Friday 4 October 2013

Chapter 21

"Chloe? Baby come on." Gary whines on the other side of the door. After i've slipped on my dress i apply some light natural tones of make up along with a few squirts of perfume. Gary's planned us a 'little break'. No idea what he means we're on holiday yet we're packing a few things to go away again? Makes no sense really. I quickly grab my small bag with a few overnight things in before opening the bathroom door to find Gary sitting on the sofa's arm. "Finally!" He stands up grinning wearing his brown shorts and blue top with black flip flops. "Ready then?"
"Where are we going? I need to quickly nip to the shop first."
Gary slides his fingers into mine. "It's a surprise." He kisses the end of my nose. "Why do you need to go to the shops?"
"Fancy something sweet." Replying with a shrug for some reason i don't feel myself. Maybe it's the new atmosphere or just everything which has gone off in the past few months.
"Am i not sweet enough?" Cheekily Gary giggles taking a tight grip of my hand as we leave our apartment.
"Hmmm... i'll suppose i'll dip you in chocolate and eat you tonight." I place his finger into my mouth biting the tip. Gary releases a soft groan whilst locking the door behind us.
"Get a drink for yourself Gaz?" We end up in a small beach supermarket only with about 4 aisles of different groceries
"We're going to be late..." Gary mumbles under his breath. "I don't want anything." Is this Gary or has he been replaced by a 10year old.
"You need a drink babe." I reach for two bottles of coke placing them into the partly full basket. I don't think i've ever gone this mad on sweet things. Guess this is the new me. We walk over to the check out to pay for the shopping. "Oh wait i've forgotten something." Quickly i walk back to one of the aisles looking for some doughnuts. Gary's favourites. Until something catches my eye on the way. For some reason it draws me in getting my attention. Pregnancy tests. I swallow hard staring at the small shelf containing different brands. Don't be silly Chloe you can't be pregnant... i mean i am late this month and we haven't been as careful as we should of been, but that doesn't mean i'm pregnant...
"Chloe! I'm gonna make a quick phone call back in a sec." Gary's voice calls from one of the aisles. As soon as he leaves the shop i pick up one of the boxes. Clearblue 99.9% accurate. There's no harm in being sure is there? I'm probably not even pregnant even if i am all of a sudden eating like an elephant. Taking the box i quickly dash back to the check out to pay for the shopping stuffing the pregnancy test to the bottom of my over night bag. I can't tell Gary not yet i need to find out for myself first i don't even know how he would react to this. "Ready?" He walks back towards me with his Gucci sunglasses perched on the bridge on his nose.
"Uh huh..."
We arrive at the beach after a 30 minute walk. I've never seen a beach so crowded before it's almost like a huge concert of some sort. "We're here." Gary stops once we reach the sand.
"Here? What do you mean here? I'm not staying on the beach for days god knows what will happen with these people here."
Gary chuckles resting his hand on his stomach. "You silly bugger. Look." He points to the direction of the blue crystal clear water.
"There's nothing there?" I raise my eyebrow getting a little frustrated from the heat. Gary releases a soft sigh whilst placing his hands onto my shoulders moving me into his direction. Something slowly travels in the sea from a distance. "Erh... a boat?"
"Get it now?" A smug grin forms at the corners of his mouth. My jaw drops a little as the boat makes it's way closer to the crowd of people. "I booked us a cruise." I stare at the huge white cruise ship it's almost the same size of the whole beach.
"" Is all i'm able to mutter.

Once the cruise ship stops in the sea a few smartly dressed men and woman in red walk down a ramp from the boat. They begin to take tickets from the passengers who make their way onto the boat. "Come on babe." Gary takes a tight grip to my hand pushing through the crowd of people. Nervously i follow him past the crowd. Why are we pushing to the front?
"Oi they're pushing in!" A few annoyed people frown at us.
"Fuck off." Gary mumbles under his breath. Feeling like a decade we finally get to the front of the line. He pulls out a card from his pocket. "Dr. Gary Barlow and guest."
"Thank you, and here's your room card sir. You both need to wear these wristbands." The lady smiles in a friendly at us both handing us our brightly coloured wristbands.
"Cheers." We begin walking up the ramp to the deck. It looks amazing i've never been on a cruise ship before. The deck's floor is polished you can even see your reflection on it.
"Sir. Madame. Complementary champagne?" A gentleman in a smart black suit with a bow tie offers us a glass of champagne. Gary takes two glasses and hands me one.
"Oh... no thanks..." I push the glass away a little. IF i am pregnant drinking alcohol isn't a good idea. Gary raises his eyebrow at me looking a little concerned. "I'm ok... it's just...erm.. the heat... it makes me feel sick... that's all." Forcefully i push out a convincing smile.
"Lets find our room, yeah?"

The ship starts to gently rock as it begins to travel again. It must hold thousands of people it's just like the Titanic all over again. We reach our room which has a stunning view of the sea you can even see the different coloured tropical fish swimming beside the boat. "This is... this is amazing Gary...." I sigh happily staring at the glistening rippled sea.
"You're amazing..." A single finger strokes down my spine to the bottom of my back. Sending electrical vibes through out my entire body.
"Mmmm..." Gently i moan grinning softly. "This is going to be so romantic... just like Titanic..."
Gary's lips plant soft kisses against my neck. "Sure is..." His warm breathe tickles my neck.
"Oooh i wanna recreate the scene!" Grinning like a 5 year old i turn around to face him breaking contact with his lips from my neck.
"Yeah the one... erm i don't know what it's called. The part when Rose has her arms out like she's flying at the front of the boat?"
Rolling his eyes playfully softly grinning. "I remember... which one."
"Can we do it? I've always wanted to do it since i saw the film. Please?"
"Come on then."

Sneakily we walk over to the very front of the ship. Not one person is around they're all too busy getting drunk on the free champagne. I peer over the side of the ship and my stomach instantly turns at the height we are. "Oh... god... i can't do this..." Before i get chance to walk back inside Gary holds onto my arm pulling me against his chest.
"Sure you can babe... just like in the movie... i'll hold you." He takes me back to the front of the ship so i'm touching the rails.
"B...B..but..." I swallow hard trying my best not to look down.
"Just climb up i've got you." Gary takes a firm grip to my waist helping me onto the railing. Nervously i climb closing my eyes tightly. Doing the same Gary places his feet either side of the bars behind me. "Open your eyes babe..." He whispers against my ear also spreading out my weak arms for me. Very slowly i open my eyes flickering my eyelids so i can get a quick glimpse. "Trust me." Feeling his support i begin to relax fully opening my eyes.
"Wow...." Speechless doesn't even cover it nor does romantic. I rest my head a little onto his chest feeling his steady heartbeat in his chest. This is beautiful. The blazing sun slowly starts to fade into the pink sky. I feel free, overwhelmed and completely loved up.
"That was so beautiful Gaz!" I grin hugely whilst holding onto Gary's hand to get down from the railings. Tightly his arms wrap around me, as his hand rakes through my long brown curled hair. "Couldn't agree more..." Looking up from his chest i look into his deep blue eyes whilst my hand gently brushes against his golden stubble which looks stunning as the sun hits against it.
"I love you...Gary."
"I love you too..." Our lips gently press against one anothers for a second or two. Slowly we break away only for eye contact before making contact again. This time passionate causing me to swing my arms around the back of his neck pulling him closer. A groan leaves Gary's lips vibrating against mine. "I've got a surprise for you..." He speaks with a breathly voice.
"Oh?" I look a little surprised. More surprises? He's really impressing me tonight.
Without waiting any longer he takes my hand almost dragging me back to our room. "Wait here a sec." I walk over to the bed waiting for him. 'Surprise' i wonder what he has in store for me. Maybe he's going to appear covered in edible body chocolate... wouldn't mind licking that from every inch of his naked body. A cheeky grin appears onto my face with the dirty thoughts swirling around my head.

15 minutes later there's a knock on the door causing me to wake up from my slight daze. "C...come.. in?" Rubbing my eyes i sit up. The door slowly opens and in walks a man dressed in white wearing the same sunglasses as Gary's. Blinking my eyes a few times i stare at the man. "G...G..Gary?" I almost choke staring at him dressed as a Captain. Seeing his bare chest through his half done up shirt and the bulge in his tight white trousers.
"Evening Miss Matthews..." He locks the door behind him slowly making his way over to the bed. "I'm your Captain...for this evening... Captain Barlow..." His hand moves to the direction of my overnight bag. My eyes snap from my trance of him remembering the pregnancy test is in there.
"No! Wait!" I call grabbing hold of my bag. A confused look spreads across Gary's face. Shit.

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