Sunday 23 February 2014

Chapter 34

Mark's POV

Not believing what i've just seen with my own eyes, i still remain in the same spot for a few minutes. He's back... and he's alive. "Mr Owen?" Mumbles a voice behind me. Feeling defended from the surroundings, i  choose to ignore the voice. "Hello? Mister Owen?" Suddenly a finger taps me on the shoulder, knocking me out of my own world.
"Woah?! What!?" Loudly i snap, as i jump out of my skin. In front of me stands a young looking nurse, looking slightly surprised by my reaction.
"Erm... I just came to find you, because Miss Matthews is awake... and she's looking for you..."
" she." Rubbing my face with the palms of my hands, i inhale a deep breath, until the nurse's words register in my mind. "Oh shit, Chloe!" Sprinting back down the corridor i make my way back to her room. She can't know Gary's here.

Slamming open Chloe's door, a little harder than intended i stumble through it, tripping over my own feet. "Mark?!" She yelps from her bed. Heavily breathing, i walk over to her, trying to catch my breath back as quick as possible.
"We...we...need to get... out" Leaning against the bed frame, i stare in the female's frightened looking eyes.
"What on earth are you talking about?"
"We need to leave Chloe... right now... not to the hotel, but back to the UK."
Squinting her eyes and frowning her lips, she shakes her head disagreeing with my plan. "Are you kidding me? I've just woken up and i'm still in pain. Do you really want me to risk harming the baby's health? Not that you care, because it's not yours, but you could at least act like a caring friend for once!"
"I do care about you... and the baby... of course, but it's not safe here...clearly. You just get dressed and i'll go back to the hotel to get our cases packed, ok?"
"Mark, just stop it! You're scaring my now. I'm not going anywhere until the doctors give me and my baby the all clear. I don't care, it's safe in here and i'm refusing to move. If you're that fussed about leaving, why don't you just go? You haven't been much help anyway!" Her face turns a shade of red from the anger building up in her face. Choosing to ignore her hurtful comments, i go ahead with my plans anyway.
"...I'm going back to the hotel... i wont be long... make sure you're ready within an hour or so. I'll book us a taxi to pick us up outside the hospital. See you soon." Drifting out of the hospital room again, Chloe continues to call after me.
"Mark! Mark come back! You can't make decisions for me! Mark..."

Dragging the suitcases inside the hospital entrance, i immediately walk over towards the reception area. "I'm here to collect Chloe Matthews... is she ready?" Leaning the cases against the reception desk, i rest my sunglasses in my fringe.
"Chloe Matthews..." She types the name into the computer.
"She's on the second floor, end room? She came in yesterday."
"Oh yes... Chloe, of course. We've just visited her room not so long ago, but she went with another nurse."
Frowning my eyebrows, as confusion fills my face, i give the nurse my complete attention. "I don't get it? Why has another nurse taken her? She's ok isn't she?!" Anxiety sounds in my voice, as my eyes widen from fear.
" she's fine. I'm guessing she just needed help getting dressed. I'm sure if you go to her room the nurse will explain everything to you."
Breathing a sigh of relief, i nod my head. "Thank you. Is it ok if you look after the cases, whilst i go and collect her?"
"Of course. You know the room number, right?"
"Yes... it's embedded in my memory." I grin. "I'll be 10 minutes, max."

The elevator stops on Chloe's corridor. At least she has actually decided to get dressed, which means we will both be leaving back to the UK together. I guess things between the pair of us are getting better than i dreamt. With Gary out of the picture now, who knows what will happen? Happily walking back down to Chloe's room, i notice a nurse leaving the room opposite. With a grin spreading across my face, i decide to check if Chloe's still in her room or maybe she's having a final check over. "Hiya. I'm looking for Chloe? She has been staying in this room opposite. Is she ready to leave yet?"
"The last i saw of her, she was being taken to the top floor. A friend of her's just had a brain scan, so she rushed off to visit him." A faint buzzing sound fills my ears and there's a sudden numbness running through my veins. Swallowing hard, my voice stutters.
"W...W...What...? Who? How did she know about him?!" It can't be. It can't be Gary, please!
"The guy who went missing, right? One of the nurses recognised him on the missing posters from the office, and i guess Chloe over heard us talking when she was asleep in her room a few seconds after you left."
"This can't be happening. Why did you have to be so careless?! Don't you think she's been through enough? He's nothing but trouble, and this has made it even worse."
"I'm not so sure about that, Sir. Chloe was over the moon that he has been found. In fact she was speechless. He's the baby's father, isn't he? I didn't see the problem between them. Her boyfriend has been found and she couldn't of thanked us enough."
Biting my lip, i angrily shake my head in disapproval. Why did he have to come back? He's ruined everything! "...Take me there. Right now."  I speak in a bitter tone.

Marching down the top floor beside the nurse, she stops outside the middle room. "Now, he's a little drowsy and his mind is fuzzy at the moment. It's been advised by the patients doctor, that you do not ask any big confusing questions. For now he doesn't even remember his own name or where he is. Although he remembers Chloe. That was the person he has been asking for since he arrived here. Good luck." Patting my shoulder, the nurse walks back over towards the office area leaving me alone, standing outside Gary's room. No matter what happens, me and Chloe will  be travelling back to the UK together, even if it kills me. Pushing open the door, the soft sound of a monitor bleeping catches my attention. A brown haired female instantly lifts her head, by the sound of the door creaking open.
"...M...Mark?" Looking over at the tear stained woman, i notice her fingers interlocked with a lifeless body's hand. More tears build in her eyes, as she takes hold of the man's bicep. "L...Look...G...G...Gaz... it's Mark... you remember him, right?" Standing with my back pressed against the now closed door, my eyes glance over at the figure laying on the bed. His hand rests against his steady breathing chest, whilst a pipe hangs out the corner of his mouth. Weakly flickering his eyelids, he looks into my direction. Just by seeing the pair of them together, i can already feel my world shatter under my feet.

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