Tuesday 28 January 2014

chapter 32

Gary's POV

The skies darken, as i sit alone on the edge of the island, just relaxing with the water swirling around my bare feet. "This could be it... i can finally see my family again..." I think to myself, feeling the wind brush against a tear which drips down my cheek.
"Psst... Mr Barlow..." A voice whispers behind me. Wiping my tears i tilt my head over my right shoulder, noticing a familiar face in between the trees. "...I need help pulling this thing...are you able to help?" Looking down at my reddened skin, still containing the cat like scratches on my stomach, i carefully climb to my feet. The bathe in the sea sort of helped the wound, but it sure did kill! The material which Tiarna gave me as a bandage, is now wrapped around my waist embarrassingly like a skirt, but it's better than prancing around naked. The whole island is surprisingly quiet, the only sound which can be heard is the waves or the whistling of the birds.
"Is it still in tact?" Peering my head around the bush which she's standing in, i notice a wooden boat tipped over behind her.
"It's not as good as it was... but it could possibly make just one more trip..." Her baby is sound asleep wrapped in a type of scarf on her back. "...Ready?" She places a supporting hand onto my shoulder, looking at my slightly opened wound and scratches carved onto my stomach.
"Lets do this..."

Taking one end of the boat, i begin to pull it along the sand. Gritting my teeth together i feel my wound begin to open again from straining it. Tiarna stands at the other end of the boat pushing it towards the edge of the island. "Are you ok?" Worry strikes her face, as she notices my pained look.
"Y...Yeah... just carry on.. we haven't got long..." Biting my tongue hard enough through the pain in my stomach, i feel blood enter my mouth, due to biting my tongue too hard, which i end up spitting out onto the sand beside us. After about 10 minutes of painful pulling, we finally reach the edge of the island, resting the boat partly in the sea.
"Right... get in the boat, and i'll go and get you something which can be used, as an ore."
"Tiarna...wait..." Before she gets chance to disappear into the trees again, i take hold of her hand. For a split second we gaze deeply into one another's eyes. I haven't looked into another woman's eyes like this, since the last time i saw Chloe, but of course it's not the same. "...I really do appreciate all this... and if there's anyway i could possibly repay you... please just let me know..." She turns her head over her shoulder, looking at her sleeping baby, as our hands remain locked together.
"If i think of something... i'll let you know... but for now... we need to get you back to your family... i wont be long..." Our hands slide out of contact, as she disappears into the darkness.

Carefully i step into the rocky boat. It's finally time, it's finally time to see my family again. Removing the material from my waist, i dip the very edge of it into the sea. Soft cries sound within the bushes behind me, as i begin to wipe away the blood on my stomach again. Quietly i laugh to myself, thinking about what it's going to be like when our baby is born... mine and Chloe's baby that is... "Ouch... fucker..." Wincing slightly the salt water begins to burn, as soon as i get off here they have to get seen to. Loud noises, which is soon followed by shouts echoing across the island. "Oh shit..." I mumble flinching in the boat hearing the loud screams. Out of nowhere Tiarna comes running towards me, carrying a huge broken branch, but this time she doesn't have her baby with her. "Tiarna?!"
"GO!" Loudly she yells, as the tears and worry runs down her face.
"GO!" Handing me the branch, with all her remaining energy she pushes the boat out into the sea. Using the branch i begin to move the boat further out to sea, not taking my eyes from hers. Her panic, tired, scared looking eyes. All of a sudden a huge tribe of people run from within the trees dragging her to the floor. My jaw drops, feeling completely useless, already being half way out in the sea.
"TIARNA! GET OFF HER!" Shouting loudly i start to panic even more. A few of the men try running out to catch me, but thankfully i too far out now.
"Mr Barlow! Promise... promise you'll come back for me!" She screams, kicking out her legs as she's pulled out of sight. Swallowing hard, tears come rushing down my cheeks. Turning back to face the direction i'm travelling i continue rowing the boat, with only the moonlight to guide where i'm going.
"...I promise..."

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