Wednesday 25 September 2013

Chapter 20

We arrive at our apartment. Gary's friend is away for the month so he offered us to stay for as long we wanted. "Just throw everything in the bedroom." In walks Gary struggling with the two cases.
"Aren't we going to unpack first?" I ask sounding confused reaching for one of the suit cases from Gary's grip.
"I'd much rather guzzle a pint down my neck." Raking his fingers through his hair he looks at me. You can't really argue with him...i mean look at him!
"Ok... i'll sort the things out when we get back then." I grab my purse before linking arms with him. It is already 7pm so it's starting to get dark already.
"No you won't this holiday is to relax. Sod the cases." Grumpy Gary is such a turn on. Wow.
After 2 and a half hours of drinking we are both pretty much wasted. "I'm just going to the men's room." Gary slurs loudly against my ear whilst stumbling to his feet.
"Uh....huh." Is all i manage to reply with knocking back yet another shot. Watching Gary stagger to the men's room he almost falls through the door once he reaches it. I sit alone nursing my empty shot glass watching people dance madly to all kinds of music.
"Come! Come!" A voice shouts in my direction pulling me out of my seat. Squinting my eyes i look at a small  tanned brown haired man who drags me from our table.
"W...who are you?" I ask hiccuping from the alcohol. We go to the middle of the bar where there's a crowd of people.
"Play game. Come pretty lady come." He takes me behind the bar. "Lay on bar. We play game." Feeling incredibly confused i look over at the toilets searching for Gary. He must still be in there. All of a sudden i feel myself being lifted onto the bar by two men with muscles the size of my head. "Lay down!" The small man shouts. Doing as he says i lay on the bar like i'm in bed. The crowd of people start to form around the bar.
"I want to do this one! Holy fuck look at her!" A few drunken men shout. Shit. What's happening?! Out of no where a man climbs onto the bar and straddles me sitting on the bottom of my stomach. My eyes widen looking at him, as hiccups continue to leave my parted lips. I'm far too drunk to understand what's happening or what's going to happen.

The dark haired man who has me pinned to the bar reaches for a cocktail shaker and places it beside me. Quickly he removes his shirt placing my hands onto his abs whilst he grinds against my body. Wow. Is this a stripper? He's kinda fit i must admit that. He places the cocktail shaker at the front of his jeans and begins to fill it was various alcohol flavours. No idea what they were, but it went from clear water like liquids to electric pinks and greens brightening up his chest which they ran down into the shaker. "On three!" The guy reaches for my hands and place one on top of the shaker and the other under the shaker whilst it remains in his jeans. "ONE! TWO! THREE! SHAKE!" He moves my hands up and down like i'm giving him a handjob.
"Faster! Faster!" The crowd shout. My hands start to move faster shaking the cocktail in the man's jeans getting covered in the liquid which manges to escape. He leans closer to me trying to make contact with my lips, but surprisingly i move my head aside shaking harder. Men from around the bar start pulling at my clothes almost ripping them from me. This doesn't look good.

"OI!" A voice shouts at the end of the bar. Turning my head to the direction of the voice behind the man who still has me pinned down i notice Gary standing there. Anger spreads all over his face with a hand placed firmly against his ribs. "Get off her now or do i have to drag you off?" He speaks less drunk than before.
"Oh soz pal..." At last i'm free the man moves backwards allowing me to escape. "Call me sometime?" He winks taking my hand helping me off the bar. Softly i giggle whilst sitting up looking over at Gary who's face has turned a little red.
"Oh hiya baby!" Giggling drunk as i try and walk over to Gary, but my drunken feet fail me causing me to fall into the arms of random men.
"Hey there...." A dark skinned man grins down at me trying to plant a kiss onto my lips, but before he does someone grabs hold of my arm yanking me from his touch.
"Woooooaaahhhh!" I laugh loudly allowing myself to be pulled away.

Gary tightly holds my hand dragging me out of the bar. "What the fuck Chloe??!" He finally speaks once we're outside where it's much more quieter.
"I...I was having fun." Grinning like a complete drunken idiot i fall against his chest. Tightly he wraps his arm around my waist whilst we head back to the apartment.
"Fun?! You let men grab you and do things to you like that, and you call that fun?!" Angrily he shouts in the middle of the street.
"Calm down babe...liven up." Clamping my palms against his cheeks i pull him into a kiss, but he bats my hands away.

What feels like a lifetime we finally reach the apartment. Gary throws me inside knowing the sofa will catch me. "Weeeee!" Laughing loudly as i fall onto the huge leather sofa. "Tonight was so much fun!" The door slams shut loudly.
"Acting like a slut is fun is it?" He growls against my ear.
Pouting my lips like a naughty school girl i try to sit up. "Slut huh?"
"You should be taught a lesson." Gary hovers above me tugging his belt from his jeans. "Punishment." He slaps the belt against his palms.
"So.....punish me then." Teasing him as much as possible i sit up straight on the sofa. Not wasting any time he grabs both of my wrists using the belt as a cuff he leaves my hands hanging above my head.
"Oh... don't worry... i will..." His warm breathe tickles the hairs on my neck. Lifting me into his arms he places me on the sofa's arm where my stomach rests. Pulling down my skirt and knickers the bottom half of me is now naked. "So... was tonight... fun?" He asks in a calm, but demanding tone. Slowly i turn my head around to look over my shoulder at him who's stood behind me.
"It sure was..." Softly i giggle. Gary pulls his hand back cracking it against my flesh causing me to yelp a little. Taking it all as a joke a cheeky smile forms on my face. "I loved every....single...second of it..." Repeating his actions Gary pulls his hand back even further hitting my skin even harder several times. My backside begins to burn from the contact of his hand. "Ouccch fuck!" Moaning loudly i hide my face into the sofa.

"Well... i asked was tonight fun... and i want the right answer tonight." He moves closer to me. Feeling his crotch push against my backside he's hard.
"They....they spanked me....harder...than you." I bite my lip harder holding back my giggles. It almost feels like i've fallen into a heap of nettles as he continues spanking me harder. "Ouuuuccchhh...." I hiss through my teeth.
"Well?" Gary asks with a pleased tone in his voice.
This is punishment is too good to be a punishment. "I thought you was going to punish me?" Expecting another good hard spanking Gary steps backwards. Zipping down his jeans the best he can with numb hands ,sneakily i peer over my shoulder my eyes catch a glimpse of his erection which his hand has formed a fist around. Making himself even harder.

Gently he teases me stroking himself against my entrance. "I'm going to ask you one more time... did you enjoy acting like a slut tonight?" Feeling his warmth against me drives me insane. I want him. I need him inside of me.
"Y....Ye.." Before i get chance to finish my sentence he pushes himself deep inside of me making me call out
in pleasure. "Oooooh Gary..." Purring from his touch. His thrusts start off fast and hard not allowing me to get use to it. "Punishment huh?" He digs hands into the sides of my waist i'm sure he'll leave little bruises which he'll kiss once this 'punishment' is over.
"Fuck...Chloe..." Gary grabs fist fulls of my hair working himself into a fast rhythm slamming in and out of me.

My body begins to shake. It's getting too much. "G...G...Gary..." My nails scratch against the leather sofa making an awful sound like running your nails across a blackboard.
"No.... not until you're...mine...and only mine...." Increasing his thrusts rapidly i decide to surrender. Of course i didn't mean the things i said. Gary's the love of my life it's just fun to test his patience now and again.
"I....I'm...yours....and....and... only yours...." Once the words leave my lips Gary finally releases himself filling me with his load. "OOOH GAZ...." I hiss through my teeth letting go of myself multiple times.

"Did you mean it?" He asks still panting whilst we lay completely naked on the sofa with my arms wrapped around his waist.
"No babe... honest..." Nibbling his jaw as i plant little kisses onto it. He wraps his arms around me even tighter nuzzling his nose into my hair.
"Good... you're my girl, and i love you."

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