Sunday 1 September 2013

Chapter 14

"Gaz..." Moaning against his shoulder as i feel his long fingers make contact with my thigh. Slowly stroking further up my skirt. Those long smooth fingers hooking the lace on my knickers. Dipping his fingers inside them softly stroking my sensitive area. "Oh Gary!"
"Fuck... you feel so good..." Slightly biting his lip he presses a finger deep inside of me. Pounding faster whilst he adds another...followed by another. My right leg wraps around his waist my other trembling from the pleasure i'm receiving. His crotch pushes against my stomach feeling hardened member almost bruising my skin. Gary thrusts his fingers even faster whilst his tongue makes patterns on my neck sucking on the pulse point. Weakening under his touch using only one leg and the door to keep me standing. Gary growls louder feeling me grip onto his fingers. "G....Gary!" Panting faster i pull his hair turning him on even more as he forcefully rips off my knickers. Rubbing his head against my breasts as he continues sliding his fingers into me. He starts to undo a couple of the buttons on my blouse allowing my breasts to make better contact with his lips, also adding his tongue into the mix as he begins to swirl around each of my nipples. Gripping even tighter to his hair almost pulling fist fulls of it out i can't hold it in much longer i need to let go. "G...G...Gary...i...i'm..." My legs begin to shake from the pleasure he's giving me.

Instantly hearing the words leave my mouth Gary slides his fingers from me preventing me from releasing. My eyes snap open feeling him remove his fingers from me. Quickly he fiddles with the belt on his shorts allowing them to drop to his ankles along with his boxers. "Aahh." He releases a sigh of relief setting his erection free. Without hesitation he pushes my back against the door. "Wrap your legs around me." Demanding with a breathless whisper as his hand fixes onto my bum giving it a hard slap causing me to whimper slightly. Doing as he says i wrap both of my legs tightly around his waist only using my back to steady us, as he lifts up my skirt teasingly rubbing the head of his length against me. My body wanting to feel his entrance into me. Pleading almost. A few seconds of positioning himself he finally pushes himself into me causing both of us to moan loudly as our lips find one another's. Plunging his tongue into my mouth almost hitting the back of my throat as he begins to thrust into me pushing me up the door a little during each thrust.
"F...fuck...G...Gaz.." My legs tighten around him even more giving him more entrance while his tongue sucks mine play fighting in our mouths.

Increasing his thrusts rapidly driving not only me, but also himself into his pleasureable zone making it harder for the pair of us to hold back any longer. "Come.....come for me..... i want to feel you...i want to fill you....." Gary hits harder into me his hand squeezing tightly to one of my breasts whilst his other hand grips to my bum almost leaving bruises. Not like i care. Feeling him hit all the right places i can't hold it anymore. Obeying what he says i finally let go screaming out his name. "OHHHH GARYYYY!!" My hand clawing at his covered back.
Placing his head into my breasts hiding his face as he also lets go. "God......yes.......yes Chloe!" Feeling him fill me with his load causes me to release again. "Woah..." Gary grunts against my chest as we both fight for our breath back.

{3 Days later}

The sound of the car horn sounds outside as i reach for my handbag. Today we're going to visit Gary's parents. He decided that it was time to introduce me to them seeing as the pair of us are now getting serious.
"I'm coming i'm coming." Closing the door behind me as i make my way to the passenger seat.
A cheeky grin forms on Gary's face. "Mhhmm..."
"Dirty sod." I shake my head. Feeling a little nervous about meeting his parents especially after all the stories he's told me about his Dad i play with my fingers whilst staring out the window. A hand appears on top of mine knocking me from my daze. Gary has a concerned look on his face trying to keep an eye on the road at the same time.
"Baby? Are you ok?" He asks with a worried tone.
Looking up at him our eyes meeting and locking together. "Y...yeah." Forcefully i smile.
Gary raises his eyebrow as he continues the drive to his parents. "Don't be worried. Everything will be fine. I'm here."
"I know...Thank you..." Gently i stroke his knee.

After a 20 minute drive we pull up onto a driveway. In front is a beautiful house. It almost looks like a mansion with the size of it neatly place in the middle of the countryside. "" My jaw drops open a little seeing Gary open his car door, and walk around to mine. "This is absolutely stunning!"
"The pleasure of having a rich Daddy ay?" Gary smiles softly as he helps me out of the car placing his hand into mine.
"Tell me about!" Still in shock staring at the house as we walk to the front door.
Gary walks inside still holding onto my hand. "Dad? Mum? I'm here."
Nervously i glance around the house. Everything looks so neat and fragile. It's like a museum. Expensive paintings hang on the hallway walls and different coloured vases are scattered around. Within a few seconds a tall grey haired man appears. "Son. Nice to see you." He holds his hand out in front of Gary. Carefully studying the man standing in front of me he sounds nothing like Gary. He has a much more posh accent where as Gary has a more common Mancunian one. Both men shake hands whilst his eyes glance over to me. "You must be Chloe. I'm Gary's father. Charles." Again he holds his hand out this time in my direction.
"N...nice to meet you..." Softly i smile taking his hand giving it a couple of shakes. "Lovely place you have..."
"Why thank you. It's all down to my wife. Julian? Julian? Gareth is here." The man walks to the bottom of the stairs looking to the top. No answer.
"How is Mum?" Gary grips back onto my hand as he looks to his Dad. Already i can sense a weak bond between the pair of them. Sensing Gary would want to be anywhere but here.
"She's sleeping Gareth she needs rest."
Gary looks down a little. "She needs help... and please don't call me that."
"I've told you a million times Gareth she's perfectly fine here with me... i don't want her to be taken away."
Softly Gary sighs. "She'll be better off...I'm a doctor...i know these type of things."

Charles ignores Gary. He walks to the living room area taking us with him. "Please...take a seat." He points over to a sofa with a plastic cover on. Both of us sit down still holding hands i give Gary's a little squeeze. I feel like i can't breath in here incase i break something. "Would you like a drink? Gin? Whiskey?" Pulling out his expensive wooden case containing bottles of liquid Gary's eyes lighten.
"It's 2pm in the afternoon isn't it a little early for this?"
"Non sense boy. It's never to early to drink." Charles pours himself a whiskey knocking it back straight away. "Aaaah that's the stuff." Repeating himself multiple times Gary swallows hard watching his Dad's actions. "So... how long have you two known each other?" Sitting opposite on another sofa he looks at the pair of us.
"A...couple of months..." Nervously i reply watching him sip his drink. Gary wasn't kidding about him being an alcoholic.
" did you meet? Bar? Club? Back of an alley? Strip club." Laughing a little finishing his drink.
Gary's jaw drops. "DAD! How could you say such things?!" Anger fills Gary's face.
Feeling incredibly embarrassed now my cheeks turn a light shade of red staring at the floor. Did he just call me a stripper??
"I'm only joking son liven up a little it is the 21st century."

"We actually met at work." Gary rolls his eyes furrowing his brows at him.
Charles nods a little. "I see.... and how is work... everything going good?"
The room goes silent for a minute or two. "Yeah." Is all Gary replies with.
"'Yeah?'" A confused look appears on his Dad's face. "What do you mean by that? I thought this was the job of your dreams? I'm not paying for nothing you know dear boy. Explain to your father."
Gary shrugs a little. "Just somethings."
"Which are?"
Sighing a little again Gary rubs his forehead with his index finger and thumb. "It's not important."
"Don't be ridiculous. Spit it out."
"I...I've...i've been suspended for a month." Gary stutters a little looking down.
Almost spitting his drink out Charles stumbles to his feet. "WHAT?!"
"It's was just a misunderstanding." Gary mumbles. "He asked for it."
"I didn't raise you like this boy! How could you embarrass me like this??" Anger builds up in the older man's face. "What happened?!"
"You didn't raise me at all..." Whispering softly Gary continues staring at the floor. "I punched a colleague."
"YOU WHAT?! Why on earth would you do such a thing?? Look at me son!" He takes two fist fulls of Gary's shirt causing him to stand up.
"Like i said he asked for it! And don't talk to me like this or touch me." Angrily Gary shakes his head. Breathing a little faster i glance up at Gary. I can tell something any second now is about to kick off.
"And you did nothing about it?!" Charles frowns in my direction.

Feeling like a rabbit in headlights unable to answer his question. "Well?? Answer me!" He walks over  hovering above me.
"Leave her alone! She isn't a doctor. She wasn't there. He's just a friend of hers." Gary stands in front of me making his Dad take a few steps back.
For a few seconds he stands there speechless and confused. "Well you said you met at work...? This doesn't make sense Gareth."
"Chloe is a patient of mine. That's how we met."
Now looking at the pair of us in shock and complete disgust he turns his nose up at us. "You're in a relationship with your patient?!!! Are you trying to bring more shame upon this family???!" Shouting louder as he makes his way closer to Gary. Nerves strike me. I want to leave. Now.
"How fucking dare you... i've brought no shame in this family! Take a look in the mirror you dirty alcoholic." Gary also moves closer. Closing the gap between him and his father their forehead almost touching.
"And who taught you that foul language?! Have you been messing with the young ladies again?! I'll wash your mouth out boy!" Charles takes the back of Gary's shirt pulling him to the direction of the kitchen.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Gary pushes him hard against the wall.
Instantly i jump to my feet grabbing hold of Gary's arm. "Gary please! Please can we go!" Almost begging him as i try and pull him away from his Dad. Surprisingly Gary agrees taking my hand as we walk back to the front door.
"You're a disgrace to this family Gareth Barlow! Complete disgrace! You're the reason your mother is the way she is!" Calling after us as we get into the car. Gary slams the car door shut whilst starting the engine.
"You don't deserve to have a family! You're no father to me!" Sharply he shouts as he pulls off the driveway. Quickly i fasten my seat belt feeling tears build in my eyes.
"I'm reporting you for this! You're going to loose your career and maybe go to court for messing with your patients! You just wait! You'll probably get a restraining order so you can't be with her." Bitterly he shouts before slamming the front door shut.

Gary wastes no more time as he speeds away from the house in complete silence. "Bastard." He whispers coldly his eyes glued to the road. A few tears leave his eyes which he angrily wipes with his sleeve as he continues to drive.
"G...Gaz..? Babe...? Are you ok?" Gently i stroke his shoulder.
Driving around a bend through the woods the car stops. "How dare he....? How fucking dare he??" Gary rests his head in his hands on the staring wheel as he sobs.

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