Friday 25 October 2013

Chapter 26

"W...when...?" Mumbling against my palms. A rush of emotions shower over me. I refuse to believe he's dead. Not Gary. It can't be.
"When...When what?" A hand coils around my waist trying to comfort me, but i end up shrugging it off.
"When can we go see him?"
Mark looks at me a little surprised. "Erm...4? We've got a couple of hours yet." Not waiting around any longer i put my flip flops back on reaching for my bag. "Chloe? Where are you going?"
"I'm not sitting here for another 2 hours to see if my boyfriend is dead! It can't be him Mark it just can't be."
"Chloe, wait!" Mark comes running after me once i leave the apartment. "You're not going on your own... please let me be there with you? I know him too..." Thinking for a few seconds i agree to let Mark come too he's right he does know Gary even if they don't get along it's only fair. Plus i need someone for comfort which i wont admit.

We arrive at the hospital after a short drive in a taxi. Once Mark's paid the fare we head instead causing my stomach to do all kinds of flips and twirls. It's a 50/50 chance i could be coming out of here with my heart completely crushed and torn apart. Or there could be the hope that he's still somewhere out there trying to find his way back. Mark speaks to the receptionist clearing a few things up giving me time to breathe. It hasn't sunk in. I could be minutes away from seeing my boyfriend laying stone dead watching my life crumble around me. It isn't real it's just a dream any second i'll wake up in Gary's arms back home in our bed just the three of us. Gently i stroke my stomach as Mark and one of the nurses approach me. "Hello Miss Matthews i'm Mrs Hevness... i'll take you to the morgue where another Doctor will take it from there. You can take all the time you need there will also be a councillor on hand if you need her... do you have any questions?" My world spins around my like i'm on a never ending roller coaster.
" i... i just want to get it over with." Speaking in whispers i feel my legs tremble with the thought of what i'm about to do.

The nurse guides me and Mark down a few corridor's. It feels like i'm about to go to jail with Mark tightly holding to my arm like a police officer. "Now Miss Matthews when we found the body there was a wallet with him. Once we identified the body... it fit Mr Owen's description. A brown leather wallet empty apart from a doctor's card. Belonging to Mr Barlow." Tears spring to my eyes. I'm going to be sick. Gary's wallet was with the dead body. No. She's lying. Walking back out of the office she presents me with a plastic bag containing the wallet and card. "Is this your boyfriend?" She shows me the photo on the doctor's card. A photo of Gary in his white uniform with a slight smile on his face.
"Oh god." Mark cups his mouth with his hands looking at the card. "C...Chloe..."
Unable to hold back the tears much longer they come flooding out down my cheeks dripping onto Gary's face on the plastic card. He looks so perfect. What i wouldn't give to see him one last time. To hold him. To never let him out of my sight again. "I....I...need....need to...s...see... him..." My eyes look at the windowless door in front of me. "I NEED TO SEE HIM!" I scream feeling my entire body shake. Mark grabs hold of me causing me to kick out. "Get off! Get off me!!" Accidentally kicking my legs out i kick Mark in the shin making him release his grip on me so i'm free. Quickly i push the door open running instead to be stopped in my tracks when i see a white sheet covering something in front of me. A body.

"Chloe!" Mark follows me also freezing once he sees the covered body. " is that...?" A doctor appears from one of the office doors. "You must be Miss Matthews? I'm Dr. Bashir. Would you like time before you identify the body? There's room in the office where you can calm down and relax with a coffee."
Looking at him annoyed and frustrated emotions hit me. "Have a cup of coffee??! Relax?! This isn't a fucking hotel! This is my life! This could be the man of my dreams lying lifeless in front of me and you tell me to go and relax with a coffee?!"
The doctor looks at me a little surprised. "Sorry Miss... take your time..." He stands the opposite side of the body facing me and Mark. Taking a few deep breathes i try my best to absorb it all.

After 10 minutes i finally agree to identify the body. Dr Bashir slowly rolls up the thin white sheet causing me to take a tight grip to Mark's shaking hand. My eyelids glue shut almost like i'm on a scary fair ground ride. Slowly i count to ten before i flicker open my eyes. In front of me lays a middle aged male. Blond hair. Around 5ft 8, and his eyes are closed. "G....G....Gary?" Words fall from my lips inaudible. "! THAT'S NOT GARY!! IT'S NOT!" The body laying in front of me isn't Gary. The body in front of me doesn't have stubble and Gary was a lot more muscular on his arms and torso. Mark stands in shock his eyes look relieved but still shocked. Tears continue to fall from my eyes as i collapse to my knees cradling myself as i cry. He's still alive out there.

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