Tuesday 22 October 2013

chapter 25

Two days later i'm allowed to finally come out of hospital. Mark hasn't left my side he's too much of a worrier sometimes. Surprisingly the baby is fine due to the falls on the boat it managed to move him or her near my ribs which they luckily protected the baby. I was asked if i wanted an early scan of the baby, but i refused i want Gary to be there for when i have the scans and until he's found i'm not going to have any scans taken. "Chloe are you sure you want to stay here tonight?" Mark follows me up the path back to the apartment.
"Yes." Answering bluntly i unlock the door, as soon as i enter the room my nostrils are filled with the smell of Gary's over  used after shave. He use to drown himself in that stuff. Taking a deep breath closing my eyes i force my legs to walk over to the sofa.
"Would you like a drink?"
My mind drifts off for a minute thinking of the times Gary was here with me. It doesn't feel real not to have my head resting against some part of him. His hand raking through my hair whilst he whispers sweet things into my ear until i fall to sleep to be carried to bed by him. "No thanks Gaz." The state i'm in i don't realise what i'm saying until later on in the day when it hits me.
"Oh...er...o..ok." Mark walks over to the empty space beside me on the sofa. "Do you need anything else? How's the baby? Did you know you was pregnant?"
"Questions...questions..." Muttering under my breath i pinch the bridge of my nose sucking in a deep breath. "I knew the night before... he knew...before he... before...he..." Replying with a shaky breath my head falls against Mark's chest where the tears fall against his shirt. "I....I...can't....I can't...do...t...h...is" Gently Mark wraps his arms around me whilst my head buries even more against him. The smell of Gary's aftershave from air makes Mark smell like him. It almost fells like Gary's holding me. Relaxing now with the mixed up thoughts in my head i'm convinced i'm in Gary's arms.
"Everything's going to be ok..." Mark's accent isn't as strong as Gary's, but i feel safe... i feel sort of happy which i haven't felt in days.

I must of fallen asleep for a little while, because the next thing i know is i feel movement. Opening my eyes i see Mark reaching in my bag for my ringing mobile. "Hello, Chloe Matthews phone." He speaks with a whispering voice leaving his free arm wrapped around me. "I'm her friend. Mark Owen i was the one who collected her from hospital this evening." Mark scrunches his face up a little trying to make out what the person on the other end of the line is saying. I guess they're speaking in Spanish. "Erm... i wasn't on board at the time i flew in once i heard about Chloe in the hospital. He's about... 5ft 8... blond hair... green eyes...erm... no he doesn't wear jewellery... dresses smart... no, no middle names just Gary Barlow he's a doctor if he has his wallet on him he'll have his doctor card in there." Instantly my head lifts by the use of Gary's name. Have they found him? Suddenly i'm wide awake now staring at Mark. "O...oh...you have? I...I understand... y...yeah....sure...i'll...i'll tell... her.. thank you... 4 o'clock? Right... ok...b...bye." He hangs up stroking his forehead anxiously.
Feeling my heart race in my chest i'm in shock. They've fount!! They've found Gary! Tears springs to my eyes, as excitement takes over shining a smile over to Mark who cradles his head.
"Have they??"

Mark doesn't reply his eyes are closed firmly as he steadily breathes. "Mark? Have they really found him?" I feel like a child on Christmas morning. Why doesn't Mark seem happy about it? Without saying a word he nods slightly. "Oh g....gosh... they've.....they've...actually found him??!" Seeing Mark's nod causes tears to come flooding down my cheeks. "When can we see him?? Has he said anything? Is he ok?" Not releasing all the questions i'm asking i grab my bag along with my shoes. "Is he at the hospital i was at?? Well come on Mark let's go i'm not waiting another 2 hours to see him!" Pulling Mark's arm to get him from the sofa he feels much heavier and it feels like his body is shaking. "Mark?!"
"He's not at the hospital." Mark mumbles, as he slowly lifts his head. Looking into his eyes they seem to have saddened.
"Well where is he? But he's been found, right?" I'm confused. What's happening?
"Th...they think they've found him...b...but that wasn't the hospital...Chloe." He closes his eyes taking in a deep breath again.
"Mark what's going on?! Where is he?!" Panicking a little my body begins to tremble this doesn't look good it's going to be bad news i can feel it.
"C...Chloe... that...that was the m...morgue....  they think... they think they've found Gary... you...you need to identify... his body...i'm...so...so sorry..." For the first time i've seen in ages tears roll down Mark's face. Hearing the words leave his mouth my legs feel weak. Uncontrollable my legs hit the floor as i fall to my knees. No. This can't be. My world comes crashing down at my feet.

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