Sunday 28 July 2013

Chapter 4

I slam the drawer shut as quick as possible. Nervously i look up to find Gary in his towel with a confused look on his face. Oh shit this isn't good. "G...Gary...i...i was looking... for a phone charger...."
He releases a soft sigh and walks over to a sports type bag on the floor pulling out a wire. "Here." He hands me the phone charger. "Breakfast is ready."
"T...Thanks..." I've really blown it now. I walk down stairs with my phone and charger once i reach the bottom of the stairs my nose gets greeted by delicious smells coming from the kitchen. Gary pours two coffees out and pulls back my chair for me. Softly i smile as i sit down. It looks great! Bacon,eggs, tomatoes, toast and coffee. "Looks lovely!"
"Thank you... tuck in..." He smiles a little slipping on his dressing robe and tying it before joining me at the table. For a second i look up at him whilst he sips his coffee. It's like we're a couple. My mind must of drifted off for a second, because the next thing i knew i felt Gary's knee brush against mine causing me to come back to earth.

"Huh?" I jump a little.
Gary laughs. "Daydreaming again? How did you sleep?"
"Erm... it was ok... thank you for letting me stay." Slightly i blush whilst biting my toast. What if we had sex last night... "G...Gary...?"
"Yeah?" He raises his eyebrow a little looking up from his dinner plate.
How can i ask him that?! "Erm..L...last night... er... did...-" Before i mange to get my words out my phone begins to ring. Now that's what you call saved by the bell! "Excuse me a sec." I walk over to the worktop picking up my phone. Incoming call - Mark. I answer. "Hel-"
"Chloe where are you??? I've been worried all night did you get home safe?!" A worried voice speaks. Not giving me chance to speak.
"Mark calm down i'm fine honest." Out the corner of my eye i notice Gary looking at me.
"Well where are you? Are you at home?" Mark asks. Jeez he sounds like my boyfriend! I know he's one of my best friends, but still.
"No... erm... i'm at Gary's... we had a few drinks last night and i fell asleep on the sofa..." I still feel Gary's eyes staring at me. Like he's looking at me from head to toe.
"Wait... Gary? Gary Barlow?? And you stayed the night?? Did you..."

My cheeks begin to blush a little. "Yes that Gary... what do you mean did we...?" I look over at Gary and he just smirks a little biting his lip. Fuck. Did we??
"Right... meet me later yeah? I finish work in about 3 hours. We need to talk. See you." Mark clears his throat a little.
"Alright... yeah.. see you later." We both hang up.

"Overprotective friend ay?" Gary shakes his head a little picking up the empty plates.
I sit back down again. "Erm... yeah could say that... but he means well..."
"Hmm... yeah bet he does." Is he jealous...? I mean we aren't dating, but Gary's acting kinda jealous now? "Up to anything today?" Slightly he changes the subject.
"Nothing really... got some cleaning up to do once i'm"
He turns round placing his hands onto his chair smiling a little at me. "You could come to gym with me if you like? Then we can go for a drink?"
My jaw opens a little. Did i hear right?! He's asking me to go the gym with him?! "I...I'd love to Gary. What time are you planning of going?"
"Erm in a couple of hours?" Sweetly he smiles at me again.
"Oh... erm... i was going to meet Mark after work..." I bite my lip slightly.
The smile on Gary's face instantly disappears when i mention Mark again. "Oh right. No worries another time then."
Nice going Chloe! "No no... i can come... i mean i didn't promise him.... and i'd love to spend more time with you... it's been fun."
He walks to the direction of the kitchen door "Great. I'll go and get dressed then." Softly he whispers against my ear feeling his warm breath against my skin sends shivers down my spine.

We arrive at the gym. It's only a small place, and i'm glad it is i don't fancy people staring at me whilst i'm working out. Gary checks us in at the reception desk. The gentleman takes us to our workout room there's no one else here. "Where is everyone?"
Gary looks at me a little confused. "What do you mean?"
"I thought there would be more people here?"
He laughs a little placing his sports bag in a corner of the room. "I don't let random people in my gym Miss Matthews."
"Y....Yours...?" I stutter a little. Is this man a millionaire or something?!
With a slight grin on his face he walks over to the running machines. "Yeah. This place is one of mine."
"Wow... that's..." I'm literally speechless. I learn something new about him every minute.
He flicks a switch on the wall. "Well come on we haven't got all day i'd like to leave here before midnight." Stepping on the running machine where he begins his run. I can't help but stare at the back of him. His back muscles showing through his vest. His thigh and leg muscles tensing a little as he begins to pick up speed and his bum. Well what can i say about that?! Squeezable comes to mind.

I hop onto the running machine beside him starting off my run. He's got his machine a bit faster than mine. "Come on weakling." He laughs cheekily picking up speed again.
I roll my eyes playfully. "Cheeky." Turning mine up trying to reach his speed.
"Ay you'll hurt yourself." Gary winks. God is he trying to kill me? My eyes fix onto him instead of my running.  All of sudden i fell myself trip over my own feet causing me to make contact with the hard wooden floor. "OUCH!" I cry out.
Gary instantly turns off his machine and jumps beside me. "Chloe?? Are you ok?" He wraps his arms around the back of me. "Where are you hurt?"
A pain in my leg shoots up to my back. "M...My leg... oww...."
"Can you sit up? Come on we'll take you to the changing rooms, so i can take a better look." Carefully he helps me up wrapping his arm around my waist whilst i place mine around the back of his neck.

When we arrive to the changing rooms he places a wet tight bandage around my leg. "How does that feel?"
"Much better... thank you..." Sadly i reply. I feel  like such an idiot making a complete fool of myself in front of him yet again.
"Enough of the sad tone Miss. I think someone deserves a drink ay?" He picks up his Adidas sports bag pulling out a neatly folded shirt.
"Sounds great.." I smile at him.
He starts to remove his clothes. Unexpected i can't help but stare again. His back is facing me inches away. Removing his white vest dropping it to the floor. This time showing off the whole of his back muscles. His skin is slightly tanned like as if he's been on holiday recently. Next he removes his shorts. That leaves him wearing nothing but some black Calvin Klein boxers. My breathing increases a little. What can i do now?! All i can think of is did we have sex last night?! This is killing me... i need to know... "Gary...?" My words come out like a whisper.
"Yeah uh..." Slightly he looks over his right shoulder at me still only wearing his boxers.
"S...somethings bugging me.... i don't want to sound rude.... or that i'm desperate....i'm going to make a complete fool out of myself yet again... but... did we....erm...did we have sex...last night..." I gulp a little. My
heart races in my chest.

Very slowly Gary turns round. "Like i said last night. I'm not the kind of man who brings girls home and have sex with them. Unless that's what you think of me." He hisses. "You fell asleep on the sofa after drinking, so i covered you up with a blanket. No sex involved. Simple." He continues to get dressed again. My heart sinks. He's right. He's not like that at all and i got him all wrong.
"I...I'm so sorry Gary... I... I've got to go....sorry..." Tears begin to burn in my eyes. I try and walk to the door of the changing rooms, but the pain in my leg prevents me from doing so. "O...Ow...." My eyes snap shut. I feel myself falling backwards again, but instead of falling to the hard cold floor i feel myself being lifted. Slowly i open my eyes looking up at the ceiling and Gary. Two strong arms are held around me which stopped me from falling. Worry is plastered on Gary's as he holds me. Neither of us saying a word to one another. I just lay in his arms. This time his breathing increases. Feeling his bicep against my shoulder gives me flutters in the pit of my stomach. He's so gorgeous.
"You need to be careful..." A soft whisper against my ear speaks. I close my eyes again for a brief moment trying to take everything in. His face inches from mine. Opening my eyes again i make eye contact with his green eyes... those green eyes which take my breath away. Silence creeps into the room again as i slowly bring my hand to contact with his stubbled cheek. Gently stroking it with the back of my hand. A very faint smile begins to appear on his face as the gap between our faces begins to decrease.

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