Tuesday 10 December 2013

Chapter 29

Chloe's POV

"CHLOE!!" A voice calls in the distant. Carefully i lift myself up again resting my elbows onto the tops of my knees. I must of dozed off for a little while whilst sitting on the beach. The tide has also come in which means my dress is pretty much soaked to my skin. "Chloe! Fucking hell don't you ever do that again!" Mark appears beside me coiling an arm tightly around my shoulder. Seeing the pale white look on his face it almost glows in the darkness.
"S...sorry...i...i only came for a walk... and i guess i fell asleep... what time is it? Is there any news yet?" Shivering slightly from the wetness of my dress and the cool air i pull away from Mark's embrace. He doesn't reply at first instead he helps me to my feet- sort of. "Mark? What is it?" Refusing to stand i study his face which clearly shows there's something not right. "Have they found him?!"
"...No..." Quietly Mark speaks still trying his best to get me off the sand.
"What is it then? Tell me what's going on."
"Chloe... please just stand up... we've got to go."
"No we don't! We don't need to go anywhere! Tell me what the hell is going on with you? What have you done?!" Raising my voice now my stomach starts to do flips with nerves and i'm pretty sure even the baby has started to sense it.
"We've got to leave..."
"No. No chance. Even if i want to sit on the beach all night i can do. If you're tired you can go back to the apartment, but i'm not moving. Not yet anyway."
Softly Mark sighs bowing his head at me. "I...I can't... I can't go back to the apartment... the taxi's waiting... we've got to go Chloe..."
"W...what? Taxi? Why?" Is he saying what i think he's saying? Surly not. Please.
"The apartment... the amount of days Gary booked it for has expired...i've go no cash on me, so we can't stay another few nights... and we can't use Gary's cards because they're his...and seeing as he's...not...erm..."

Tears build in my eyes and my body weakens. I can't leave... what about Gary? He's still out here somewhere. "Pl...please... we can't... we can't please Mark..." Unable to hold it back any longer, tears begin to roll down my cheeks whilst looking like a lost little girl.
"I'm sorry Chloe... we have no choice, but the police have our numbers when they find him... Knowing Gary he's probably staying in a five star hotel by now..." Gently he strokes my cheek brushing away my tears whilst giving me a soft friendly smile. Just thinking about Gary makes my heart ache. I need him. Me and our baby need him.
"Or lying in a street...unconscious..."
"Chl-" The sound of a car horn interrupts us making me feel worse. "Erm..."
"I...i know... i know..."
Staring out of the taxi window i watch the waves continue to crash against the rocks with the moonlight reflecting onto it. Mark reaches for my hand giving it a slight squeeze. I can't even look at him, making no noise at all i silently cry to myself. The only thing i have of Gary's now other than his belongings back at home is our baby. Softly i stroke my stomach allowing my tears to drip onto my all ready wet dress, as hard as this is going to be i've got to think about this baby. Being the way i am now isn't going to help health wise to him or her. I can't lose it as well as Gary. That would destroy the last part of my life i have left. Mark wraps a fragile arm around my shoulder. Rising my head gradually pain strikes in his eyes too. I'm not the only one who's grieving, after everything which has happened between Mark and Gary they still care about one another almost like brothers. "Everything going to be ok... i'm going to make sure of that..." Feeling exhausted my head nuzzles against Mark's chest feeling calmer, and safe which i haven't felt in a while. Right now i just need the comfort and support from close friends and family. "We're going to find him... he has a beautiful family to take care of... nothing's going to stop that..." Quietly Mark whispers pressing his nose against my hair. "Nothing..."

Trailing my eyes up to his, then down to my stomach which his hand is softly resting against. I carefully place my hand over his just how i imagined me and Gary would do. We're going to make the best parents to our child. There's a small gap between mine and Mark's faces to be honest after all the years of knowing him, we've never been this close before. It just feels so right...so relaxing and so...perfect. Mark moves his lips closer to mine hovering over them. With a blink of an eye i close them firmly, as i feel our lips make contact for the very first time.
Gary's POV

Using a leaf i clean the palm of my hand from my moment of pleasure. It was so wrong yet so right... just what i needed to release all of my stress since ending up on here. All of a sudden the bush opposite me starts to violently shake almost like someones inside it. Oh shit... did they just watch what i did? Again it starts to shake this time harder and voices appear. "Where is he?! Where's the little white man gone?!" Angrily a voice shouts. Backing my head down a little i see a few heads peer around the bushes using the sharp end of their sticks to poke the bushes. This doesn't look good. Taking the only chance i have i climb to my feet, as i decide to dart towards the entrance of where i got in causing the bushes to rustle behind me. "THERE! THERE HE IS!" Running faster now not even bothering about losing the front of my leaves i run through the bushes whilst jumping over the broken down branches partly naked. That's when it hits me, as soon as i escape the green area of the island i end up coming to the surface which is surrounded by the sea. There's no where else i can go and if i risk swimming in the sea i could possible get eaten by sharks or other sea life animals. A sharp pain hits into my right leg breaking through the skin.
"AAAH FUCK!" Loudly i call gripping tightly to my leg feeling it become numb. One of them fired a dart into the back of my leg. God knows what's on it, poison for all i know.
"STOP RIGHT THERE!" The same men who chased me just minutes ago appear out from behind the palm trees. "You try and espace? You lazy boy! Lazy boys need to be taught to live life like a worker..." Flickering my eyes from the numbness working up my body i notice a sharp metal blade placed in between the smaller males fingers.
"I...I wasn't slacking....h...honest..." My heart rate increases and my breathing becomes heavier yet slower. What's happening to me?! Closing my eyes for a brief second hands begin to claw at my skin- animal like. "Get off! Get off me!" Panting heavier my eyes open in frustration to find the two men above me. Both of my wrists are clenched tightly together by one of the men. Carefully the smaller man strokes the blade against my bare stomach causing my eyes to almost fall out of my head. "N...n...no please...please don't... i...i've got to...to get back...to...to my girlfriend...we...we..we're having a baby...please?!" Nerves take over me which causes my words to come out in short stutters. What are they going to do?

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