Wednesday 6 August 2014

Chapter 41

Chloe's POV

After ten minutes debating with myself whether or not to go inside the house, I finally decide that if I don't now, I never will. Pulling down the door handle, as quiet as possible I walk inside the pitch black house. The familiar smell of Gary's house manages to send a shiver down my spine and a lump in my throat. Clutching tightly to my cardigan, my head pokes around the living room door. Scanning around the living room, with only the street lights shining through the undrawn curtains to help me see, curled up on the sofa rests a figure. Arms wrap around his knees which are pressed against his tear stained face. Just by staring at the scene in front of me, very slowly my heart begins to crack. Its almost as if I'm a ghost, just staring at the person without being noticed. Pushing myself, I shuffle towards the sofa, where I kneel in front of it. Gary's breathing is slow at times, then picks up, before slowing back down again, possibly from the previous crying. Biting my tongue, deeply I sigh whilst running my fingers through the messy strands of his hair. How could I possibly do this to a man like Gary? All he's even done for me is show me love and worship the ground I walk on...and the baby of course. Yet I can't even stick by him when he needs me the most, he's ill and I just end up in my best mates bed. "...I'm sorry..." Silently I mutter, feeling the tears escape my eyes and rolling onto the edge of the sofa. "I...I've let you down...I'm sorry..." Tenderly pressing my lips against his burning forehead, they rest there for a couple of seconds. Gary remains in the same position, but this time his face has lightened even though his heavy eyes continue to stay closed. Removing my fingers from his hair, before heading back towards the open living room door again. I can't even be around to look him in the eyes at the minute, lying to him is the last thing I want to do, but breaking his heart is twice as bad. Trailing off with my thoughts, immediately I jump into the bathroom. I need to wash this day away, I need to wash every feeling I have of Mark's skin from my body.

Once all of my clothing has been removed, tightly I close my eyes whilst stepping underneath the steaming water. The water pounds against my skin, whilst my back falls against the icy tiles behind. "Why?" Softly I question myself, as my hand cups under my stomach. "Why, Chloe?!" Hitting my palms against the wall, increasing my cursing. "He loves you and you betrayed him! You deserve nothing! You deserve nothing!" My speech soon turns into shouts. "Why?! W...W...Why...?" Sliding down the tiles, my backside makes contact with the bottom of the shower as I loudly begin to cry. "Stupid! Stupid!" Laying now on my side, the water continues to wash my naked body. "Why..." Water and steam now blocks my view, causing the atmosphere to become dry and muggy. Flickering my eyes closed, the thoughts violently swirl around my head, giving me no hope of escape.

"Chloe?" Suddenly a voice speaks through the running water. I'm hearing voices, I've officially lost it. "Chloe?" Again, the same tone of voice speaks, peering through my eyelids, a dark figure stands with its hands pressed against the closed glass shower door. Feeling incredibly weak, its as if time has stood still. The water now runs slower, in slow motion in fact, as the figure approaches me. Delicately a hand grips to my shoulder, with the amount of steam still blocking my vision, Its still hard to see who exactly the person is, although I have an idea. "Everything is going to be OK..." Deeply he speaks, almost un human. "I'm here." For some reason, my mind is playing tricks on me. With all his strength, he helps me off the shower floor, before securely wrapping a towel around my soaked body. "Chloe...can you hear me?" Pulling my forehead away from his chest, with some strength I frantically blink my eyes. Very slowly the figure in front of me is now clear enough to recognise.
"G...Gary...?" Is all I'm able to whisper.
"Did you fall? Are you OK? How many fingers am I holding up?"
Heavily breathing, my eyes focus on the hand now in front of my view. Its blurry "G...Gary..."
"Chloe? Look at me. Are you going to pass out?" Tightly his fingers dig into the sides of my arms, keeping me standing, until unexpectedly I feel my legs give way. Crashing to the floor, Gary comes tumbling down with me, as I fall on top of him in a heap. "CHLOE!" A muffled voice calls out, shaking my limps in hope of getting communication out of me.
"I...I...sorry..." Is the final thing I'm able to mutter, feeling the heaviness of my eyelids take over causing the room to darken and my surroundings drop to silence.
The feel of my temples throbbing wakes me from my sleep. "Mnnhmm..." Holding my head, softly I moan.
"Chloe? Easy babe." The bed sags beside me. "You fainted and will feel a little achy or light headed." Gary explains.
"Oh god..." Opening my eyes, it feels like I've been hit by a train. "What ha...happened?"
"I never heard you come home until I heard the shouting coming from upstairs."
"Shouting?" Squinting my eyes, I run through my memory but for now its just as blurry as my vision.
"Yeah. No idea what exactly you was shouting and I actually thought someone had broke in, until I heard the sound of running water that is."
Massaging my palms against my tired looking face, I breathe out a deep sigh. "I really can't remember what happened. Was I out for long?"
"No, a few seconds or maybe a minute at the most, you blacked out. That was just over an hour ago, since then you've been asleep and been talking in your sleep."
"I never talk in my sleep." I speak with confusion in my voice.
"Well I guess from fainting something in your head clicked, making you do new things...if you get me?" Gary goes all Doctor talk on me. Even if he is using simple words, he being more serious than what he's been since his accident. "Mumbling stuff...random really. You just kept apologising to me then when I asked what exactly you're apologising for, you just ignored me then whispered Mark's name repetitively."

My heart pounds against my chest and the blood running through my veins turns cold, freezing my actions from the nerves. "M...Mark...?" I asked alarmed trying to brush it off with a forced laugh.
"Uh huh... couldn't make it out what you meant by him, but that was the name you kept repeating... I'm guessing seeing as you can't remember coming back home, that you was calling for Mark for help? You were at Mark's earlier wasn't you?" He asks, furrowing a brow at me. Feeling a lump in my throat and my muscles tighten, it becomes difficult for the words to leave my lips.
"Eh...y...yes...I...I was." I stutter, avoiding eye contact with him. A finger is placed underneath my chin, dragging it carefully back into his direction. Once our eyes lock into a gaze, whilst deeply he stares me in the eyes.
"You're sweating." Mumbling under his breath, his finger remains pressed against my skin.
"I...I am?"
Sucking his bottom lip, its clear he knows something is wrong. He may of had an accident which knocked his memory, but it seems he's getting progress with it, especially with his work. "You're acting quite strange, even more so after I mentioned the sleep talking. Has something happened between you and Mark? Have you had an argument?" The words swirl around my ears, the words which I have been dreading to hear ever since arriving back home again. I'm now left with two options. Lie or confess.

Monday 7 July 2014

Chapter 40

Chloe's POV

Sitting on Mark's sofa, my hands cup around the steaming mug resting between my knees. Mark's a good friend, in fact he's an amazing friend. After everything which has gone wrong in my life, he's always been a shoulder to cry on. To be honest if after what happened between the pair of us during Gary's disappearance, of course people will think Mark's only here for me because he wants something in return, but right now i couldn't give a stuff, my emotions are all over the place. "If you stare at that wall any longer you will burn a hole in it." Mark chuckles, whilst taking the empty space beside me.
"Oh er...yeah...sorry..." A mutter is all i can reply with, it pains me to even talk. My own boyfriend has turned his back on me without giving me an explanation.
"I know this is stupid of me to ask, but how are you feeling?"
Taking a sip of my tea, my eyes remain focused on the steam. "Yeah, fine. You?"
"I wish there was something i could do for you Chloe, its heartbreaking to see someone you care about so dearly go through something like this... i'm sure there's a logical explanation over why Gary acted the way he did."
"He's ill, Mark. That's the explanation. I just don't know anymore..."
Rising an eyebrow by my comment, Mark straightens his posture enough to take a better look at me. "What do you mean by that? It isn't permanent...its a low chance that it will be permanent, you know that."
" i don't know that." Shakily i breathe out a sigh. "No one knows that, not me, not you, not Gary, not even the doctors know that. Its just a thought, a thought to keep everyones mind at ease isn't it?"
"Come on now, Chloe. Gary's a strong man, if everyday the pair of you work on it, his memory will be back before you know it." Lightly he smiles.

"And he also doesn't want to be treated like a child. Its hard, Mark. Its easier said than done, Gary is the type of person who hates being told what to do and he will do what ever he can to wiggle out of it, putting blame on someone else." Letting out a profound sigh, my hand rests against my burning forehead.
"Chloe." Mark's fingers skim across my knee, making my anger boil even more for some reason. Why is he suddenly taking Gary's side?
"No, Mark! You don't understand! You don't have to listen to him. I love that man to pieces, words just cannot describe, but right now i don't know where i am or what I'm doing. I can't live a life of constant tip toeing around the person i am in love with, what relationship is that? Jesus Christ, I'm carrying his child and I'm looking after him more than our unborn baby! What kind of mother will i end up like if i can't even look after my partner? I may aswell give up n-" Out of nowhere a pair of powerful lips press firmly against mine, cutting me off mid sentence. The softness of the skin against mine feels almost magical, as weird as that sounds. Tenderly, Mark takes my tensed hand in his, calming me down using just his thumb to run across each one of my knuckles. Before i even get chance to understand what's happening, hastily Mark pulls away, leaving me wide eyed in front of him. Suppressing a smile, he looks down at our now entwined fingers.
"Sorry to catch you off guard, but i had stop you from talking out of your arse."
Biting the bottom of my lip, shyly i smile. "Oh, how charming of you."
"How are you feeling now?" Using his free hand, carefully he wrap a piece of my loose hair around my ear, as a finger strokes down my cheek and along my jaw line.
"Depends what you mean by that..." Giving him a subtle smile, my vision locks onto our fingers. The atmosphere is much more relaxed than the first time i arrived here today. The thoughts and fears about Gary have left my mind, while being in Mark's company. I've been standing on edge ever since Gary went missing and now... now I'm finally starting to feel grounded. Its wrong, of course its wrong. I'm cheating on Gary having some kind of feelings towards my best friend. I love Gary with all my heart, but right now i need to avoid the stress even if that means having to avoid him. I can't let anything affect this baby's health.
"Well... do you still feel tensed? Upset? Anymore fears you want to confess about Gary?"
Shaking my head, i murmur the word 'No' under my breath. I don't deserve Gary, i really don't. That's clear to me now more than ever.
"Good...good..." Happily he sighs. "Come here..." Opening his arms, it doesn't take long before i
accept the hug. Tightly he wraps his arms around my back, allowing my cheek to rest against the crook of his neck. Delicately, his hand moves up and down my spine. "I'm here...I'm here for you Chloe...and I'm not leaving you...i promise..." His voice whispers and vibrates against my ear. His voice is so soothing, it even almost sends me to sleep.

After what feels like a decade, i finally decide to lift my head. Staring up at the older man, faintly he smiles down at me. Warmth fills the pit of my stomach by that smile alone. "I'm sorry..."
"Hey." Mark silences me by pressing his finger against my parted lips, not allowing anymore words to leave them, tonight he is going to do the talking. "There's nothing for you to apologise for. You're only human, we're going to break down at sometime. We just need the right people around at those times to be fixed again..." Moving his lips forward, for a second or two they rest against my forehead. Holding him tighter, my face nuzzles against his chest just by feeling his lips somewhere on my skin again. Almost addictive. Once his lips leave my forehead, they travel more south, until we're reconnected again. Our lips pulsate together, as if its meant to be. For some strange reason it just feels so natural, no matter how wrong it actually is. The kiss soon turns passionate in a split second. I don't think I've been meaningfully kissed like this in what seems forever. Mark's so tender and caring towards me, its like I'm under a spell, a never breaking spell. Without even thinking about the stress or how wrong this situation actually is, my fingers wrap around each one of Mark's buttons on his shirt. In seconds i reach the final button, easing the shirt from his skin and dropping it somewhere in the darkness on the floor. Exchanging positions, Mark begins removing my clothes as i sink back into the pillows on the sofa. Tracing the vein in my neck, he sucks on my pulse point as his hands stroke down my hips. With my clothing torn from my skin, I'm now left in my underwear with Mark straddling me.

The darkness continues to sweep through the room, until the point where i can no longer see the face in front of me. Stroking up my stomach, gently he cups my covered breasts, massaging them against his palms. "Mmm...aaahh..." A throaty moan leaves my lips, as i arch my back enjoying the light pleasure I'm receiving. The sound of my mobile vibrating against the coffee table catches both of our attentions for merely a few seconds.
"Leave it..." He mumbles against my ear, sinking his teeth into my neck. I'm now in the hands of the man on top of me, nothing else matters, nothing no longer matters. Parting my legs, very carefully, my knickers are pulled down to my ankles where they now leave my skin. Skillfully, he places my legs around his waist tightly, before securing my body into a comfortable position. "I...I love you..." He partly growls partly hums against my neck, sending vibrations all through my body. This feels far too good and the best part hasn't even begun yet. Not saying a word, silently i groan, running my fingers through the Male's hair, urging him to enter me as he strokes against my sensitive spots.

Lining himself correctly, gradually he pushes inside, inch by inch. "Ohhh..." Biting down onto my bottom lip, i feel the coldness enter me. Instantaneously by the feel of the pleasurable pain, my finger nails scratch down the figures back, drawing a soft cry from his shaking lips.
"Are you OK?"
Nodding my head in reply, my hands search around his slim frame. "Uh huh..." That's all he needs to hear, as he slowly picks up the pace. Thrusting deeper inside of me, finding the right angles which gives us both spasms from the pleasure. Moaning and groaning into one anothers mouths, his tongue darts around, before crashing our tongues together like swords fighting for dominance. "Mmm....oh...i..." Wrapping my arms firmly around the back of his neck and mirroring my legs to do the same around his waist, by the rapid increases of thrusts I'm soon close to my limit.
"Let go... let go Chloe..."
Squeezing my eyes together as tight as i possibly can, with my remaining energy i finally let go, as my orgasm crashes over me. Draining all the power out of me. "Ohhhhhh!"
It isn't long until the man also copies me, his hands grip against my thighs and his teeth skim against my neck, as he fills me with his load. Collapsing on top of me our naked sweating bodies connect like glue, panting for breath, my eyes try to focus on the dark figure laying on top of me. "Chloe?" Heavily he pants, taking my hand in his. Blinking my eyes by his voice, somehow it finally brings me back down to reality and out of my dream.
"Yes...?" I whisper, a whisper is all i can manage as a form of confusion fills my face.
"Thank you... Thank you... I've been wanting this for a while... thank you for finally finding sense..." Mark's lips peck against mine, before nuzzling his face against my neck where he releases a of a sigh of relief. It almost feels as if I'm paralysed. It wasn't a dream. It wasn't a dream! Alarm bells run throughout my body, now i understand what has happened. Did i really think i was having sex with Gary? No, i knew. I knew it was Mark. Why didn't i stop this?! Tears begin to stream down my cheeks, remaining in darkness, Mark softly snores against my chest.

Its not until two and a half hours later, that i decided to escape. After carelessly throwing on my clothes, I'm now sitting in the back of a taxi heading back home un be known to Mark. Dialling the three digits every time the voicemail comes to an end, the guilt builds up even more just by hearing that sweet child like voice sobbing through my mobile.

'C...Chloe? Baby? Please pick up. I've been a fool. I saw the pair of you outside, he had his arm around you and it brought flash backs, back into my head. It hurts to see another man so close to you, i just can't bare to live a life without you. I love you with all my heart. I need you. Please come home, I'm begging you. It wont happen again, i promise. I know you will never cheat on me, I'm just being a prat again. As soon as you come home, i promise that i will listen to whatever you say. I want to get better, not just for the sake of myself, but for our child. I'll leave the door open if you decide to come home...which i hope you will. Love you loads...' 

Running my hand down my body, my hand cups my stomach. "I'm...I'm sorry..." Quietly i mutter to my stomach. "I've let you down... I've let Daddy down..." Deeply i sigh.

Monday 2 June 2014

Chapter 39

Chloe's POV

Staring out of the kitchen window, my hands wrap around myself. Right now, i don't even know who i am. Gary needs me, but all i can think about is Mark. My mind should be concentrating on getting Gary well again so we can start our family, but instead i just want to go and meet up with another man, my best friend and Gary's enemy in fact. The sound of the kettle clicking manages to knock me out of my daydream. Maybe I'm being like this, because of what happened today with Gary's Dad, but surly i should be warming even more to Gary after it all. Pouring the hot water into a mug, i stir in the sugar before disposing the tea bag. Heading back into the living room, my eyes are immediately drawn to the figure curled up at the end of the sofa. A tear stained face with reddened eyes stare vaguely at the blank TV screen. He looks like a heartbroken little boy who's just lost his favourite bike. I become hypnotised by my view. The only sound which can be heard whilst i stand watching miserably is the faint sound of Gary's breathing or painful sighs. Gary's arms are wrapped around his legs where his knees rest against his chest, slowly breathing whilst the life drains away from him. Just watching him be in this state feels as if someone has ripped my heart out. How could i ever think about running off to another man, leaving the love of my life, the father to our unborn child, alone to suffer?! "Gaz...?" At first he doesn't hear me, instead he continues staring in front of him. "Gary...?" Approaching him, carefully i place the mug onto the coffee table next to the sofa. "I made you a cup of tea... you need some fluid inside of you..."

Forcing out a smile, he unfolds his arms allowing his legs to stretch to the bottom of the sofa, as he weakly tries to sit up. "" Wincing under his breath, painfully he tries to sit in a comfortable position for his stitches. Thankfully he can have them removed next week therefore he will not be in pain, because of them. Sadly that doesn't mean he will be pain free from the emotional stress he is going through.
"Stupid question, are you feeling now?"
Reaching for his mug, the rim touches his lips where he inhales the hot steam through his nostrils. "OK... i guess." Carelessly he shrugs, before taking a sip. "Kinda expected it, you know? So i don't get why i found it a shock..."
"If i knew this was going to happen, believe me i would of never allowed him to come over. That was the last thing i ever wanted you to go through." Resting the mug back onto the coffee table, he looks up at me in a gentle loving way.
"Babe... i know... and I'm sorry for being this way. I'm a lot of trouble, i know that. I'm putting yours and the baby's health a risk, because of my problems. "
"No baby no. Don't blame yourself." Sitting beside him, my arm firmly wraps around his shoulder, bringing his cheek to fall against my shoulder. "...I'm glad you share your problems with me, after all that is what relationships are about... we go through tough times together and then we get to celebrate the good times as a couple. Honesty is the key."

"Yeah... that's true. Just seems that luck isn't really on my side lately."
"It might not seem that way, but when you look over all this of your father and your accident you still have the good things in your life. You have your family for one." Lifting his hand, softly i place it onto my stomach. "...And we are here to support you every step of the way." Smiling down at Gary, i notice the colour has began to reappear in his cheeks again.
"And I'm so thankful for everything even if i don't show it, i really am thankful..." Pressing his lips against my shirt, he plants a trail of kisses onto my covered stomach, before wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. "Right here... this is all i need in my life..."


The pair of us must of dozed off, because the next minute i know is my eyes instantly snap open by the sound of thumping against the front door. Unsure at first of where i am, vibrations against my stomach refresh my mind. Gary is fast asleep still, as his mouth opens and closes only just audible beneath the knocking. "Chloe? Chloe? Are you in here?" The voice calls from the other side of the door, hairs on the back of my neck stand on end by the familiar voice.
"Fuck sake..." In an annoyed way, i mumble under my breath. Its Mark. Very carefully, i lift Gary's head from my stomach, placing him into a comfortable position onto the sofa to allow me to slide from beneath him. Pulling off the silk throw over from the sofa, i wrap it around his body, as he continues to sleep. "Chloe! I'm not going anywhere until you answer this god damn door!" Rolling my eyes, quietly i march into the hallway. This is the last thing Gary needs. It sounds as if he's replaced his fist with his foot, kicking against the door. Gritting my teeth, trying to hold back my anger, the door swings open once i unlock it. The first thing i see, is Mark standing in front of me on the door step heavily breathing.
"Mark?! What the hell are you playing at?!" Hissing through my teeth, i push him away, enough for me to close the door behind me.
"Me? What am I playing at?! Why haven't you been answering my calls?"
Folding my arms, i rise my eyebrows not even feeling that shocked by his question, I'm annoyed more than anything. "And who do you think you are? Because right now you're acting like an over protective boyfriend or worse... a stalker."
Mark snarls by my comment. "Don't you play innocent with me Chloe. I only came by to see if you were OK, especially after what you told me about him."
"Yeah, well 'him' has a name and that name is Gary. My boyfriend."

Running his hand through his hair, Mark steps closer to me. "Are you trying to make me jealous or something?" He smirks. "I'm worried about you. I don't want you getting hurt."
"There's no need. Everything is fine." Mark's eyes begin to scan me from head to toe, not breathing a word, which starts to make me feel uncomfortable. "...What?"
"Why do you look so tensed?"
"Maybe because you're staring at me?"
Mark releases a sigh, whilst cupping his forehead with one of his hands. "...OK...enough games. I just want to know what's going on? I...I care about you Chloe and the last thing i want to see is you not acting yourself and us arguing..."
Lowering my guard, i walk over to sit onto the front garden's wall. It feels good inhaling the fresh cool air, instead of being locked in doors feeling stuffy with the weight load of problems. "I'd rather not talk about it..."
"Chloe...come on... Its me...Mark... your friend..." A smile paints on his face, as he walks over to me. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" In a friend like way, he coils an arm around my back, as a hand runs through my hair.
"I...I know...its just..."
"Just...what? Please don't keep things bottled up... its not good for your health... i know that, because I'm a doctor." He smiles at his own joke and it even manages to make me smile too, strangely. "Has he hurt you...?"
It feels good being able to talk about my problems with someone else, instead of being on the receiving end like always. ""

"Don't be afraid to admit it. He was in state wasn't he? Did he lash out at you? I promise i wont do anything... i just want to know exactly what's going on..."
"H...He...he didn't...i mean... he wouldn't...he's not like that." Nuzzling my face against Mark's shoulder, my eyes focus on the darkening sky in front of us. "I...I love him...and he loves me..."
"But that doesn't make it right, Chloe. You told me about the way he acted over his memory...please don't hide these things. Seek help to me. We need to get you and the baby safely away from him if that's the case."
"Mark...hones-" A loud slam of the front door, almost causes me to fall backwards into next doors garden. Both of our heads shoot to the direction of my house. The slam is followed by the sound of the latch scrapping across, causing it to be now locked. Looking at Mark, feeling incredibly confused but also extremely worried, i jump from the wall to try and open the door.
"He locked it?"
Tugging down the stiff door handle, its no use. Sickness enters my stomach by the thought of Gary possibly hearing the conversation and seeing the pair of us together, terrifies me. "M...Ma...Mark..." Tears fill my eyes. How could i be so careless?

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Chapter 38

Chloe's POV

"You could of said no! What the hell was you thinking? I might be a bit backwards now, but i certainly know what my Father is like. Something like that never leaves your mind." Gary continues to pace nervously up and down the living room, cursing under his breath about his Father. 
"Gary. Gary, stop this." Taking hold of his tensed shoulders, gently i shake the fragile man. "You've had an accident, you don't need this stress and all this walking around isn't going to do any good for your stitches is it? Remember what happened at the hospital? The amount of pain you went through to be re stitched again? Just please...please keep calm. He sounded reasonable on the telephone, he just wants to see how his Son is. Who knows... it could be the start of a new chapter for the pair of you..." 
Listening carefully to my words, he opens his mouth to argue back, until realising there's no point. Feeling defeated, he slumps down onto the sofa, lifting his hands to his face, where he exhales a tired sounding sigh."Thank god i have someone like you in my life..."
Standing above him still, my heart sinks. Hearing Gary say that to me, makes me feel even more guilty with the entire Mark situation. If he ever finds out what's happened and has happened it will absolutely crush him. 
"Ssssh... I'm never going to leave you... you know that..." Coiling an arm around Gary's back, i plant a soft kiss against his temple. "...I love you..." Gritting my teeth, i swallow hard trying to hold back the tears. "I love you..."
The corners of his mouth curl into a faint smile, as he looks at me. "I...I love you t-" Cutting into his sentence, a knock sounds on the door. "...Oh." 
"I better get that..." Our hands slide out of contact, as i trail off to the direction of the front door. Gary remains seated in silence. 

Gripping to the door handle, without force it automatically comes open in seconds. My eyes widen when i feel myself being pushed against the hallway wall. "Where is he?" A voice spits in my face with a hot sharp breath. Adjusting my eye sight, i come face to face with the neatly trimmed bearded male. His piercing green eyes glare into mine.
"Ding ding..." Faintly Gary's voice sounds in the living room, as he speaks with an exhausted sounding tone. The taller male standing just inches away from me, spins on his heels by Gary's slight mutter of interruption. Without hesitation he storms off into the living room, with me chasing after him weakly.
"Oh... you're 'ere are you?" Gary's Dad comes to a holt, whilst Gary stands to his feet. His eyes glance over his Son's aching body several times.
"P...Please... Mister Barlow... I don't want any arguments...Gary... he er... still isn't one hundred percent, i don't want anymore stress for him... not now."

Taking a couple of steps backwards, so now the pair of us are standing level, he smirks at me. "Stress? I'm stressing out Gareth?" Clapping his hands, his eyes look over into Gary's direction again. "Bagged yourself a great one here, Son. Not the sharpest tool in the she-"
"Don't!" Gary points his finger at his Father, already i can hear his instant change of breathing, a more heavy and fast breathing pattern. "Don't you dare speak to Chloe like that. Ever."
"Ark at him. He's acting like the big man. Sticking up for the likes of you?" Sarcastically he laughs near enough in my face. Sickness hits in my stomach. Why is he being so horrible? His Son could of died and this is how a parent acts? And i actually believed that this was going to be a civil, adult conversation.  "...I mean... your patient... really Gareth? Maybe i knocked you around a little too much when you were a kid. That's the only reason i can think of." His finger pokes against Gary's temple.
"You're sick, you know that?" Gary hits the hand out of his contact. "...And what have i told you about calling me Gareth?! What are you even doing here? Do you know i could of died? Do you? Your own Son could of died and this is what i get? What kind of Father are you?!" My eye sight goes a little foggy from the tears which prick in my eyes.
"You've had your Mother worried as hell. Do you know how many times I've had to go and comfort her, because of you? All you ever do is attention seek, grabbing everybody's attention. 'Aww poor Gareth.' You're pathetic, Son."
"I'd rather be attention seeking and pathetic than a bitter twisted old man, like you. As soon as you leave here, I'm on the phone to the care home to get Mum away from you. Something i should of done years ago. You're disgusting and I'm so happy that my child will not have a role model of a Father like you."

"Your child? Oh please." He smirks again, folding his arms to get a better view of me. Tightly i pull my cardigan around me, feeling incredibly uncomfortable with his burning eyes. "Didn't take long did it? But then again with this one around it never does."
"You better stop right now." More and more anger builds in Gary's face, enough to scare me with this look. "Say one more word and i mean it... I don't care how much pain I'm in, i'll knock you to the ground, Father or not."
A tantalising look appears on the male's face. "You mean... she doesn't...?" Looking intrigued, my head rises over at Gary. He can't bring himself to look at me, choosing to watch from out the corner of his eye. He's hiding something from me, that's why he's avoiding the eye contact.
"One. Word."
Continuing to provoke Gary, he silently whispers. "Decembe-" Is all he can say, before Gary grabs two fist fulls of the man's shirt.
"GARY!" Loudly i yelp, immediately trying to pull him away.
"WHAT DID I SAY?! You can't keep your fucking mouth shut can you?" Gary yells, shaking his Dad with his last remaining energy. "Just get out of my life! Just...Just leave us alone! Owww!" Gary winces, falling to his knees.
"Gary? Gary what is it?" Wrapping my arms around Gary's back, instantly i check his stitches. Thankfully they are not the cause for Gary's pain. In fact it's a pain inside his head which he holds tightly within his hands, possibly a headache.
Crouching down beside us, he lifts Gary's head with the palm of his hand. "Look at you...nothing but're no time you go missing... don't bother coming back. The world is better off without you." Those are the final words which Gary's Father leaves us with, before disappearing out of the front door. Choosing to ignore his careless departure, i bring Gary into my arms. Wiping away my tears which being to pour from my eyes. Words cannot describe my emotions at this very moment. How could he say that to Gary? How could he?!

"Baby? Baby...look at me...?" Pressing my hands against Gary's cheeks, i try and get a response from him. Its almost like he's frozen. A blank expression is all that is on his face, as he continues to stare straight ahead. "Your head, Gary? Are you still in pain? Water... i'll get you some water." Before i get chance to grab him a glass of water and a painkiller, a tight grip around my arms pull me back to the ground. Looking down at Gary, i notice the tears spring to his eyes. "B...Baby...its ok...shhhh.... he's gone... he's not going to ever set foot in this house again. Its over...its over Gary..." Using the back of my hand i stroke down his face, as he sadly stares deep into my eyes. Throwing his arms around me, his head drops against my chest.
"I...I don't...I don't deserve you! I'm a worthless scumbag." Uncontrollably Gary cries, holding me even tighter, almost crushing me. "I'm...I'm better off dead. I'm better off dead." Repetitively he mutters.
"No baby. God no, never ever think that. God please no..." Rocking him in my arms, whilst planting multiple kisses in his hair, we cry together in one anothers arms. "We've got a child on the way who needs its parents. Please Gary. Don't let anyone cause you to think that!" With a tear stained face, Gary goes limp in my arms.
"C...Ch...Chloe...n...never...please...please promise me...promise me you will never leave me...for any other man... tell me I'm the only man for you...i beg you..." Suddenly my mouth goes dry and my tears stop rolling. The words fail to leave my mouth from his demand.

Friday 11 April 2014

Chapter 37

Chloe's POV

Sneaking down the stairs, with my back pressed against the banister, i peer over the top towards the living room. A figure sits on the sofa watching the TV. Its Gary, of course. I've texted Mark minutes ago, agreeing to meet up, the fresh air will do me some good after earlier's little moment. A good talk with a long term friend will help, i don't want to argue anymore with Gary, plus i shouldn't just be thinking about the pair of us, i should be more concentrated on this little one in my stomach. Whilst Gary continues to doze off watching the TV, very quietly i tip toe down the stairs, before espacing through the front door, it almost feels like i'm a prisoner. The reason why i haven't told him where i'm going is, because i don't want to stress him out, and now that he's got a bump to the head the past has repeated itself, the old wounds have been reopened.

Brushing away my thoughts, i finally reach the cafe where i've argreed to meet Mark in. Already i notice him straight away, wearing his usual style of clothes, he's the only man i know to wear those type of hats at his age. Walking into the cafe i swiftly force out a smile, as soon as his eyes latch onto mine. "Chloe!" Beaming me with a grin, he stands to his feet pulling out my chair for me, he knows how much i love a man being a gentlemen.
"Hiya Mark." We kiss one anothers cheeks before taking our seats.
"I've already ordered you a drink, fresh orange juice, its suppose to be good for you and the baby... vitamins an all." He points to the glass of brightly coloured orange juice, which sits in front of me.
"Oh...thanks Mark... how thoughtful of you. You haven't been reading baby books have you?" I joke, whilst taking a gulp of the liquid.
Shaking his head he laughs slightly. "Nah, i'm a doctor aren't i? This is just basic stuff. are you?" He asks the words i've been dreading to hear, Mark is a smart man he can easily tell when i'm lying, after all we've been friends for what feels like forever.
"Erh... i'm up and down... have you been up to anything lately?"
"Nothing i can't handle, the usual head deep in paper work saving a few lives here and there." Sipping his coffee he doesn't take his eyes off me, even though i'm focused on the bubbles popping in my glass, i can still feel his eyes burning in the side of my head. "Are you going to tell me how you really feel? Your body language tells me different to how you are saying you feel."

"Can't hide anything from you Owen, can i?" Gently i smile, whilst stroking my stomach where i release a deep sigh.
" come on...spill."
Hitting my fingers against my glass, i avoid his piecing eye contact. "It was nothing really...I...I mean... he didn't mean it... he was just upset..."
Mark lifts his hand with a face full on confusion, as he almost chokes on his steaming coffee. "Woah hold up. 'He didn't mean it'? What do you mean by that? Has...Has he hurt you?!"
"No! N...No...i mean...-"
"He has hasn't he?! That stupid fu-"
"Mark. Just...please don't..." Slumping back against my chair, i fold my arms feeling the tears prick to my eyes. I don't like talking about Gary whilst he's not here and espeically when its nothing positive. Mark slides back his chair, before nudging me over slightly, sitting now beside me on the empty chair.
"Come here..." An arm is coiled over the top of my shoulder, as my arms remain crossed. It doesn't take long until i surrender, allowing my head to freely rest against his chest, which is covered by only a thin material t shirt. "Now tell me...what happened...? Did you have an argument?" A gentle nod which is hardly visible is all i reply with, looking grim at my half drunken orange juice. "May i ask what it was about? You can call me a nosy old prick, but i'm only looking out for you, because i care about you silly." He tightens his grip a little, helping me to relax and feel safe once again.
" is still foggy...and its been getting him worked up over the simplest things..."
"As in?"
"Well today i wanted to finish off packing, but dinner was almost ready to be served. We were on the sofa talking and Gary offered to turn the oven off once the chicken was cooked, so me not thinking i agreed to not smoother him and allow him to take on such tasks..."
Mark listens carefully to me, stroking his hand against my arm, showing me support. "Right, ok..."

"So i guess he forgot, because the next thing i know is the house is full of smoke. When i finally turned everything off, Gary walked into the kitchen without a care in the world. He didn't even notice what had just happened, then he started pointing the finger. 'You didn't tell me' etc."
Looking stunned at me, Mark strokes his forehead with his free hand. "Wow... i didn't realise his memory was that bad... i can understand how frustrating it must be for you, its like having another kid."
"I'm not the frustrated one... he is... he started yelling then the tray almost ended up hitting me... i can't keep doing this...i need to protect the baby...i sound awful don't i? Protecting our baby from Gary?"
Breathing a heavy sigh, he looks down at me. "No woman should feel the need to protect her baby from its own father. Wait until i get my hands on him." Already he clambers to his feet, setting alarm bells off in my head.
"Will you stop this?! Hitting him isn't going to knock any sense into him!"
"It might do..." Mark smirks.
"And you really think its going to make it easier for me? He doesn't even know i'm here and especially not with you... he would go off his head if he knew."
"Oh big bad hard Gary... i'm shaking." Sarcastically he laughs, whilst holding his hand out into my direction, hoisting me out of my seat. "How about you come back to mine?"
Rising my eyebrows surprised over his comment, i let go of his hand. "Excuse me?"
"Well you need somewhere to stay, right? And i could do with the company..." His fingertips stroke my bare shoulders, for a moment my eyes close, just admiring the softness trace my skin. My emotions have been all over the place recently, its as if i'm a new person for all the wrong reasons. Suddenly something abruptly pulls me from my thoughts, a pair of lips skim across mine.
"Mark?!" Loudly i yelp, jumping backwards out of his contact. He even looks stunned over his own actions.
"Oh...Oh i just..."
"Don't bother. I knew this wouldn't be a good idea after the last time. I thought you were a friend, someone i could talk to... i guess i was just a ticket to you so you could get in my underwear."
"Wait! Chloe! It wasn't like that i swear, i just got caught up in the moment, i'm sorry ok?"
Swallowing hard i hold back the tears, i just need to get home and have a long sleep, maybe in the guest room tonight. "Forget it..." On that note, i trail out of the cafe, leaving Mark call and sigh for me to come back.

After taking the extra long walk home, i finally reach our house again. Quietly opening the door, I'm greeted by complete darkness. The door creaks shut, whilst i fiddle around the wall, frantically searching for the light switch. Out of nowhere a pair of arms wrap around me, crushing my body. Feeling my eyes stretch, i try and make out who the figure is. The sound of sniffling and fast breathing echoes in my ear. "G...Gary?" Lifting my hand to touch the figures head, the street lights from outside shine through the door and onto his face. Its Gary. And he's crying. "Oh Gary...what's happened?" Still seeing nothing but darkness, we try and make our way to the sofa.
"Y...Y...You left...and...and i was...alone...and...I...I hurt you..." His body trembles ever so slightly.
" no... don't beat yourself up about it... i went out to erh... just for a quick shop whilst you were dozing on the sofa. I didn't want to drag you all over town, not the way you're feeling."
"B...But you didn't say anything? I...I...I thought you left me...for i started panicking..."
"Gaz, no. Never would i leave you... no matter what...there's no one on this planet i love other than you... and this baby... you need to believe that..."
"S...Sorry..." He sniffs loudly with a blocked nose, finally catching his breath back and breathing calmly once again. "S...S...So did you buy anything?"
"Buy anything?" My mind goes blank.
"From the shops?" He looks up at me, whilst his arms are around my waist.
" i didn't...went in a few baby shops, but there's no point buying anything without knowing the sex, is there?" Putting on a fake smile, my fingers run through the strands of his hair.
"Yeah...guess you're right... shame you didn't look anywhere else though." Its like Gary's started talking in riddles and at the state of my mind i can't figure them out.

"You know..." Knocking me softly against my ribs with his elbow, he continues to stare up at me, this time with a smudge of cheekiness spreading at the corners of his mouth.
"Am i missing something?"
Both of Gary's hands press either side of my face, stroking my cheeks, until finally pulling my lips against his. The kiss lasts for around 5 seconds. 5 wonderful seconds which i've been craving all day. "God i've missed you, Miss Matthews..." Gary whispers. He hasn't called me Miss Matthews in a while, but it still manages to give me butterflies in my stomach. "I've missed having your skin pressed up against mine..."
"B...But your...stitches Gary...we can't...i'm not risking that..." Breathing faster from the kiss, i feel the warmth of his breath tickle against my neck.
"There's other" His breath is replaced with a tongue. A tongue which snakes down my neck, tracing my jawline all the way up to my earlobe. Gary's long fingers press deeply into my skin through my shirt as he speaks hoarsely.
"Mhmmm..." Planting kisses up my right arm, which is above his head, his hands stroke in between my inner thighs. He's loving this. He might not be 100% healthy, but his luring and seductive charms are back. Nothing has changed that way, thankfully. His fingers swirl around my navel, until sinking towards the hem of my jeans, flicking his fingers against the steel button. "I want to feel you so badly..."
" sure?" Gripping to my bottom lip, my eyes remain closed as Gary's fingers begin to explore my exposed skin.
"More than ever... sit...sit-" He pants in the heat of the moment.
Prying open one of my eyes, i glance down at the flushed man's face. "W...Where?"

A mischievous look spreads on Gary's face, as a glint sparkles in his eyes, whilst still in the darkness. "On...On my face..." He instructs.
"Gary...but I...-"
"Now!" Demanding, he unzips my jeans before rolling backwards onto the sofa, settling into the right position. Confused and surprised over Gary's sudden mood change, i don't argue, not that i want to refuse this offer anyway, carefully i kick my jeans and knickers from my body. The bottom half now naked. Gary stares over into my direction, licking and smacking his lips. "Someone's been a naughty girl..." He growls, leaning forward. Digging his nails into my flesh, i feel my blood begin to boil from pleasure. Squeezing my backside, he gives me a hard whack, causing my skin to burn. Repeating his actions, i can't take it any longer, my body pleads for more.
"G...G...Gary...p...please...". I whimper.
For the first time, Gary listens to my pleadings. He rests his head against the back of the sofa, staring up at the ceiling. Very carefully, i step onto the sofa, both of my legs turn to jelly when placing one each side of him. Securing me, Gary grips to my thighs allowing me to turn around. Once in position there's only one thing left to do. Without hesitation he pushes down my hips, so i fall onto his face, sitting over the top of his mouth. There's no slow build up or pokes here and there, we both know exactly what we want and whats going to happen. Gary immediately dives in, flicking his tongue up inside my entrance, scratching his nails down the backs of my legs. "O...O...oh god yes..." Stuttering slightly, i place both of my hands onto his shoulders. Gary speeds up the licks, swirling here and biting there, adding as much pleasure as he can. Moving my body in time with Gary's licks, loudly i begin to moan. It seems like a decade since we've been this close and i still get the thought in the back of my mind that Gary being here is all a dream, but that thought doesn't matter anymore because he's added a finger or two to the mix, and boy does he know how to use them! Curling his fingers inside of me whilst his mouth is still occupied, he pulsates them deep inside of me.

My knees tremble like a leaf, this is all getting too much. Gary's a man with many talents and its exciting to explore those talents every once in a while. "Mmm...come on baby..." Gary grunt, as he begins to taste me slowly, acting hungry for me.
"F...fuck...oh god...yes...yes Gary..." Panting loudly, i can't hold it back any longer, as much as i want to, it feels far too good. Speeding up his fingers until they hit the correct spot which causes me to squirm. I finally surrender. "OOOOOH GARY!" Groaning loudly, my orgasm washes over me multiple times, filling Gary's delight. He licks every part of me up, including off his lips. Exhausted, i drop my head onto the arm rest of the sofa, trying to get my breathing back.
"Feeling de-stressed now baby?" Wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, delicately he plants tender kisses onto my covered breasts. Its almost like his kisses are acting as a way to say 'round 2 baby?'
The house phone rings, interrupting Gary's kisses. "Ignore it..." His lips vibrate against my shoulder. There's two thoughts running through my head, one being its the doctor maybe asking for Gary to come in for a check up... or the other one being Mark. Now that's one person I'm trying to avoid right now, after this evening...
"I...I better get that..." Silently i whisper, as my finger tickles his stubble.
"Oh...why? They'll ring back...I've got better things to do." He winks at me, whilst continuing to trail his lips over my body.
"It'll only take a sec... we don't want to be missing appointments now do we?"
Gary exhales a sigh, backing away against the sofa, where he folds his arms, child-like. "Go on then, but don't go into deep conversation...i need you right now." Obeying his instructions, i swiftly make my way over to the phone. Switching on the table lamp beside the TV, i pick up the wireless telephone, focusing my eyes onto the caller ID. Blinking my eyes a few times, i refuse to believe them.
"Who is it?" A mumble sounds behind me, as the feel of hands stroke along my spine, stopping at the bottom of my back.
"E...Erh...its...its your Dad..." It feels like someones dropped a led weight, as the room drops completely silent.

Saturday 22 March 2014

Chapter 36

Chloe's POV

A week had passed since i was reunited with Gary. Finally we've made it home, even if Mark hasn't really spoken to either of us, i guess he's just giving me and Gary time alone to try and sort things out. Every day Gary is slowly getting stronger and hopefully as time goes on, his memory will be fully restored. Setting the timer on the oven, i walk back into the living room to find Gary sprawled out on the sofa watching TV. "Hiya babe..." Kneeling down in front of the sofa, my hand rests on Gary's kneecap whilst he flicks through the TV channels.
"Uh? Oh hi love."
"How are you feeling now? Do you want another coffee?"
Setting down the remote onto the sofa's arm above his shoulder, Gary shakes his head. "Oh god...i've had enough coffees in the past few days, i'll never be able to sleep at this rate. Yeah, i'm ok. Just a bit sore here and there, but nothing major... how're you?"
Running my hand through his soft blonde hair, softly i breathe a sigh of relief. It still doesn't feel real that Gary's here, that he's actually alive. "I'm good..." Gently i take Gary's hand in my mine, placing it over my stomach. "...We both are..."
"Erh...g...good..." Slipping his hand from under mine, carefully he tries to sit up on the sofa. Taking hold of his hand i try my best to help him to sit comfortably, until he pulls his hand out of contact again. "I don't need help." He winces.
"S...S...sorry..." Quietly i whisper, whilst standing back to my feet. Since the whole accident, Gary's moods have changed, making him have less patience which means he can become a little angry now and again.

Sighing deeply once he's positioned himself onto the sofa, he gently pats the empty space beside him. "No...i'm sorry... i shouldn't keep snapping at you for no reason...i know you're only trying to help and i can't thank you enough for sticking with and supporting me." The corners of my mouth curl into a smile. "...I love you... and erh... the little one too...of course..." An arm coils around my shoulder, allowing me to rest my cheek against his steady breathing chest.
"Can you believe i'm almost coming up to two months?" My hand rests against my own stomach, whilst i stare up at Gary.
"Hmm...yeah... can't believe a lot of things at the minute." It's almost like he's acting as if he isn't interested in the baby, maybe the whole accident has changed his mind about fatherhood? Hopefully the memory loss will only be temporary.
"You are happy...aren't you babe?" Lifting myself up a little, my hand remains still placed on my stomach.
"Chloe, what have i said about the question overload? I'm not 100% and being fired with questions aren't making me feel any better." He speaks as if he's telling off his pupil in class. Feeling slightly embarrassed i now sit perched on the edge of the sofa.
"S...Sorry... Gary..."
"Anyway... enough chit chat... i'm starving...what's for dinner?" Smacking his lips together, his hands massage my shoulders, rubbing away the stress and tension in them.
"Erh... i've just put the chicken on... it should be ready in about 10 minutes it's one of those ready cooked ones so it doesn't need long, i was going to pack our belongs away whilst we were waiting, but there isn't any point by the time i'm up there i'll be back down to turn the oven off."

Gary's fingers skim along my knuckles, as he takes my hand in his. "I'll turn the oven off. You've set the timer, right?"
"Are you sure? Yes... i have."
Playfully he rolls his eyes. "Of course i'm sure, i've had a knock to the head. I can still work an oven, dear. Go and sort whatever you want doing and i'll turn the oven off once the alarms gone off, ok?"
"If you say so... i wont be long... 20 minutes...max." Maybe it isn't a good idea to leave Gary alone with an oven, but then again he's right, if he says he can do these things then i shouldn't smoother him as if he's a child.
"Take your time..."
Giving him a cautious smile, i do as i'm told...this time. "See you in a sec, babe." Pecking his cheek, swiftly i make my way upstairs to our bedroom. The quicker i am the quicker i can go downstairs again. Walking over to the suitcases, which are carelessly thrown onto the bed, i'm soon stopped in my tracks by the vibration of my mobile. Sitting onto the empty space on the bed, i take a deep breath by the sight of the contact name - Markie . If things couldn't get any worse, then they sure will now. Opening the message i glance at the short sentence. 'Are you free this afternoon?x'

Even though the conversation is lacking explanation, i know exactly what he means. He's after a chat from the recent experiences we've had during the holiday. 'I'm looking after Gary, i can't leave him alone at the minute.' Once i've typed a message back to his question, i start to unzip the cases. Within a few seconds my phone begins to vibrate again. Wow. Someone's desperate for this chat. (1) new message- Markie - 'Oh come on, he's not a child. We need to talk and obviously i can't come round to yours. On the other hand...maybe Gary will be interested to know what exactly went off whilst he was fighting for his life?' Mark's new reply has left me with a slight heart rate increase. He wouldn't do that to me... or the baby, surly? I guess he's just trying to scare me, to make me agree to go and meet him... well i hope that's what he's doing anyway. Suddenly i feel my entire body freeze, preventing me from typing back another message. The smell of burning swirls around my nostrils. Dropping my phone in shock, i make a dive for it out of the bedroom. "Gary?!" Calling his name at the top of the stairs, i'm greeted by a small cloud of grey smoke. "Gary?!" Running down the stairs, a figure catches my eye who sits on the sofa.
"Chloe? You alright?" A voice speaks through the smoke.
"Gary?! I told you to turn the oven off?!" Covering my mouth from the smoke, i open the back door and windows in the kitchen, trying to get as much smoke out of the house as i can. Gary walks into the kitchen as i'm turning off the oven.
"Woah." Loudly he coughs, waving away the smoke in front of his face. "What happened in here?"

Using a tea towel to remove the remaining smoke from the kitchen, i look at him surprised. "What?! I told you to turn the oven off once the alarm went off? I even heard the alarm going off whilst i was upstairs! What on earth was you doing?"
"Oh so that's what that noise was!" He releases a quiet giggle. "I was searching through the TV channels thinking the noise was coming from there. I didn't even know you were cooking anything?"
Stepping backwards i study his face. "Are you kidding me? I'm not in the mood for jokes, Gary."
"And i'm not joking? You went upstairs to toilet whilst i was watching TV, then you come flying downstairs yelling my name and here we are standing in a smokey kitchen, because you forgot to turn the oven off."
Words fail to leave my mouth. Did i just imagine telling Gary to turn it off? No. Of course i didn't, he's forgotten. "I knew i shouldn't of left you alone." Shaking my head, i pull down the oven door to reveal the now charcoal chicken which is burnt to a crisp.
"Excuse me?" Gary folds his arms whilst frowning his eyebrows at me.
"It's too soon after your accident... i shouldn't of left you alone... and i shouldn't of given you a hard task...i'm sorry."

"Hold on a minute." Gary tugs my shoulder, not hard, but enough to make me flinch. "Why are you acting as if i'm a child? You didn't tell me to do anything, so don't you dare blame me." His voice rises.
"I told you Gary. I told you i was going to go upstairs to unpack and you offered to keep an eye on dinner."
"Will you stop with the lies? I'm not some sort of...senile old man. I do have a brain so stop fucking acting as if i haven't got one!"
Reaching a hand out to his bicep, gently i stoke it. "I'm not acting like you haven't got a brain, Gary. I'm just telling you what hap-"
"And i'm telling you the truth! What is it? You don't listen to me, because i'm not fucking Mark Owen?!" Taking hold of the tray with the burnt chicken on, he throws it across the kitchen, missing me by a couple of inches.
"Gary!"Almost being hit by the tray, it causes me to scream from the shock.
"Ughhh my head!" Angrily, Gary rubs his forehead whilst closing his eyes firmly. "J...Just leave me alone."
Breathing faster, again i reach my hand out into his direction. "G...G...Gary...are you...ok?"
"Leave me alone!" His voice bellows, as his fist hits against the worktop, causing me to flee back upstairs. For the first time of actually being with Gary, i'm scared. I'm actually scared of my own boyfriend. The tears stream down my cheeks, as i curl up onto the bed next to the still unpacked suitcases. Things can't get any worse than this, right? He was just upset... he wouldn't hurt me. I know he wouldn't "...would he?" I ask myself in a shaky breath. Footsteps creak along the floorboards in the kitchen, followed by the sound of the TV being switched back on. He's settled again. Looking around the bedroom, my eyes fix onto my mobile which is still in the same position i had dropped it in. "M...Mark..."

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Chapter 35

Mark's POV

Edging inside the room, Gary looks at me through his foggy vision. "" His voice hums, echoing around my ears. For a few seconds i stand still, just glancing from Gary to Chloe, noticing the tears run down Chloe's face as her hand remains in contact with Gary's. Taking a deep breath i force out a fake smile.
"O...Oh... Gaz... mate, we've been terribly worried about you... Chloe's been going out of her mind." Walking over towards his bed, i place both of my palms over the tops of Chloe's shoulders, feeling her tensed muscles. Rolling his eyes over towards Chloe's, he breathes a heavy sigh, as his fingers trail along her knuckles.
"...I...I'" Wincing as he speaks, he still looks slightly dazed.
"Sssh... Gary...please...please don't apologise... none of this is your fault... i'm just relieved you're here now... i don't...i don't know what i would of done without you..." Cupping her face, she continues with the water works.
"Chloe, hunny... you need to have some rest yourself... you haven't slept properly since Gary's disappearance... how about you go back to your room for a sleep? It's not just for your sake, but the baby's also."

All of a sudden Gary's eyes snap open. " What baby?" He asks with confusion soon filling his face.
"Erh... your baby? You and Chloe are having a baby...remember?"
Squinting his eyes, Gary shakes his head with annoyance. "Excuse me?" Chloe tilts her head backwards, locking her gaze onto mine, whilst her eyes fill with worry and slight fear.
"I...I told"
"No you didn't?!" Surprisingly Gary finds the energy to snap in reply. "I think I'd remember something like that."
"Gaz... just calm down, mate." Brushing my finger tips down Chloe's arms, i try and relax her from Gary's reaction.
"Don't tell me to calm down! it mine? Or..." Focusing his eyes onto mine, he stares at my hands touching Chloe's bare arms.
Shrugging her arms, knocking my hands out of contact with her flesh, she shakily wipes away her tears. "O...of course it's yours! You've had a knock to the head... that's all... the doctors said your memory will be back shortly, but in the mean time we just need to try and rest you up, OK?"

Gary scrunches up his face in response to Chloe's comment. "And look after me like I'm some sort of mental old person? I don't need help, i just need my home and my work." Sitting up in his bed, a pain from his stomach prevents his moments. "Good grief!" He hisses holding onto the covers.
"Gary! Sit down!" Easing Gary back into the bed, my patience soon starts to run out. "What you need is your family around you and shouting your mouth off isn't going to get you anywhere is it? Just get some rest and we'll see you tomorrow."
"Mate." Gary sarcastically laughs. "Not after what you've done to me, you're no 'mate' to me. Life wrecker."
"Jesus Christ, Gary. We've sorted this out ages ago. You really have had a knock on the head haven't you? Is work and old history all you care about? Do you understand the amount of stress and pain you've caused Chloe and your child?!"
"You really think i can forget something like that? Just leave us alone. If i see you place one finger onto my girlfriend again, you'll regret it. Who do you think you are? I bet you loved it without me, didn't you? I go and you step in. Typical. Just...just fucking do one, yeah?" His eyes burn with anger. Looking down at Chloe, who's face is tear stained still, a smile spreads across my face.
"A finger, eh? More like a snog." I think to myself, sensing by the look on Chloe's face, she can tell exactly what i'm thinking, with the words resting on the tip of my tongue, i hold them back with my teeth. Believe me it'll be more than a snog next time.

"I...I...i think... you better go Mark..." Quietly a small voice speaks, which is hardly audible to my ears which seem to be deafened by my thoughts.
"Excuse me? You're asking me to go? He's the one out of lin-"
"You heard her." Gary interrupts, whilst a smug looking grin spreads across his face. If only he wasn't in this bed, i'd teach that smart ass mug of his a lesson. Looking down into Chloe's eyes, she immediately bows her head avoiding any further eye contact with me. After a few seconds i decide to do as she wishes, nodding my head i swiftly make my way over towards the door again.
"Alright... i'll go... but that doesn't change things... just remember that." Leaving on that note, the door loudly slams behind me.

Gary's POV

My head starts to spin almost as if i've necked a bottle of vodka. "Mhmm..." Smacking my lips together, my eyes remain firmly closed. Flickering my eyes open, i stare up at the night's starry sky. I'm back on the island? But it can't be?! Panic rushes through my body, as i hurry to my feet, soon being stopped by the pain.
"Gary... stay calm..." A pair of hands wrap around my under arms, instantly calming me down and soothing the pain. "I'm here now... ssshhh..." Steadily a hand rakes through my hair, massaging my aching temples. Resting my head backwards into the crook of the figures neck, i inhale a deep breath. "You came back..."

Tilting my head over my shoulder, i'm greeted by a bright shining smile, enough to warm my entire frozen body. "I promised you...didn't i?" Tiarna continues running her hands along my bare flesh, her fingertips beating any sort of treatment i need for my wounds and aches.
"There's one more thing i need you to do for me... if you can do that?" Her warm breath brushes against my over grown stubble cheeks.
"Anything..." Our lips now inches away from one another, whilst my eyes gently press together. Waiting for the feel of our lips to collide.
"Wake up... you've got to wake up for me Gary..." Her words echo around my heavy feeling head, it almost feels like I've got a lead weight on my shoulders.
"H...huh?" Confused by her words, my eyes instantly widen once I've reopened them, getting lost by my new view. I'm in a boat?! The water splashes against the partly broken wooden boat I'm standing in. "T...T...Tiarna...?" Looking around the abandoned island, its soon becomes lifeless. Where is she? We were just together?!

Suddenly something catches my eyes. A injured figure rushes to the edge of the island. "H...H...Help..." Weakly a female's voice calls in the distance.
"Tiarna?! Tiarna is that you?!" Searching around the boat for a stick or ore, it soon becomes clear that i must of left them on the island. "Stay there! I'm coming back for you!" Dipping both of my hands into the water, i start to move them in a doggy paddle motion.
" me..." She continues to beg, as three or four darkened figures begin to approach her, dragging her along the sand. It's almost like the boats stuck, as it continues to move further away from the island.
"Leave her alone!! Get off her!" Yelling at the top of my lungs, i feel the tight grip of hands pull onto my hands. "Tiarna! Tiarna speak to me!" Fright enters my emotions hearing nothing but the sound of the calm sea, hitting against the sides of the boat. "Please! Talk to me! Tiarna!"
"Gary? Gary wake up?" Something pushes against my chest like a pair of hands.
"" Its like someone's removed the moon and stars from the sky, drawing a pitch black curtain over my eyes. Moving my head side to side frequently in panic, there's a sudden sharp pain in the pit of stomach, which cause my eyes to open automatically. "TIARNA HELP ME!" Light reappears and the island has gone out of sight. I'm back in the hospital.
"G...G...Gary?" A heavy breathing female holds onto my arm, looking as shocked as I'm feeling. The pain seems to have gotten worse, almost unbearable. Pulling back the thin covers, it reveals a blood stained bed. "Oh...g...god..." I mutter, noticing that my stitches have come undone.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Chapter 34

Mark's POV

Not believing what i've just seen with my own eyes, i still remain in the same spot for a few minutes. He's back... and he's alive. "Mr Owen?" Mumbles a voice behind me. Feeling defended from the surroundings, i  choose to ignore the voice. "Hello? Mister Owen?" Suddenly a finger taps me on the shoulder, knocking me out of my own world.
"Woah?! What!?" Loudly i snap, as i jump out of my skin. In front of me stands a young looking nurse, looking slightly surprised by my reaction.
"Erm... I just came to find you, because Miss Matthews is awake... and she's looking for you..."
" she." Rubbing my face with the palms of my hands, i inhale a deep breath, until the nurse's words register in my mind. "Oh shit, Chloe!" Sprinting back down the corridor i make my way back to her room. She can't know Gary's here.

Slamming open Chloe's door, a little harder than intended i stumble through it, tripping over my own feet. "Mark?!" She yelps from her bed. Heavily breathing, i walk over to her, trying to catch my breath back as quick as possible.
"We...we...need to get... out" Leaning against the bed frame, i stare in the female's frightened looking eyes.
"What on earth are you talking about?"
"We need to leave Chloe... right now... not to the hotel, but back to the UK."
Squinting her eyes and frowning her lips, she shakes her head disagreeing with my plan. "Are you kidding me? I've just woken up and i'm still in pain. Do you really want me to risk harming the baby's health? Not that you care, because it's not yours, but you could at least act like a caring friend for once!"
"I do care about you... and the baby... of course, but it's not safe here...clearly. You just get dressed and i'll go back to the hotel to get our cases packed, ok?"
"Mark, just stop it! You're scaring my now. I'm not going anywhere until the doctors give me and my baby the all clear. I don't care, it's safe in here and i'm refusing to move. If you're that fussed about leaving, why don't you just go? You haven't been much help anyway!" Her face turns a shade of red from the anger building up in her face. Choosing to ignore her hurtful comments, i go ahead with my plans anyway.
"...I'm going back to the hotel... i wont be long... make sure you're ready within an hour or so. I'll book us a taxi to pick us up outside the hospital. See you soon." Drifting out of the hospital room again, Chloe continues to call after me.
"Mark! Mark come back! You can't make decisions for me! Mark..."

Dragging the suitcases inside the hospital entrance, i immediately walk over towards the reception area. "I'm here to collect Chloe Matthews... is she ready?" Leaning the cases against the reception desk, i rest my sunglasses in my fringe.
"Chloe Matthews..." She types the name into the computer.
"She's on the second floor, end room? She came in yesterday."
"Oh yes... Chloe, of course. We've just visited her room not so long ago, but she went with another nurse."
Frowning my eyebrows, as confusion fills my face, i give the nurse my complete attention. "I don't get it? Why has another nurse taken her? She's ok isn't she?!" Anxiety sounds in my voice, as my eyes widen from fear.
" she's fine. I'm guessing she just needed help getting dressed. I'm sure if you go to her room the nurse will explain everything to you."
Breathing a sigh of relief, i nod my head. "Thank you. Is it ok if you look after the cases, whilst i go and collect her?"
"Of course. You know the room number, right?"
"Yes... it's embedded in my memory." I grin. "I'll be 10 minutes, max."

The elevator stops on Chloe's corridor. At least she has actually decided to get dressed, which means we will both be leaving back to the UK together. I guess things between the pair of us are getting better than i dreamt. With Gary out of the picture now, who knows what will happen? Happily walking back down to Chloe's room, i notice a nurse leaving the room opposite. With a grin spreading across my face, i decide to check if Chloe's still in her room or maybe she's having a final check over. "Hiya. I'm looking for Chloe? She has been staying in this room opposite. Is she ready to leave yet?"
"The last i saw of her, she was being taken to the top floor. A friend of her's just had a brain scan, so she rushed off to visit him." A faint buzzing sound fills my ears and there's a sudden numbness running through my veins. Swallowing hard, my voice stutters.
"W...W...What...? Who? How did she know about him?!" It can't be. It can't be Gary, please!
"The guy who went missing, right? One of the nurses recognised him on the missing posters from the office, and i guess Chloe over heard us talking when she was asleep in her room a few seconds after you left."
"This can't be happening. Why did you have to be so careless?! Don't you think she's been through enough? He's nothing but trouble, and this has made it even worse."
"I'm not so sure about that, Sir. Chloe was over the moon that he has been found. In fact she was speechless. He's the baby's father, isn't he? I didn't see the problem between them. Her boyfriend has been found and she couldn't of thanked us enough."
Biting my lip, i angrily shake my head in disapproval. Why did he have to come back? He's ruined everything! "...Take me there. Right now."  I speak in a bitter tone.

Marching down the top floor beside the nurse, she stops outside the middle room. "Now, he's a little drowsy and his mind is fuzzy at the moment. It's been advised by the patients doctor, that you do not ask any big confusing questions. For now he doesn't even remember his own name or where he is. Although he remembers Chloe. That was the person he has been asking for since he arrived here. Good luck." Patting my shoulder, the nurse walks back over towards the office area leaving me alone, standing outside Gary's room. No matter what happens, me and Chloe will  be travelling back to the UK together, even if it kills me. Pushing open the door, the soft sound of a monitor bleeping catches my attention. A brown haired female instantly lifts her head, by the sound of the door creaking open.
"...M...Mark?" Looking over at the tear stained woman, i notice her fingers interlocked with a lifeless body's hand. More tears build in her eyes, as she takes hold of the man's bicep. "L...Look...G...G...Gaz... it's Mark... you remember him, right?" Standing with my back pressed against the now closed door, my eyes glance over at the figure laying on the bed. His hand rests against his steady breathing chest, whilst a pipe hangs out the corner of his mouth. Weakly flickering his eyelids, he looks into my direction. Just by seeing the pair of them together, i can already feel my world shatter under my feet.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Chapter 33

Gary's POV

I've been rowing for the past two and a half hours. The sky seems to have gotten lighter, so i'm guessing that it's quickly approaching the early hours of the morning, not that this mist is doing me any favours. Running my tongue along my dry, sore lips i rest against the side of the boat, massaging my aching temples. I could be hours away from people, i'm starting to think that maybe it was a good idea to stay on the island and pray that a boat would of stopped by at some point. Feeling incredibly light headed i close my eyes for a brief moment. It's cold and there's barely enough energy left in me to even open my eyes now. The thought of being reunited with Chloe and our baby is slowly fading away in my mind, i might not be much help with her and i know she can do a lot better than being tied down to me, but at least when i'm with her i can protect and support her giving my mind ease. The amount of stress i must be putting her through from the second of my disappearance sickens me, what if something's happened to our baby? What if... no... please god no... stress is a common cause of miscarriage... this is all my fault... my own child. Faintly the boat starts to rock, disturbing me from my grieving, little by little the waves start to increase in size. "Eh?" Snapping open my eyes i look around the abandoned sea, until my eyes catch something from the foggy air. Can it be? All of a sudden i get a rush of hope runs through my entire body. It's a boat, but not just a boat, by the size of it it looks like a cruise. Breathing a sigh of relief i see it slowly move closer in the distance. "HELP! HELP ME!" Cupping my hands around my mouth, i begin to yell at the top of my lungs. Surly someone has to hear or at least see me, but then again i probably look like an ant to them. Waving my arms i begin to jump a little trying to get some sort of human contact, this could be my final chance of getting home again, and i'll do everything i can to try and get some help. "SOMEONE HELP ME!"

A loud horn sounds when the boat stops suddenly in the distance. I've been trying to get their attention for over quarter of an hour now. The niggling pain in my head turns into a more icy feeling soon followed by a stabbing in the side of my temples. "Fuck!" Taking my head in my hands i curse loudly from the horrific pain i'm witnessing. I need to get myself checked out.
"Hello?" A voice echoes in the distance, which travels to my ear drums from a megaphone. "Is anyone out there?"
Chewing the inside of my check, trying to soothe the striking pain travelling now through my weakened body, i feel as if i'm on some sort of fairground, as my head begins to spin rapidly. "H...H...HEL...HELP ME! HELP ME NOW!" My body trembles and my knees start to give way. "HELP ME!" Shouting several times, the pain takes over my body. Uncontrollable i fall to against the back of the boat, giving the back of my head a hard whack enough for me to see stars, stars which are soon replaced by darkness. This is the end... isn't it?

Mark's POV

"Gave me quite a fear again, Miss Matthews..." Taking her hand in mine, i gently run my thumb across each one of Chloe's fingers. "...But i promise you... once you're well enough... and that little fighter inside of you, too... we're going back home... just the three of us...stress free..." Moving my free hand towards her ageless face, i gently stroke the back of my hand against her cheek. It's been a stressful few hours once again, but thankfully mother and baby are slowly pulling through. "You're a beautiful girl... you know that? How did he ever end up with someone like you in his life?" Sighing softly, i move away a strand of hair from her closed eyes. "...He's abandoned you... both of you.. god knows where he is now... putting you through all this... you could of lost your child today... and if you did... it would of been all his fault... right now i can't even speak his name..." Shaking my head in anger i squeeze Chloe's hand a little tighter than expected, noticing the reddened imprints of my finger nails on the top of her hand. Instantly i loosen my grip, luckily the painkillers have knocked her out for a few hours, so she's in a deep sleep at the moment, if she wasn't i'd probably be thrown out of the window by now, because of the things i've been saying for the past hour or so. "Just going to get a coffee, sweetie..." Laying my coat on the back of my chair, i quickly peck Chloe on the lips, before skipping out of the door. No matter what will happen in the future, i'm going to keep my promise of being there to support Chloe and ou-... her baby.

Rubbing my face whilst releasing a yawn, i flex my left arm at the same time. I could really do with a good kip myself. Placing my cup into the coffee machine i watch as it begins to fill with the brown sloppy liquid. Great. I can't even have a decent coffee to wake me. "Out the way! Out of the way!" Doctors run past me, which almost cause me to spill my coffee.
"Watch it." I snap, rolling my eyes over to their direction, where a crowd of doctors and nurses have formed.
"Male. Identity unknown. Possible brain damage."
Sipping from my coffee, i stand aside allowing them access through the corridor. "Ouch." I mumble under my breath. Poor sod. Continuing to watch feeling slightly intrigued, a stretcher is pushed into my direction. A fair haired man with an oxygen mask is pushed by me, only a thin paper sheeting is covering his naked body.
"He needs a brain scan right now!" They move towards the lift, where they will take him to have his brain scanned upstairs. Holding tighter to my cup i have a quick nose again. The slightly bearded man lays lifeless with his eyes firmly closed. Squinting my eyes a few times at him, whilst they wait for the lift to arrive, something snaps inside my brain. That man. I've seen him before, maybe around on the beach since being here... for some reason i can't place it. His bony looking figure, hardly breathes seeing the pain it's giving him to do so. Stirring in his sleep a quiet groan leaves his lips, which is muffled by the plastic oxygen mask.
"Stay calm sir." The lift door automatically opens, where they quickly push him inside. "Sorry sir, but you'll have to catch the next one." A doctor looks at me, before pressing the top floor.
"It's ok i'm-" My sentence comes to a sudden stop, as a pair of familiar looking eyes lock onto mine. Dropping my cup in shock, my body feels as if it's glued to the floor. No. No it can't be. The doors close, breaking our eye contact. "Gary..." I whisper to the closed metal doors.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

chapter 32

Gary's POV

The skies darken, as i sit alone on the edge of the island, just relaxing with the water swirling around my bare feet. "This could be it... i can finally see my family again..." I think to myself, feeling the wind brush against a tear which drips down my cheek.
"Psst... Mr Barlow..." A voice whispers behind me. Wiping my tears i tilt my head over my right shoulder, noticing a familiar face in between the trees. "...I need help pulling this thing...are you able to help?" Looking down at my reddened skin, still containing the cat like scratches on my stomach, i carefully climb to my feet. The bathe in the sea sort of helped the wound, but it sure did kill! The material which Tiarna gave me as a bandage, is now wrapped around my waist embarrassingly like a skirt, but it's better than prancing around naked. The whole island is surprisingly quiet, the only sound which can be heard is the waves or the whistling of the birds.
"Is it still in tact?" Peering my head around the bush which she's standing in, i notice a wooden boat tipped over behind her.
"It's not as good as it was... but it could possibly make just one more trip..." Her baby is sound asleep wrapped in a type of scarf on her back. "...Ready?" She places a supporting hand onto my shoulder, looking at my slightly opened wound and scratches carved onto my stomach.
"Lets do this..."

Taking one end of the boat, i begin to pull it along the sand. Gritting my teeth together i feel my wound begin to open again from straining it. Tiarna stands at the other end of the boat pushing it towards the edge of the island. "Are you ok?" Worry strikes her face, as she notices my pained look.
"Y...Yeah... just carry on.. we haven't got long..." Biting my tongue hard enough through the pain in my stomach, i feel blood enter my mouth, due to biting my tongue too hard, which i end up spitting out onto the sand beside us. After about 10 minutes of painful pulling, we finally reach the edge of the island, resting the boat partly in the sea.
"Right... get in the boat, and i'll go and get you something which can be used, as an ore."
"Tiarna...wait..." Before she gets chance to disappear into the trees again, i take hold of her hand. For a split second we gaze deeply into one another's eyes. I haven't looked into another woman's eyes like this, since the last time i saw Chloe, but of course it's not the same. "...I really do appreciate all this... and if there's anyway i could possibly repay you... please just let me know..." She turns her head over her shoulder, looking at her sleeping baby, as our hands remain locked together.
"If i think of something... i'll let you know... but for now... we need to get you back to your family... i wont be long..." Our hands slide out of contact, as she disappears into the darkness.

Carefully i step into the rocky boat. It's finally time, it's finally time to see my family again. Removing the material from my waist, i dip the very edge of it into the sea. Soft cries sound within the bushes behind me, as i begin to wipe away the blood on my stomach again. Quietly i laugh to myself, thinking about what it's going to be like when our baby is born... mine and Chloe's baby that is... "Ouch... fucker..." Wincing slightly the salt water begins to burn, as soon as i get off here they have to get seen to. Loud noises, which is soon followed by shouts echoing across the island. "Oh shit..." I mumble flinching in the boat hearing the loud screams. Out of nowhere Tiarna comes running towards me, carrying a huge broken branch, but this time she doesn't have her baby with her. "Tiarna?!"
"GO!" Loudly she yells, as the tears and worry runs down her face.
"GO!" Handing me the branch, with all her remaining energy she pushes the boat out into the sea. Using the branch i begin to move the boat further out to sea, not taking my eyes from hers. Her panic, tired, scared looking eyes. All of a sudden a huge tribe of people run from within the trees dragging her to the floor. My jaw drops, feeling completely useless, already being half way out in the sea.
"TIARNA! GET OFF HER!" Shouting loudly i start to panic even more. A few of the men try running out to catch me, but thankfully i too far out now.
"Mr Barlow! Promise... promise you'll come back for me!" She screams, kicking out her legs as she's pulled out of sight. Swallowing hard, tears come rushing down my cheeks. Turning back to face the direction i'm travelling i continue rowing the boat, with only the moonlight to guide where i'm going.
"...I promise..."

Saturday 11 January 2014

Chapter 31

Gary's POV

My wound begins to burn from the sand and the saltiness of the sea. "W...w...why...? Please...i can't be doing with games..." Clinging to the side of my head i firmly close my eyes from the pain.
"No games...honest..." She holds out a hand placing it onto my reddened sun burnt shoulder causing me to flinch, causing more sand to enter my wound
"" Carefully she places her baby onto the sand unwrapping the silk material which was wrapped around it. "You need to keep it covered...we don't want any infections..." Watching the woman begin to wrap my stomach in the thin cloth i can't keep my eyes off her. She's different from the rest who is on the island. For one she speaks differently and she's actually helping me.
" are you going to help me...?"
"My husband...he has a in the middle of the island under a few broken down palm trees..." Glancing at my naked body she smiles sympathetically at me. That's when it strikes me.
"Erm... no offence, but... i'm engaged..."
Her eyes widen by my response, but her surprised look soon fades as she giggles softly cradling her young child again.
"Don't worry... i'm not after soon as it gets darker meet me in this exact place... everyone will be asleep getting caught is the last thing you need. I mean... if they know that you're escaping you wont make it off here alive." Taking a deep breath she softly kisses her baby's forehead whilst closing her eyes for a brief moment. "...and as soon as you get off this island you must go to the hospital before anything else."

Squinting my eyes i carefully sit up to get a better look at the female. "Why are you helping me"
" My name is Tiarna... but you can call me Tia." She holds out a steady hand into my direction which after a few seconds we exchange a friendly handshake.
"Nice to meet you Tia...i'm Gary."
"'re a very handsome man, Gary..." Again she glances at me a little longer, her eyes work their way up from my legs and back to my eyes. "...And i also hear you're a doctor...impressive."
" back to my question....why are you actually helping me?"
Her cheerful face saddens into a more pained look. "It's hard being a single me...I wouldn't like your child to grow up without a father who would be an outstanding role model to them.."
"Single Mum...? But you said you are ma-"
"I am... I am married..."
Rattling my brains i pull a confused look at her. "I haven't got time for games... i've told you that..."
"My husband was on this island with me... before...before...t...they...killed him." Her lips tremble and she holds her baby closer to her chest.
"O...oh...gosh...i'm sorry to hear that... why on earth would they do such a thing? Leaving you with this little one..." Stretching out a single finger i brush it against the little boy's hand.
"He didn't know. The was how we ended up here we lost control and the waves washed us out here on this...this hell hole! Luckily the boat is still sort of in tact... we tried to escape days after ending up here, but..." Shaking now she grips to her bottom lip. "They got him...they dragged me away...and...and....and..."
"Ssssh....come here..." Without causing myself too much pain with my fresh wounds i wrap my arms carefully around her showing support.
Chloe's POV

We never made it to the airport instead we decided to stay at a hotel, but even though we're skint Mark decided to commit fraud by using Gary's credit cards. Luckily for us Mark knows exactly how to sign Gary's signature...that will be mentioned in the future as in why he's been practising it. "You're beautiful...Chloe.." Mark growls against my neck as he almost drags me through the door of our room. The state of my mind at the minute i haven't a clue what's going on in the surroundings. He continues to trace my neck and jaw line with his lip, as our hands lace together. "G...Gary..." Quietly i moan resting my head against the wall which my back's pressed against.
" name is Mark...Gary isn't here anymore..." He speaks during kisses. Snapping my eyes open his words bring me back to reality. What the hell am i doing?! What are we both doing in fact!
"M...Mark...get off..." Nudging against his chest surprisingly he's gotten much stronger during this embrace.
"Come on... stop fussing...there's nothing wrong...we're just two friends..." Claiming my lips his hands press onto my stomach which causes me to lash out.
"STOP!" Loudly i call hitting my hand against his face causing it to echo in the room.

Mark steps back a little holding his cheek looking stunned over my actions. "Woah...what's gotten into you?! You started this...jeez."
Tears spring to my eyes, as i softly stroke my stomach. "Are you forgetting about Gary? We can't do this... we can never do this, ok? It was a emotions are all over the place." Mark turns his back on my pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Seriously this has to stop!" Raising his voice he places his hands onto my shoulders. "Gary...Gary isn't coming back, and sitting around here moaning about it isn't going to bring him back...i'm sorry, but it's true. You need to think of the child's health...or that will be something else you're going to loose." Silence fills the room as my jaw drops in shock over Mark's comments. "....C...Chloe...i'm-" Nervously he tries to brush away a tear which escapes my eye, but before he does i angrily grip to his wrist. "Chloe...i...i didn't..." More tears begin to stream down my face whilst i quickly run to the bedroom locking the door behind me. Closing my eyes i slowly slide down the closed door dropping to my knees where i breakdown.
Stirring in my sleep i get restless in bed. "" A voice echoes around my ears.
"Gary?!" The voice sounds exactly like Gary's as it seeps into my room like a windy breeze. There's a tall shadow outside my window which causes my heart rate to increase. It's him! He's actually found me! Slipping out of bed i pull back the curtains to find nothing but a tree standing beside my window. Releasing a deep sigh i cup my face. "I'm going mad...completely mad..." A good nights sleep is needed...if i can manage to actually get one. Walking back to the bed i step onto the silk duvet which causes me to slip, as i fall against the bedside table with a loud thud. A sharp pain fills my stomach. "ARRGHH!" Crying out loudly i hold tight to my stomach. This cannot be happening not now!