Saturday 2 November 2013

Chapter 27

"Come on Chloe... lets get you back to the apartment you need rest." Mark wraps his arms around me helping me to my feet. My eyes catch another glance of the dead body in front of me then it hits me. Some poor woman maybe with children is going to have to go through the same torture as me, but this time her life will officially come crashing down seeing her boyfriend or husband laying here. I sob against Mark's chest with the thought holding him tightly almost suffocating him. "Chloe? We need to get out of here... it's no good for you..." I nod against his chest. He's right this is just making me worse all i need to focus on now is getting Gary  back nothing else matters.
We arrive back at the apartment it still feels like any second Gary's going to walk out of that bathroom moaning about the shower going too hot or moaning about my stacks of make up covering the sink leaving no room for his aftershaves. "Would you like a drink?" Mark asks whilst sitting me down on the sofa.
"Please..." Quietly i answer surprised at how weak i'm starting to feel which isn't any good what so ever for the baby.
"I'll get you some fresh clothes whilst the kettle is boiling." Mark leaves the room walking to the bedroom leaving me alone for the first time. What if someone's found him, but he's hit his head and doesn't remember who he is? Or what if someone's abducted him? But how did his wallet end up with that guy? I need to go out and look for him sitting around here feeling sorry for myself isn't doing any good! With that thought i quickly run to the front door whilst Mark's still in the bedroom i quickly close the front door heading towards the beach.

It's only a short walk to the beach and all the way down here i've been getting stared at like i'm some sort of mental patient. The sun starts to fade into the golden cloudy sky getting soon replaced by the moon bringing the darkness with it. Once i reach the sand i take my shoes off heading towards the sea which continues to crash against the jaggered rocks. For a brief moment i drop my head backwards closing my eyes just inhaling the salty air in which relaxes me for the first time. Everything was so perfect we were both happy and now look at us. Walking even closer i allow the sea to swirl around my feet the temperature has dropped, but it's not cold it's mild. Taking a few steps back again i sit on the dry sand in front of the sea watching it make different heights of waves. Somewhere...he's out there...
Gary's POV

Something wet hits against my ear causing me to wake up. "Huh?" I panic seeing i'm laying flat on a beach with little ripples of the sea washing against my face. Where am i? Nervously i look around feeling extremely light headed. I haven't seen this beach before and it certainly doesn't look safe. My shoes seem to have vanished and so have the people. Deciding to explore where exactly i am i remove my socks and roll up my trousers preventing them from getting anymore wet. How long have i been laying here for? Was i knocked out? It's pitch black. Nothing makes sense! "Chloe?" Softly i whisper walking through a few high nettled bushes which sneak through my shirt giving me a shocking stinging sensation. These aren't ordinary nettles like you find back home there's thorns are the size of my head! You could easily be killed if you're not careful. Rustling sounds from a bush opposite me and voices follow cause me to freeze. "H...Hello?" Moving a little more closer to the bush it starts to shake and the voices turn into shouts. Oh no. Quickly i run trying to find the place i was before hearing footsteps follow me. I reach the edge of the island. There's no where else to go! I'm surrounded by sea on a tiny island. Slowly i turn around noticing a few men dressed in nothing, but a few leaves covering their private areas holding sticks with pointy rocks on the end. This is something you'd see in a film or documentary!

"L...Listen fellers... i don't want any trouble...i...i'm trying to find my way back... look i'm a doctor..." I reach into my back pocket searching for my wallet. Shit, where's that gone? It soon didn't matter anymore, as i feel myself being forced to the ground. The two guys speak in a completely different language which i can't even understand or explain. They tightly wrap some rope around my hands which are pressed against my back. "Please... i can't be doing with these games...i need to get home!" They start to walk me back through the bushes, as we get closer there's a fire in the middle of an open empty area. One of them does this loud chanting noise and all of sudden more people walk out with white paint on their faces dressed in leaves again. Where the hell am i?! Is this some sort of joke? A woman walks over to me inspecting me whilst another brings a stack of leaves. None of them are smiling they just have a blank expression on their faces. It's like they've never seen a guy like me before nor the colour of my skin. The woman who continues to inspect me starts to unbutton my shirt. "Hey! Excuse me!" I try and back away crashing into the two guys who brought me here. She shakes her head and removes the belt on my trousers. "Oi! I'm not wearing bloody leaves! I want my own clothes thank you very much!"

More men from the crowd come walking over to me pinning me to the ground allowing her to finish her job. Trying my best i kick my legs out whilst she removes every item of my clothing. This is embarrassing they all study my now naked body laying helplessly on the floor locked down by two other men. Another two women join her forming the leaves around my genital area making me feel a little more comfortable that it's now covered and away from people's view. One of them bends next to me whispering in my ear. "Do as we say and you won't get hurt... yet..." What the fuck have i let myself into?

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