Tuesday 13 August 2013

Chapter 11

My fingers stroke Gary's sweaty forehead. "You're amazing Gaz..." Softly i whisper whilst planting a kiss into his soft hair.
"Like wise..." Slowly he lifts his head grinning. "So..." Shyly he plays with his fingers slightly pulling the duvet.
"Something wrong?" I ask a little confused. Maybe i've out stayed my welcome?
"No...no nowt wrong... everything's sound..." He smiles as he pulls back the duvet covering both of our naked bodies under it.
"What's the matter then?" I smile feeling him wrap his arm around me.
Softly he sighs rubbing his fingers against his forehead. "Erh.. i've never been good at stuff like this. God i'm worse than i teenager."
"Hmm... are you asking me out Mr Barlow..." Gently i stroke his stubbled cheek.
A shade of red appears on his face. "Er... well.. like i said in my letter... erm... i'm searching for that special girl... and i...i think i've found her..."
My heart pounds in my chest. Did i just hear that right? He's been searching for that girl ever since he lost that one special person in his life and now... now he's found one... and it's me...  "Oh...Gary..." I press my forehead against his staring into those beautiful eyes of his.
"I really do love you Chloe... ever since i laid my eyes on you..." He wraps my hair behind my ear before gently presses his lips onto mine.
"I love you too Gary..."

{It's been 3weeks since Gary and Chloe have been dating. Chloe is round Gary's house whilst he's at work, so she decides to cook his favourite dinner for when he gets home.}

Gary's POV

"Come on Miss Heaven's we need to give you a quick scan on that leg of yours we don't want no broken bones." Softly i smile whilst helping the elderly lady into a wheelchair. It's been the first time in ages i've smiled at work. Chloe has really made me a changed man, but my smile is going to change as i hear a familar voice call my name.
"Dr Barlow." A short brown haired man walks towards me. It's Mark. We haven't spoken to each other since our argument last time. I doubt he even knows about me and Chloe, but he's soon to find out.
"I'm busy." Slowly i push Miss Heaven's to the x ray room. Mark appears in front of the wheelchair preventing me to continue the walk. "Dr Owen.. this is working hours we'll talk after."
"Excuse me miss, but is it ok if i talk to my college for a few seconds?" Mark crotches a little asking the elderly lady. She nods allowing us to talk. Great.

"What is it Mark?" We walk around the corner of the corridor, so we can be a bit more private. "I need to get my patient seen to."
He looks at me frowning a bit. "Chloe isn't answering my calls, so i'm guessing you've heard from her? Is she ok?"
"Er yeah. She's fine."
Mark runs his hand through his fringe. "I might call round to hers after work to clear things up between u-."
"I don't think that's a good idea." I cut him off during his sentence.
A confused look fills his face as he looks at me. "Oh yeah? Why's that then? I don't think you have a say in it do you?"
I shake my head grinning a little. "But that's where you're wrong... in fact i do have a say in who my girlfriend sees."
Mark stares at me for a few seconds. "....Since when did this happen?? Are you kidding me?!"
"Almost a month.. and we're both very happy thank you for asking." As i go to walk away he stops me tugging onto my uniform.
"It wont last... it'll end the same way as the last one. The only thing you love is your work!" Mark smirks at me. Who the fuck does he think he is?!
"Don't fucking start Mark i mean it. Just leave us alone yeah?" Anger begins to fill my body if only i wasn't at work he'd regret ever saying these things.
"Wait until she falls for that man again just like the last one... it wont be long... she might have sex with you...but how long is it until she has sex with someone else, because you're too in love with your work..." He laughs in my face. Absorbing his words causes me to take it into my own hands. I look at him before pulling my fist back forcefully smashing it against his jaw. "DON'T FUCKING SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!" Mark falls to the floor holding his mouth using his other hand to cover his face. I feel someone pull me away.
"Dr Barlow!" Two security men take my arms behind my back. Removing me from the area.

Chloe's POV

It's almost 8 o'clock where is he? He's over an hour late? Whilst setting the table my eyes glance over to my phone. No calls or texts from him either. What if he's had an accident? Quickly i pick up my phone dialing his number. After a few rings it goes to voicemail. "Hiya Gaz... it's Chloe i was just wondering what time you're home? I've cooked us dinner. Hope you're ok? I miss you..." Maybe he's busy he is a doctor after all one of the most busiest men in this world.

I turn the oven off leaving the steak on the worktop. The sound of the door causes me to freeze could it be? "Gaz? Gary is that you?" Nervously i call from the kitchen. A few sighs come from the hallway as keys are being hung up. In walks a tired and frustrated Gary. He throws his work bag onto the sofa walking past me without saying a word he opens the fridge. Pulling out the red wine filling up a glass and knocks it back. Woah what's happened? Repeating himself he fills his glass again knocking it back as he leans his hands onto the sink looking out the window shaking his head. "Gaz? Are you ok? What's happened?"
Angrily he runs his hand through his hair. "Fucking suspended for a month aren't i? Because of your twat of a friend with a loud mouth!"
"M...my friend? Gary what's happened? Please tell me." Worry begins to take over. I haven't seen him this upset before. It must of been pretty bad.
"Mark. You know Mark fucking Owen! The prick who can't keep his mouth shut! The one who has the weird crush on you and won't let us be together. That friend!" Gary walks over to me frowning his eyebrows  his breathing increases. "I punched him! And i'm fucking glad i did! Next time he opens his mouth like that i wont be responsible for what i do!" He throws his glass against the wall causing the kitchen to fill with a loud smash.
"Gary!" I call the loud making me jump slightly. He walks closer to me only inches away. "Come on you need to calm down." I pull him into a tight hug wrapping my arms around the back of his neck feeling his tensed shoulders. For a few seconds he pauses until he answers my hug wrapping his arms around my waist allowing his head to rest against my shoulder. Inhaling my scent he begins to relax a little. "Everything's going to be ok? We're a team Gaz we work together." Softly i plant a kiss on his stubble. "I best clean that glass up." Quickly i grab some kitchen roll, as i get onto my knees starting to pick up the shattered glass off the tiled floor. Gary stands still looking down at me. As i look up my eyes make contact with the bulge in his trousers. No Chloe now is not the time to be thinking of that. I continue picking the glass up trying to keep my eyes focused on the floor, but it's not good. Gary walks a little closer to me his bulge only inches away from me. Slowly i look up biting my lip.
"Are you going to sit there staring? Or are we going to the bedroom?" A soft growl leaves Gary's lips.

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