Tuesday 23 July 2013

Chapter 1

God i'm so stupid. Only i could trip down the stairs wearing flip flops and twist my ankle! Slowly i limp inside the hospital's entrance. The only reason i had to come to the hospital to be examined is because 6months ago i badly damaged my ankle during a night out in stilettos....never again! My friend Mark is a doctor here we've always been close friends since a young age. Hopefully it'll just be a flying visit!
"Chloe!" A cheerful voice calls. I turn to the direction of the voice and there stands Mark holding a folder beside the reception desk grinning over at me. 
"Oh hiya Mark!" Softly i smile whilst i limp over to him. 
He raises his eyebrow. "Ay? What's happened?" One of his arms wrap around my waist helping me over to the waiting area and sitting me onto one of the chairs. 
"Twisted my ankle falling down a couple of the stairs." 
Mark chuckles a little. "Could only happen to you Chlo! I'll give you a quick check." 
"Cheeky sod." Playfully i tap his arm. "Cheers."
He walks back over to the reception area to look for my file. 

I flick through a magazine whilst waiting for my name to be called. The one thing i hate about hospitals is the waiting and especially whilst being stuck next to a sneezer! Where's Mark?? My eyes glance around the waiting area for him. Is there really much point of me being here? Besides i'm not in a great deal of pain anyway. As i'm about to stand up to leave something catches the corner of my eye. Or should i say someone. An average sized male with blonde hair and stubble wearing a white doctor's jacket. I've never seen him here before? He must be new. Slowly i sit back down placing the magazine partly over my face, so i can still see him. Wow... he's fit! Wonder what his name is...? The blonde doctor learns against the desk work top slightly biting his lip looking through some paper work. His hand runs through his blonde strands making it a little messy. 

"Chloe? Earth to Chloe?" A hand appears in front of my face moving up and down causing me to snap out of my trance. 
"Huh?" I shake my head whilst looking up to find a grinning Mark. "You're back." I blush a little. 
"Happy to see me then?" He winks. 
Sneakily i look back over to the other doctor who still leans against the reception desk. "Uh huh... so....you have a new doctor i see?"
Mark looks over to where i'm looking. "Oh yeah.. him... he came a week or so ago." 
"Really? What's his name...?" I ask trying not to sound too desperate. 
"Dr Barlow... all the girls who come here always ask to be seen by him. He's ok looking i guess, but apparently he's only had one girlfriend a good few years ago and said he's still waiting for the right one to come along." 
Continuing to look at the new doctor i notice him look over in our direction. Quickly my eyes look to the magazine. Fuck he's hot! "That's so sweet...."
"Don't tell me you have a thing for him already?" Mark rolls his eyes a little. 

My cheeks start to feel a little hotter. "Erh...me? I don't know what you mean." I laugh a little letting my eyes look up noticing him making his way over here. Oh no. 
"Only because his rich daddy put some money in here he thinks he owns the place psssh." 
He walks over to Mark who's standing beside me. "Dr Owen? What are you doing standing round chatting for? Haven't you got patients to see to?" 
"Erm yes? I'm with one now." Mark mumbles slightly. 
"Well you aren't doing a good job of it are you? You're with the elderly today anyway, so get back to your ward." He snaps a little at Mark. Without saying anything to either of them i sit pretending to read my magazine. 
"I've been with the elderly for the past 4days, and this is one of my friend's who i'm about to examine that's why i went to get her file." Mark looks at me out the corner of his eye. 
"Get back to your ward Dr Owen that is if you still want a job? Give me the file i'll examine your 'friend'. Don't let me catch you hanging around here again." He holds his hand out to Mark. 
"No buts Dr Owen hand it over and get back to work." He takes the file from Mark. 
Mark sighs softly. "Call you later Chloe."
"Erm...Y..yeah see you..." I bite my lip a little.

"Right Miss Matthews come with me please." The doctor walks to a room whilst looking through my paperwork. Slowly i begin to follow him feeling a little nervous. I'm not use to seeing other doctors especially not ones looking as good as him. He sits down on his chair facing a computer. Nervously i stand in the doorway. "Well...take a seat then Miss Matthews i'm a very busy man i haven't got time to waste."
"S..sorry..." I limp over to the chair facing him.
He turns round to face me first he looks at my legs then he gives me eye contact. "So what can i do for you today? It's your ankle right?"
"Y...yes...i.. er twisted it...falling down a couple of my stairs." I clear my throat a little. Jeez Chloe get a grip!
After a few note makings he moves closer to me. "I'm not gonna bite." He rolls his eyes a little with a smirky grin forming on his face. The best i can without it hurting too much i stretch out my leg.

He places part of my leg onto his knee. "Right... does this hurt?" Softly he pushes two fingers against the back of my leg.
Moving further down he does the same. "This?"
A sharp shooting pain shoots up my leg when he pushes against my ankle. "Aaah y...yes." I grip to the top of his hand. Quickly i pull away from his feeling embarrassed. "S...sorry...erm."
"I can't feel any broken bones... so it might just be a slight sprain." He keeps his hand rested on my shin bone. My eyes look down at his hand. Woah he's got such long fingers. They almost wrap completely around my leg!
Very gently i feel them stroke my shine bone. Oh dear. I start to feel a little bit hot. Am i imaging this?!

"So you know Dr Owen?" I hear him say. It's hard to focus on what he's saying with his hand like that.
"Y...yeah... we've been friends... since childhood."
He nods a little. "I see..." His hand squeezes my thigh a couple of times very softly whilst he waits for the computer to print something out. "He's a little lazy around here, but a good worker when he works that is."
"Typical Mark." I laugh a little trying to act normal.
"Are you two...?" He raises his eyebrow a little loosening his grip.
What does he mean? Me and Mark dating? "Oh no no we're just friends."
"Ok..ok well i'll get a nurse to get you bandage for your ankle. You need to keep it on for at least a week, but keep walking on it or it'll go stiff." He bites his lip a little. Is he being cheeky over the word 'Stiff' My cheeks blush a little again.
"T...thanks." Softly i smile at him.

"So i'll see you this time next week ay?" He nods a little.
"Ok...yes. Thank you." I try and slip my leg away from his hand which still remains in the same place.
"Unless you'll be going to the pub with Mark at the weekend? Most of the staff go there after work?" Wait... is he sort of asking me on a date?
"Will you be there? Erm.. i.. i mean..." Oh shit now i sound desperate!
"Yeah i'll be there after my shift. I don't work late on Saturdays, so i'll see you there around 7ish? I'll let Mark know we usually have a drink together." A small grin forms at the corners of his mouth.
"S...sure... see you then..." As i stand up his fingers brush against my knee giving me a few flutters.
"Be careful. And remember keep moving or it'll get stiff." Again he bites his lip.
I walk to the direction of the door whilst looking back at him. He's just sitting there with his feet crossed showing off his lap. I could easily jump and sit on there. Wow. No Chloe stop! Not these thoughts.
"Thanks again...bye."
"See you." He smiles a little.

Once i close the door i release a deep breathe. Am i actually going on a date with a fit doctor?!

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