted over his memory...please don't hide these things. Seek help to me. We need to get you and the baby safely away from him if that's the case."
"Mark...hones-" A loud slam of the front door, almost causes me to fall backwards into next doors garden. Both of our heads shoot to the direction of my house. The slam is followed by the sound of the latch scrapping across, causing it to be now locked. Looking at Mark, feeling incredibly confused but also extremely worried, i jump from the wall to try and open the door.
"He locked it?"
Tugging down the stiff door handle, its no use. Sickness enters my stomach by the thought of Gary possibly hearing the conversation and seeing the pair of us together, terrifies me. "M...Ma...Mark..." Tears fill my eyes. How could i be so careless?