Thursday 25 July 2013

Chapter 2

I wait for Mark to arrive at mine. He said he would pick me up, so we can go to the pub together it's much cheaper than paying out for a taxi. My stomach fills with flutters i can't believe a good looking Doctor invited me on a drink! Well it's not really a date, because his friends will be there, but it's better than nothing. A car horn sounds outside. Quickly i grab my purse and jacket before making my way out. "Come on Cinderella i haven't got all night!" A cheeky grin looks over at me.
"Oh shut up you. Says the one who takes 2hours getting dressed." I giggle whilst making my way to the passenger seat.
"Naah you look great." Mark gently kisses my cheek. He usually does this as a way to greet me or any other  of his close lady friends.
"You don't look bad yourself." I smile softly placing my purse on my lap whilst i fasten my seat belt. I'm wearing a knee length dark black dress and short heels. Mark's wearing a white smart shirt and black trousers. He's always been into fashion, so he knows how to dress well.
"Cheers me lovely. Right should we go?" He smiles at me, as he starts up the engine.
I nod in response of his question. "Lets."

It was only a short drive to the pub, but at least we got to have a chat before getting here. He told me a few things about his doctor friend or should i say Gary. "I'm a bit nervous to be honest." Slightly i bite my lip looking at my lap.
Mark shakes his head a little. "How come? I mean Gary can be jerk to some of the staff...well mainly me, but i guess he's a sound lad."
"But he's gorgeous..." I sigh a little. Who am i kidding? Gary will never fall for someone like me. Besides Mark said lots of the girls who go to the hospital ask to be seen by Gary. I'm nothing special.
"Chloe. You're a very attractive girl and if Gary doesn't see that then he's a fool. I mean i've not heard him ask any other girl who's come to the hospital for a night out with us. Count yourself lucky who knows where this could take you in the future ay? Anyway lets go in that pint is crying my name." Mark laughs a little getting out of his car.
"I guess." Maybe i shouldn't of come. I don't want to act like an idiot around him.

We walk inside the coloured room. I don't go out as much as i use to. Seeing as most of my friends have moved towns now. Mark walks over to the bar with me walking close behind him. We order some drink and take a table in the back corner of the pub. "Where is everyone?" I look around. There's not many people here and none of the staff have arrived.
"Don't worry he'll be here." Mark winks at me.
Is he like a mind reader or something. I feel my cheeks get a little hot. Feeling embarrassed i start to drink my cocktail to save me for a few minutes.
"Evening." A familiar Mancunian accent speaks.
Mark looks up. "Oh hiya Gary. Have you come alone?"
My eyes stare in my glass. Oh shit i'm not good at this. Just say hi at least?! "H...hello Gary."
"Alright Miss Matthews? Yeah haven't seen any of the other lads yet." He takes a seat opposite me.
He sounds so professional. "Please call me Chloe." I smile a little.
"Nice name." He smiles a little.
Mark stands up. "I'll get more drinks. Vodka coke, Gaz?"
"You're getting good at this." Gary smiles at Mark. I don't know why Mark keeps complaining about Gary for, they're getting along great!

Mark walks over to the bar leaving me and Gary alone. Great. I suck at conversations! " you're new around here?" I try and act less nervous sipping my drink.
"Aye. I've worked mainly in Manchester where i was born at hospitals, but i think moving to this one is much better. Better staff better area." He drums his fingers on the table a little while he waits for his drink. I can't help but look at his visible chest. A few of  his shirt buttons are undone showing off that golden chest hair. "Erm.. yeah London is a great area.." My eyes fix back onto my glass.

Some of the staff start to arrive and to be honest they are live savers. At least they will make better conversations. Mark walks back with the drinks. "About time!" Gary takes his glass from Mark and almost downs it in one.
"Manners would be nice." Mark mumbles.
Gary rolls his eyes a little whilst finishing off his drink. "Yeah a little more work out of you too would be nice, but we can't get everything."
"My work is perfectly fine. No one has complained before." Mark frowns. One of the male staff whispers something in Mark's ear. I guess he tells Mark to calm down a little and to leave it.
"Yeah and paint drying is fun to watch." Gary smirks then looks at me. I can't help but letting out a little giggle. To be honest that was kinda funny.
Mark looks at me a little disappointed. Tonight i'm going to have fun, and nothing or no one will stop that.

I start to engage conversation with one of the nurses. She's about my age and we both share the interest in music tastes. Whilst sipping my drink i feel something against my leg causing me to swallow my drink differently making me cough. I look under the table, but it's too dark to see anything and my eyes aren't very good either seeing as the alcohol is already getting to my head. We continue with our conversation until i feel it again. It gets higher to my thigh gently stroking. It's not a hand no way could it be. Slowly i turn round, so i'm facing Gary again. The side of his head rests against his fist whilst he spins a bar mat with his finger. He's looking down at the table top. The stroking continues to get a little higher moving up and down my whole leg very slowly. Could it be...? Gary's foot? He's teasing me now... is it because he's bored?

It's gone midnight and people begin to leave. "Chloooeh? Do y'want a lift 'ome?" Mark's speech is slurred.
"Maybe it's not a good idea you drive Mr Owen." Gary raises his eyebrow a little. "Go on ring a taxi or hitch a ride back."
Mark hiccups a little. "God wish you'd stop telling me what to do. I'll go with Cal at least he knows how to have a good time. Bloody grumpy Gary."
"Whatever. Just make sure you get to work on time for once." Gary frowns. The stroking on my leg moves a little harder. Shit he's annoyed and still teasing me. Why's he doing this??
"Erm... i best get off too. Thanks for a good night Gary it's been nice talking to you." Softly i smile as i stand up.
"Do you want me to drive you home?" He instantly stands up. "Or maybe we can have a few drinks at mine if you like? I don't need to get up early or anything."
Did he really just ask that?! "Y...yours?"
"I didn't mean it like that. I'm not that kind of man who forces sex on women you know. Forget it." He walks out of the bar.
Well done Chloe! Upset the guy why don't you. "Gary wait!" I call after him as he walks to his car.
"What?" He turns round looking a little annoyed.
Nervously i walk over to him. "Erm... i'd love... to have a drink at yours. I've really enjoyed tonight. Why let it end this way on a downer?" I just about manage to push out a smile.
He smiles slightly whilst opening the passenger's door of his car for me.

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