Wednesday 7 May 2014

Chapter 38

Chloe's POV

"You could of said no! What the hell was you thinking? I might be a bit backwards now, but i certainly know what my Father is like. Something like that never leaves your mind." Gary continues to pace nervously up and down the living room, cursing under his breath about his Father. 
"Gary. Gary, stop this." Taking hold of his tensed shoulders, gently i shake the fragile man. "You've had an accident, you don't need this stress and all this walking around isn't going to do any good for your stitches is it? Remember what happened at the hospital? The amount of pain you went through to be re stitched again? Just please...please keep calm. He sounded reasonable on the telephone, he just wants to see how his Son is. Who knows... it could be the start of a new chapter for the pair of you..." 
Listening carefully to my words, he opens his mouth to argue back, until realising there's no point. Feeling defeated, he slumps down onto the sofa, lifting his hands to his face, where he exhales a tired sounding sigh."Thank god i have someone like you in my life..."
Standing above him still, my heart sinks. Hearing Gary say that to me, makes me feel even more guilty with the entire Mark situation. If he ever finds out what's happened and has happened it will absolutely crush him. 
"Ssssh... I'm never going to leave you... you know that..." Coiling an arm around Gary's back, i plant a soft kiss against his temple. "...I love you..." Gritting my teeth, i swallow hard trying to hold back the tears. "I love you..."
The corners of his mouth curl into a faint smile, as he looks at me. "I...I love you t-" Cutting into his sentence, a knock sounds on the door. "...Oh." 
"I better get that..." Our hands slide out of contact, as i trail off to the direction of the front door. Gary remains seated in silence. 

Gripping to the door handle, without force it automatically comes open in seconds. My eyes widen when i feel myself being pushed against the hallway wall. "Where is he?" A voice spits in my face with a hot sharp breath. Adjusting my eye sight, i come face to face with the neatly trimmed bearded male. His piercing green eyes glare into mine.
"Ding ding..." Faintly Gary's voice sounds in the living room, as he speaks with an exhausted sounding tone. The taller male standing just inches away from me, spins on his heels by Gary's slight mutter of interruption. Without hesitation he storms off into the living room, with me chasing after him weakly.
"Oh... you're 'ere are you?" Gary's Dad comes to a holt, whilst Gary stands to his feet. His eyes glance over his Son's aching body several times.
"P...Please... Mister Barlow... I don't want any arguments...Gary... he er... still isn't one hundred percent, i don't want anymore stress for him... not now."

Taking a couple of steps backwards, so now the pair of us are standing level, he smirks at me. "Stress? I'm stressing out Gareth?" Clapping his hands, his eyes look over into Gary's direction again. "Bagged yourself a great one here, Son. Not the sharpest tool in the she-"
"Don't!" Gary points his finger at his Father, already i can hear his instant change of breathing, a more heavy and fast breathing pattern. "Don't you dare speak to Chloe like that. Ever."
"Ark at him. He's acting like the big man. Sticking up for the likes of you?" Sarcastically he laughs near enough in my face. Sickness hits in my stomach. Why is he being so horrible? His Son could of died and this is how a parent acts? And i actually believed that this was going to be a civil, adult conversation.  "...I mean... your patient... really Gareth? Maybe i knocked you around a little too much when you were a kid. That's the only reason i can think of." His finger pokes against Gary's temple.
"You're sick, you know that?" Gary hits the hand out of his contact. "...And what have i told you about calling me Gareth?! What are you even doing here? Do you know i could of died? Do you? Your own Son could of died and this is what i get? What kind of Father are you?!" My eye sight goes a little foggy from the tears which prick in my eyes.
"You've had your Mother worried as hell. Do you know how many times I've had to go and comfort her, because of you? All you ever do is attention seek, grabbing everybody's attention. 'Aww poor Gareth.' You're pathetic, Son."
"I'd rather be attention seeking and pathetic than a bitter twisted old man, like you. As soon as you leave here, I'm on the phone to the care home to get Mum away from you. Something i should of done years ago. You're disgusting and I'm so happy that my child will not have a role model of a Father like you."

"Your child? Oh please." He smirks again, folding his arms to get a better view of me. Tightly i pull my cardigan around me, feeling incredibly uncomfortable with his burning eyes. "Didn't take long did it? But then again with this one around it never does."
"You better stop right now." More and more anger builds in Gary's face, enough to scare me with this look. "Say one more word and i mean it... I don't care how much pain I'm in, i'll knock you to the ground, Father or not."
A tantalising look appears on the male's face. "You mean... she doesn't...?" Looking intrigued, my head rises over at Gary. He can't bring himself to look at me, choosing to watch from out the corner of his eye. He's hiding something from me, that's why he's avoiding the eye contact.
"One. Word."
Continuing to provoke Gary, he silently whispers. "Decembe-" Is all he can say, before Gary grabs two fist fulls of the man's shirt.
"GARY!" Loudly i yelp, immediately trying to pull him away.
"WHAT DID I SAY?! You can't keep your fucking mouth shut can you?" Gary yells, shaking his Dad with his last remaining energy. "Just get out of my life! Just...Just leave us alone! Owww!" Gary winces, falling to his knees.
"Gary? Gary what is it?" Wrapping my arms around Gary's back, instantly i check his stitches. Thankfully they are not the cause for Gary's pain. In fact it's a pain inside his head which he holds tightly within his hands, possibly a headache.
Crouching down beside us, he lifts Gary's head with the palm of his hand. "Look at you...nothing but're no time you go missing... don't bother coming back. The world is better off without you." Those are the final words which Gary's Father leaves us with, before disappearing out of the front door. Choosing to ignore his careless departure, i bring Gary into my arms. Wiping away my tears which being to pour from my eyes. Words cannot describe my emotions at this very moment. How could he say that to Gary? How could he?!

"Baby? Baby...look at me...?" Pressing my hands against Gary's cheeks, i try and get a response from him. Its almost like he's frozen. A blank expression is all that is on his face, as he continues to stare straight ahead. "Your head, Gary? Are you still in pain? Water... i'll get you some water." Before i get chance to grab him a glass of water and a painkiller, a tight grip around my arms pull me back to the ground. Looking down at Gary, i notice the tears spring to his eyes. "B...Baby...its ok...shhhh.... he's gone... he's not going to ever set foot in this house again. Its over...its over Gary..." Using the back of my hand i stroke down his face, as he sadly stares deep into my eyes. Throwing his arms around me, his head drops against my chest.
"I...I don't...I don't deserve you! I'm a worthless scumbag." Uncontrollably Gary cries, holding me even tighter, almost crushing me. "I'm...I'm better off dead. I'm better off dead." Repetitively he mutters.
"No baby. God no, never ever think that. God please no..." Rocking him in my arms, whilst planting multiple kisses in his hair, we cry together in one anothers arms. "We've got a child on the way who needs its parents. Please Gary. Don't let anyone cause you to think that!" With a tear stained face, Gary goes limp in my arms.
"C...Ch...Chloe...n...never...please...please promise me...promise me you will never leave me...for any other man... tell me I'm the only man for you...i beg you..." Suddenly my mouth goes dry and my tears stop rolling. The words fail to leave my mouth from his demand.

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