Wednesday 4 September 2013

Chapter 15

"Gary... come here..." I stretch my arms out to him. Slowly he nuzzles his head against my chest hiding his face. The tears soak through my blouse making it slightly damp. "'s ok..."
"I hate him... how dare he?! And how dare he speak to you like's not on..." Softly he mumbles clinging around my waist.
My hand runs through his blond fluffy hair. "I know...but he had a bit too much to drink...didn't he? Surly he's not like that all the time?"
Gary freezes and swallows hard. "He use to be... i guess he's always hated me."
"Gary Barlow! Don't say such things!" Feeling shocked by what he said i look at him. The tears slowly roll and his face has turned a little white. "Gary? Are you ok??"
"Yeah... it's just... i've remembered something...from when i was younger..." He looks up staring out my window. My head turns to where he's staring. There's an enormous field where a few horses are stood. "There..." Gary bites his lip pointing to a stable.
"It's a stable?" I look confused at him. The colour of his face starts to fade even more. "What about it? What happened?"

Sweat starts to build up on his forehead. "He...he in there...when i...i was 3..." Gary's body starts to tremble slightly not taking his eyes away.
"What?! Why?!"
Using his thumb and index finger to wipe the sweat from his brow he sighs a little. "To...teach me how to be...a man..."
"But why did he do that? How long was you in there for?"
"A day...and a half...It was my 3rd Aunt bought me a skateboard... so i went with a couple of my mates to try it out... first time i ever set foot on one i felt like a professional.... doing all the twists and turns...well at least i thought i was that age anyway... the next minute i know was we saw my Dad coming home, so we decided to leg it because Dad never let me out on the street no matter what the reason was. As i grabbed my skateboard about to run inside i thought i could use my 'tricks' and jump over the fence on my skateboard. I failed. Instead of showing off i fell flat on my knees on the concrete. Blood dripped from my knees as i sat there in floods of tears..." Gary pauses and looks at his knees gently stroking the cap through his trousers whilst he remains in my arms. "Dad came marching up to me. I thought he was going to give me a good hiding...a clip around the ear for being out when i shouldn't, but no he grabbed me by the back of my t shirt and started to drag me along the path...right there..." He points to a small slabbed pavement leading to the stable. "'Why are you crying for?! What if the neighbors saw you crying like a little baby!? You my boy need to be taught a good lesson...a lesson of how to act like a man.....and i'm going to teach you!' Were my Dad's words... the next thing i know was that i fell into a heap of hay. At this point my knees where killing me you know what i mean? When you fall and they start to become stiff?"

All i do is nod in reply knowing exactly what he means. Gary continues. "The stable was pitch black no lighting what so ever all what was in there was a candle and matches...but the matches had been in there for a while so they were damp... and couldn't be used. The last words i heard from Dad was 'i'll let you out when I  think you've learnt your lesson...and when you're manly enough'... and with that he was gone... back inside the house." More tears run down Gary's eyes. "I kept calling him... 'Daddy... Daddy please let me out... Daddy please... i'm so scared...Don't leave me alone... i'm so hungry...'"
"Oh Gary..." A few tears fall from my eyes and into his soft hair.
"I ripped my t shirt using it as a bandage for my knees to stop the bleeding, and to stop any more hay sticking to them. He locked me in a stable with three horses... i'm terrified of horses..... even more since that day.... i knocked on the stable door for about 2 hours until my palms were red close to bleeding. I was tired... my eyes were getting heavy and i was hungry. Starving. So i shuffled over to a patch of hay hoping ones of the horses left something like a carrot for me to eat, but there was nothing. Using the hay i made myself a pillow where i cried myself to sleep..." Gary completely breaks down in my arms. "I...I...I could....any man...let alone a that to their child...?"
Unable to answer his question i just hold him tight. "I can't believe he put you through that... and at that age... you was so young... oh Gary...."

We sit in complete silence for about half an hour all that could be heard is the wind and our soft sniffs. "Can we...go home now?" Gary whispers against my chest.
"Yes.... i'll make us dinner and we can cuddle in bed?"
Slowly Gary lifts his head positioning himself back behind the wheel in drivers seat of the car. "Lets...order out... and we can eat it in bed..." He wipes his eyes on his sleeve before starting the car again. I feel sick. How could any human being ever do that to their own child?! I want to punch his Dad for doing that to him. Gary is amazing. A lovely, beautiful, caring man. Who could ever do it?

We arrive back at Gary's. He walks around to my side of the car and holds out his hand. Smiling softly i place my hand into his palm gently stroking my thumb against the top of his hand. He returns a friendly smile back as we start to make our way into the house. "What do you fancy?" I ask whilst hanging up my coat.
Gary shrugs a little. "You choose..."
"No... i don't mind honest... you like Indian don't you?"
"Chloe i don't m-"
"Lets order an Indian." Gently i peck him on the cheek. The colour in his face has slowly started to return and his smile slowly forms at the corners of his lips.
"Thank you."

The delivery man arrives 15minutes after ordering. The pleasure of living in a neighborhood where there's takeaways at the bottom of your road ay? "Gaz? Do you want to bring the plates?" I call after i've paid the delivery man.
"Yeah...sure..." His voice starts to lighten a little.
I walk upstairs taking the food to the bedroom with Gary shortly following behind me with the plates. I really hope after tonight that talking about it has made him feel a little better. Gary lays the two plates on the bed along with the cutlery beside them as he starts to get undressed. Wearing now just a tight white t-shirt showing off his pecks and torso. Wow. I'm incredibly lucky to have him i think to myself glancing at his arm muscles. He pulls back the duvet for me to join him. Quickly i slip my nightie on so i can join him. "Want me to dish it out?" Gary grins reaching for the places and takeaway bag not wanting to wait any longer. Flutters appear in the pit of my stomach seeing the smile on Gary's face. Feeling happy seeing him smile again like normal i release a soft sigh of relief.
"Yes please....before i eat you." Cheekily i laugh whilst licking my lips.
Gary shakes his head a little as he serves the rice onto the plates gently tutting. "You're so naughty Miss Matthews...."
"I've learnt from the best..." Placing a soft kiss on his cheek i inhale his scent feeling warm from his presence.

Once Gary has served out the food he hands me my plate. We rest against the headboard in bed one of his arms are wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him. It remains rested on my hip whilst the other hand starts to dig at his food. "Have a look through the film channel babe." Speaking with his mouth full he grins at me. "But no chick flicks."
"Hmmm tempting... Oh look! Titanic's on! My favourite film..."
"Mine too..." Softly he strokes my hip whilst wiping his mouth on a napkin. "Such a beautiful romantic film...sorry for any of my crying."
"Agreed... we'll put up with each others...that's what couples do..." Snuggling closer to him i kiss his forehead. We continue to eat as the film starts. Perfect.

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