Saturday 3 August 2013

Chapter 6

Did that really just happen?! Me and Gary just had sex for the first time in a shower? His head still remains resting against my shoulder. After a few minutes our breathing pattern begins to go back to normal. "Gary..." My parted lips whisper against his ear. Slowly he lifts his head to look at me. There's no emotion on his face did he enjoy it as much as me? Carefully he puts me down onto the wet tiles and begins to get dressed again. "G..Gary? Are you ok?"
Quickly he slips a pair of smart black trousers on from out of his sports bag along with a white shirt leaving a few buttons undone. "We best get back... Mark will be waiting for you." He picks up his bag and walks out of the changing rooms. What's got into him?!

Once i've got dressed again i walk out the changing rooms to find him. Has he left already? "Excuse me miss... are you looking for Mr Barlow?" A gentleman from behind reception stands up.
"Erh... y...yeah has he left?" Sadly i reply. Guessing he didn't enjoy it after all.
He shakes his head. "No he hasn't, but he left me this for you. He's waiting in the car for you." The guy hands me a white envelope which says : 'Do not open...yet.'
With a confused look i take it looking at the writing. "Oh...ok...thanks.." Carefully i slip it into my bag.
"You best go to him.. he doesn't like to be kept waiting." He points to the doors of the gym.

Still in shock of this whole day i make my way over to Gary's car. Softly he smiles at me. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah. I'm fine." I answer coldly. Why is he acting like he cares all of sudden?
A confused look fills his face. "What's wrong?"
"Can you just take me home please." My eyes fix onto the window beside me. Without saying anything that's what Gary does he starts up the car and heads to my house.

Tears burn in my eyes. I knew it would be a bad idea from the start i can't even please him. He must hate me now. " have a visitor." Gary mumbles whilst pulling onto my drive. Mark is crouched outside my front door. As soon as we pull onto the drive Mark instantly stands up. I gulp before getting out of the car.
"Don't start Mark i've had a bad day as it is."

"Bad day ay? You've kept me waiting for the past hour! And no text last night either do you understand how worried i was?" Mark shakes his head at me.
"I didn't ask you to wait did i? You was the one who once again organised it. Jeez Mark stop being so overprotective!You're acting like my boyfriend!" Angrily i push him out the way of my door. Gary smirks a little.
Mark raises his eyebrow in Gary's direction. "What's so funny Barlow? You've had your own way no doubt."
The sound of a car slams shut.  Oh shit. This doesn't sound good. Slowly i turn round seeing an angry Gary walking towards Mark. "Say that again." He hisses.
"Gary come on... leave it... he didn't mean it." Nervously i tug his arm trying to get him back into the car. It's no use he's a lot stronger than me. It's like as if his shoes are glued to the floor. "No... let the big mouth say it again...Come on little boy."
Mark frowns his eyes and grins. "I bet you had your way... like you always do with the girls... after one thing aren't ya Barlow? Not surprised the other one ran off."
Gary smirks whilst shaking his head. "Huge mistake...HUGE mistake." He pushes his forehead against Mark's as anger fills his eyes.
"NO! Gary come on please!" With all the strength i have i drag him back into the car with me. "Please Gary don't... don't sink to his level." Softly i stroke his cheek. His breathing increases and his cheeks are a little flushed. "We'll go to the pub for a drink yeah? Just the two of us?"

Gary doesn't speak. He starts the car not taking his eyes off of Mark. "He best watch his back... i mean it. I'll have him for saying that."
"No Gary... forget he said it. It's not true..." I sigh a little. He furrows his eyebrows at me all of a sudden.
 "Y...You agree with him... don't you?" Gary asks with a saddened tone.
My jaw drops a little. "What?? No Gary. Never would i think that... today was amazing... even if you don't agree.... i really enjoyed it... you was great." Softly i smile up at him.
"I did enjoy it.... " He doesn't look at me. Instead he keeps his eyes on the road.
Did i just hear that right? I breathe out a sigh of relief. "I didn't think you did... you just go up and left without saying a word..."
"I didn't intend to act like that... it's just Mark... he was waiting for you...and.." He grits his teeth a little when saying Mark's name. Wait... he's jealous? Of Mark?
"Me and Mark are friends... nothing more... it's been like that for years Gary..."
A soft smile begins to appear on Gary's face as he places his hand onto my thigh. "Good..."
"Are you trying to tease me Mr Barlow...?" I raise my eyebrow at him trying to hide my smile.

He shakes his head squeezing my thigh even tighter. "I'm not a tease."
My hand snakes across to his lap just allowing it to rest there. "Oh... well two can play at that right?"
"Chloe... don't..." Gary swallows a little whilst my hand strokes his thighs. "I'm driving..."
Ignoring what he says i continue. Stroking my fingers against his legs. "Maybe it was a bad idea to wear tight trousers today Mr Barlow." I laugh a little.
"I mean it.... stop." Gary tries to move my hand, but it's not use. My fingers play with his belt teasing as much as possible. I can almost see him getting hard very slowly. His breathing increases and his eyes begin to open and close more frequent.

Very slowly i undo his belt allowing his trousers to become less tight. All of a sudden the car turns a corner causing me to fall into his lap. "Woah!" Partly i scream not expecting that to happen. My eyes look up a Gary who's panting even faster now. He lets go of the steering wheel and pulls the key out turning the rumbling engine off.
"I told you to stop." He pants whilst his eyes make contact with mine. Is he annoyed? Or is he teasing again.
"Erm... s...sorry..." Slowly i remove my hand from his belt  accidentally touching his rock hard self through his tight trousers. Wow! If he doesn't get these trousers off soon i'm pretty sure they'll rip!

"Maybe i should teach you a lesson..." He tugs his bottom lip in between his own teeth. "I don't like to be teased Miss Matthews... that's my job... and who ever does my job themselves to me... need to be punished... hard..."

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