Monday 16 September 2013

Chapter 17

"Chloe come on I've got to go." Gary scans the room one last time looking for the key. Quickly I slip my dressing gown on ripping off the duvet from the bed whilst looking for it. Where the hell has it gone? "Argh I've got to go please keep looking...ring me if you find it yeah?" He places a kiss on my forehead leaving the room with a cuff still on one of his wrists.
" you?"I stand watching beside the bed watching him, as he leaves the room running outside to his car. Softly I sigh as I sit on the bed. Sometimes it does feel like he puts his job first, but then again he is a doctor..he saves lives he has to.

An hour later I'm still looking for the key. Pulling off the mattress, stripping off the sheets and looking under the bedside table. This is impossible! As I'm about to give up something catches my eye something shining from the bedroom light. My hand moves to the direction of Gary's trainer. Its the key! The key is in Gary's trainer! I breathe out a sigh of relief placing it onto the bedside table whilst quickly dialling Gary's number. Straight to voice mail. He must be with a patient. As fast as i can i get dressed i need to get the key to him otherwise he could be sacked.

After a 20 minute drive the taxi finally arrives at the hospital. Once i've paid i make my way through the entrance doors. Being greeted by bright lights on the white flooring. Hospitals are always so bright not surprised so many people end up here the place alone is a danger zone! "Can i help you miss?" A friendly voice asks whilst i squint my eyes to the direction of the voice. A small blond woman in a smart white uniform smiles at me from behind a reception desk.
"Erm... i'm looking for Gary.... erm i mean Dr Barlow?" Tightly i hold the handcuff key in my hand. It's not going to go on a walk about this time.
"He's busy at the moment but you can take a seat if it's a quick visit." She points over to a waiting area a couple of steps away from a white door with a plack reading 'Dr. G. Barlow'. Walking over to a seat where i sit bowing my head a little just incase Mark sees me. It feels so long since i've seen him, but i'm only here for Gary tonight. We'll talk some other time.
"Phowar Doctor Barlow.....the reason why i enjoy being ill...or pretending to be." Two girls giggle engaged in conversation. "He's still on the market as well i hear..."
A lump forms in my throat. He is not single? I guess they wouldn't know that because Gary is professional and doesn't talk about his personal life. The door of Gary's room opens a youngish girl walks out grinning. "Next please." Gary's voice calls causing one of the girls opposite me to stand up. Jealousy begins to build inside of me. Why are all the women flirting over Gary? I know he's a gorgeous looking man, but he's my boyfriend for godsake!
My head lifts calming me down a little as the woman disappears into Gary's room. "M...Mark?" Standing infront of me holding a clipboard is Mark. It feels so weird seeing him after these past weeks. Month even.
"Hello... are you ill?" He asks a little concerned looking at me.
I shake my head a little swallowing hard. "N...No...i came to give Gary something."
"Oh...ok...i see..." Mark runs his hand through his hair. "See you around sometime?"
Before Mark walks away i pull his arm stopping him in his tracks. "Wait... don't go... are you ok?"

A small smile forms on his face. "Yeah...just missing my best friend that's all..."
"I'm sorry Mark...but what happened last time... the way you acted... it was just-"
"I know...and i'm sorry Chloe." He sighs a little. Gary's door opens again and the woman comes out giggling.
"Those fingers...touching my thigh...oh my!" She walks over to her friend chatting about Gary. Mark also looks to their direction.
"Next!" Gary's voice calls again.
"Next? I'll give him fucking next!" Pushing my way in front of a woman who's just about to walk into the room. Mark tries to pulls me back.
"Chloe don't!"
Gary's head instantly lifts seeing me standing in his room. "Chloe? What are you doing here?? I'm working?!" Gary snaps a little.
"Come on Chloe. You can't not whilst Dr Barlow is on duty." Mark tries to get me out of the room, but it's not good it's like my feet are glued to the floor.
"I'm not going anywhere until he explains...what are those girls are talking about?!" Keeping put i fold my arms looking at him.
Gary rolls his eyes. "Oh here we go....they come out all flirty about me and apparently i've been having sex with them ay?" Angrily shakes his head. "And you! Why did you let her barge in here like that?!" He looks at Mark who's standing beside me.
"Excuse me? But i was talking to her she pushed past the patient and me i tired my best to stop her." Mark frowns.
"Tried? Well obviously not enough!"
"Don't start Gary not again i mean it."
Gary stands to his feet. "Or what?"
"STOP IT!" I push in between the two men. "Why do you both keep acting like this? What has happened between the pair of you?"
Mark swallows taking a few steps back. "Nothing."

"Don't play games Mark. There's something or you both wouldn't be fighting every time you speak.. I'm not moving until i get answers."
Chewing on his bottom lip Gary sits on his desk. "Go on Mark. Tell her. Tell her what happened." Mark looks at Gary shaking his head a little, as guilt spreads across his face. I stare long and hard at Mark's face for answers as he bows his head.
"Tell me.....what? Mark?" He doesn't answer his head remains bowed staring at the floor. "Gary?"
Gary takes a few steps towards Mark. "Don't back out now... tell her how you ruined part of my life... tell her!"
"Gary! Just tell me!" I pull him back away from Mark's view. "What on earth happened?"
His breathing increases whilst looking at Mark. "This man. Your 'best mate' was the reason why my ex isn't here anymore."
My eyes widen by Gary's words. "W...what?"
"Now that is not true! I am not to blame for that!" Mark hisses at Gary raising his head. "She came to me for a reason."
Feeling confused i look at the pair of them throwing evil glares at one another. "What do you mean by that Gary? How did he take her from you?"
"She was having an affair... with him... he was one she was with the night of the burglary. He rang me and that's how we met for the first time. If she wasn't with him she'd still be here today... this is all his fault." Tears begin to fill Gary's eyes.
"How dare you?! How fucking dare you blame me! She came to me because she wasn't getting enough attention, because you are too fucking in love with your work to care about anyone else's feelings. As long as your work is ok nothing else matters...isn't that right doctor....?"

I can't believe what i'm hearing. Staring at Mark and Gary words fail to leave my lips. "That is not true! I loved her! I loved her....we were in love."
"Oh yeah? Then why did she cheat? This wouldn't of happened if you gave her what she needed... you killed her... you killed your own girlfriend.... and now... now you've got a new one... how long will it take until it ends the same way...?"
Gary doesn't say a thing. Standing still for a couple of seconds he looks at me under his eyes begin to turn a little red and his lips tremble. "G...Gary?" Nervously i look at him. Without saying a word Gary storms out of the room. "Gary! Gary come back!" Quickly i follow him. He jogs down the corridor to his office before slamming the door shut and locking it behind him.

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