Saturday 12 October 2013

Chapter 24

We arrive at the nearest hospital i must of collapsed in the boat, because the next thing i know is i'm laid up right in bed. "G...Gaz?" My eyes anxiously search the room. I'm alone apart from a monitor which is wired to me bleeping every few seconds. "Hello??" I call hoping that a nurse or doctor will come in, so i can ask about Gary. Maybe Gary's somewhere in the hospital? I've got to go find him. With the hope and thought of Gary being somewhere in the building i go to look for him. The hospital is slightly crowded i recognise some of the people from the cruise a couple of them are sitting in the waiting area looking at me with faces full of worry. All i'm wearing is a thin hospital gown which the icy breeze from the air conditioner sneaks through. Bare footed i stagger over to the reception desk gritting my teeth from the agony in my ankle. "Miss Matthews what are you doing out here?" The elderly lady looks at me surprised standing from her chair.
"I...I'm looking for...for my boyfriend...Gary?"
She shakes her head taking me by the arm gently almost like i'm a lost child on their first day of school. "You shouldn't be looking for anyone you need rest especially that ankle of yours!" She takes me back to my room opening the door for me. Before setting foot back into the room something catches my eye...or should i say someone.
"Gary?!" My entire body freeze watching 3 doctors come rushing through the entrance of the hospital pushing a stretcher. Gary lays lifeless with a oxygen mask around his mouth shirtless with only a sheet to cover the lower part of his body. His skin is pale matching the white fainted sheet. Seeing him like that almost causes me to black out again. "GARY!" I call pushing my way past people to get into the same room as him.

A few doctors pull me back once Gary is located into a free hospital room. "You can't go in there miss." The small dark haired male doctor closes the door behind him. He stands in front of me not allowing me to see let alone go inside to Gary.
"He's my boyfriend! I have every right! W...We're...going to have... a baby...please?" Uncontrollable floods of tears escape my eyes, as i bury my face into my hands.

After 10 minutes of begging and pleading to see Gary they finally agree. Another doctor appears from inside and whispers to the one who's stopping me from going in. The look on the smaller doctor's face completely drops like a ton of bricks he's left pinching the bridge of his nose releasing a quiet sigh. "Wha...What's happening?" Feeling terrified and sick i slowly stand to my feet walking to the doctor demanding news.
"He...Mr Barlow...would like to see you." Carefully he pushes the door enough for me to slide in. Without wasting time i slide through the gap, but before i fully enter the room the same doctor takes me by the arm. "You can't spend long with him... we'll be back once your time is up..." He releases his loose grip on my arm. Listening to what he says i nod in reply before turning to where Gary's bed is.

Sickness springs in my stomach almost like i'm on a roller coaster looking at Gary. He has a bandage tightly wrapped around his head completely covering his blond fluffy hair with a few blood stains seeping through. A tube hangs out the side of his mouth. Only when i stand beside his bed i notice his chest slowly rising and falling in time with the heart monitor. "Gaz...?" Quietly i whisper. No reply or movement. "Gary? Are you awake?" Carefully i take his hand in mine speaking a little louder. His hand feels like a block of ice compared to mine. Very faintly i notice his eyelids begin to flicker. "O...Oh...G...Gary..." My speech comes out stuttered feeling overwhelmed he's alive.
"C...C...Chloe...." He takes deep breathes during speech.
"I'm here.... i'm here babe..." I stroke the back of his hand against my cheek his finger tips brush my face slightly.
"T...This....I...Is...A...All...M...M...My....Fault...." His eyes close again panting a little faster for his breath. "I...I...Need...T...To...Say....S...Something..."

Kissing his hand trying to warm him up i sit beside him on a chair. "No...Gary please... please don't blame yourself... we didn't know this was going to happen... of course... i'm listening... tell me babe..."
Groaning slightly he takes a few more deep breathes. " that....that you..will... spoil....our baby.... me.... you'll...find the best....daddy...for...for...them to...look...up to..." He pauses allowing a tear to roll down his cheek. Feeling scared and confused i look at him not understanding what he's talking about.
"You're the Dad Gary? What are you talking about?"
Slowly he opens his eyes a little again. "I....I...i'" A couple more tears escape his eyes. " look after both...of yourselves....i'll...i'll" His hand very gently strokes my stomach and painfully he pushes out a faint smile before closing his eyes again.
"Gary please don't say that! You're going to make this! Please Gary please we're going to help you!" He doesn't respond it's almost like he's fallen into a sleep again causing the monitor to bleep loudly. "Gary?" Gently i nudge his shoulder. No reply. His chest stops moving and the pipe slides out of his mouth. "GARY! G...Ga...GARY! W...Wake... up!" Doing all i can to wake him up from kissing his icy lips to shaking his arm. It's no good. Some doctors come rushing through the door telling me to leave. "I'm not going anywhere!!" I scream not letting go of Gary's arm.

One of the doctors walk over to the monitor switching it off stopping the buzzing sound swirling around my ears. "We're....Sorry Miss..." A nurse places her hand onto my shoulder. "Time of death... 4:11pm..."
Refusing to believe any of them i don't let go of Gary. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP GARY!" Quickly i sit up causing my eyes to snap open.
"Chloe?? Chloe are ok?!" Someone beside me jumps from their seat pulling me into their arms. "It was just a dream Chloe..." Breathing faster i look around wide eyed. I'm back in my hospital room.
Mark allows his arms to hang loosely around me. Where did he come from? "No... he's not Chloe... the police are still looking for him... you just had a dream... Gary isn't dead."
"D...D...dream...?" I swallow hard failing at holding the tears back. "Ohhh Mark!" Uncontrollable i break down into Mark's arms.

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