Friday 20 September 2013

Chapter 18

"Gary! Gary! Open this door!" Loudly i call hitting my palm against the tall white door. Crashes and bangs sound from inside the room. God knows what he's doing in there we've got to get him! "Mark! Help me!" I shout whilst hitting harder against the door. Nervously Mark runs over to my direction. Worry spreads over his face by the sounds coming from the other side of the door. "Mark...please..."
"I'll... i'll go and find a spare key." Quickly he runs round to the reception, a small crowd has formed a few inches away. Bet they're loving the fact being kept waiting using this as entertainment.
"Don't just stand there! Someone help!" A tall gentleman approaches me.
He places his hand onto my shoulder. "Step aside madame." Doing as he says i step backwards as he begins kicking at the door. Nothing. The door remains in tack. Mark comes running back over with a key tightly squeezed in his fist.
"Right... when i open this door... i want people to step away... just incase." Mark sighs a little placing the key into the keyhole.
"W...what do you mean?" Tugging on Mark's arms i look into his nervous looking eyes.
"Well.. the state he's in.... he could do anything... the anger taking over him...just be careful... yeah?"
My jaw drops a little. "No! Gary wouldn't ever hurt me! You don't know him at all just open this door!" Frowning at Mark i angrily shout as i stand waiting. Not saying a word he turns the key unlocking the door. From the inside it's quiet very slowly Mark opens the door. The whole room is covered in scattered paperwork, the desk is upside down against the wall and there's pieces of broken chair around the room. "G....Gary...." Very quietly i whisper noticing him with his back against the wall in a corner of the room. His eyes are closed and he's slowly breathing taking deep breathes every so often. "Gaz..." Stepping over some of the paperwork i begin making my way over to him. Mark instantly grabs hold of my arm.
"Chloe." He shakes his head. I turn around to look at him as i shrug off his grip.

I continue slowly walking over to Gary. "Babe? Are you ok?" Gently i go to touch his cheek, but before i do he moves his head from my reach snapping open his tired looking eyes. His eyes look lost almost like he's not himself anymore. This isn't my Gary. "Gaz... come on... lets get out of here." Blinking a few times he looks around his office at the mess before stumbling to his feet. Not saying a word Gary walks out the room pushing past everyone in his way. My legs begin to shake as i follow him outside. "Can....can we go home...please?" Gary stares straight a head at the car park searching for his car.
"Y...yes...i'll drive." Nervously i take his hand in mine as we walk over to the parked car.

The whole car ride was silent. Only thing i managed to get out of him was "hmm." When i asked if he was feeling ok. Once we pull up onto the driveway Gary instantly removes his seat belt before hurrying inside. "Gary?" I call releasing my seat belt following him inside the house."Gary where are you going?" Confused as i watch him jog upstairs.
"Erm...i...need to pee." The bathroom door slams shut.
Leaning against the banister i sigh. "I'll make us some coffee..."

Whilst making the coffees i stare out the window steadily breathing. Thinking of all the things which have happened today. I've never seen Gary like this before it scared me seeing him that way. Getting lost in my thoughts a sharp pain in my stomach catches my attention. "Urghhh..." I grip hold of my stomach taking a few deep breathes calming the pain. It felt like a stitch as if i've just run a marathon. Thankfully it only lasts for a minute or two.

Footsteps sound on the hallway's laminate flooring. "Ga-" As i turn around i notice him standing in the doorway wearing his leather jacket with two suitcases either side of him. "G...Gary?" Swallowing hard as i study his face. "'re...leaving?"
"No..." Calmly he speaks. My legs begin to feel a little weak. Is he throwing me out? Has this day completely changed the way he thinks about our relationship?
"P...please...Gary... i can...i can change?" Begging him with my eyes holding back the tears.
Gary looks surprised and shakes his head. "Hey... i'm not doing that either...silly..." Gently he strokes my cheek with the back of his hand. "I love you."
"I too..." Breathing a sigh of relief i look towards the door way again at the suitcases. "But... what are they for?"
A small smile forms on Gary's face. "We're going away for a few days."
"Huh? Where?"
The sound of a car horn interrupts us as Gary turns to the direction of the door. "Come on." He takes my hand in his walking to the door. "I'll explain when we're at the airport."
"Gary! We ca-" Firmly he pushes his lips against mine draining the words from my mouth.
"No more questions babe. Please get in the taxi."
Staring at him for a couple of seconds i do as he says. Grabbing my coat before walking outside to the taxi. Gary shortly follows me locking the front door behind him as he begins loading the suitcases into the boot of the taxi.
"Ready mate?" The driver asks whilst Gary joins me in the back. With a grin on his face Gary nods buckling his seat belt. His hand gently strokes my knee those long fingers spreading onto my thigh as we make our journey. I should be happy, but i'm more nervous about where we are going and when we're actually coming home.
We patiently wait inside the airport for our flight to be called. Still i have no clue where we are going. "Babe? Are you feeling ok?" Gary looks concerned at me licking his finger as he flicks through a newspaper. Without saying anything i just nod in reply to his question. The way Gary acted today and that funny feeling in my stomach has worried me. "Chloe? Baby? What is it?" Placing both of his hands onto my shoulders he looks deep into my eyes. Of course i want to talk to him about it, but being stuck in an airport isn't the best place to talk about things.
"Y...yeah just tired..." Forcefully i push out a smile resting my head against his upper arm. Swirling his palm around my shoulder he nuzzles his nose into my hair taking a deep breath inhaling my scent.

"All passengers who are heading to Mallorca please get your passports ready in line at gate 8A." A female voice speaks through a microphone.
"This is our flight babe." Gary mumbles against my ear. Instantly i lift my head by the sound of his voice.
He nods reaching for my hand. "We better get in line."

30minutes of standing in line with annoyed and stressed out people we finally get to our seats on the plane. Some people should get their tongues removed for moaning that much! Gary's eyes are fixed staring out the window colour from his face has faded a little. "Gaz? Are you ok?" Remaining in the same position he continues staring at the runway. "Gary?" Gently i stroke the top of his hand which is resting on his thigh.
"Huh?!" He flinches lifting a few inches from his seat.
"Gary??" Nervously i look at him trying to calm him back taking a tight grip to his arm.
Panic strikes in his eyes as the plane finally starts to rumble. "I'm... i'm not good with these bloody things." Breathing faster he glances back out the window.
"It's ok... i'm not great with them either... just try not to think about it...yeah?" Gently i place a kiss on his knuckles showing my support. A very faint smile appears on his face as he tries to relax in his seat closing his eyes whilst the plane takes off. Squeezing my hand a little tighter as the plane adjusts it's position in the sky Gary breathes out a sigh of relief.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman this is Mr Jones i'm your pilot for this afternoon. Please relax and don't hesitate to ask any questions to members of staff." The colour slowly starts to reappear in Gary's face feeling the plane travel more steadily.
"You did great..." Softly i whisper placing a kiss onto his cheek pressing my lips against his rough stumble. "Mmmm.."
Shyly he smiles. "Embarrassing really...grown man being scared... thank you."
 "Hey... don't be silly... everyone's scared of something.. you handled it fine." Repeating myself i place a deep kiss onto his lips. "Just nipping to the toilet can you order me a drink for when i'm back?"
"Yeah course." He grins watching me leave.

Once i get into the small cubicle i lock the door. I'm actually looking forward to be going on holiday with Gary now. Our first holiday together! As i go to pull down my skirt to use the toilet there's a knock on the door. "Someone's in here?" I call unzipping my skirt. Choosing to ignore me they knock again this time a little louder. Zipping my skirt back up i open the door. "Didn't you he-" By surprise Gary's stood at the door grinning slightly.
"Let me in." He bites his lip.
Feeling confused i look at him. A woman who's sitting near the cubicle turns round by the sound of our voices. "What? No there's not enough room."
Gary tries sliding himself in beside. "Quick."
"For god's sake." Leaning my back against one of the small walls i allow Gary to get in. "Why are yo-" The room begins to get smaller as Gary forcefully presses his lips onto mine giving me a breath taking kiss. During the kiss Gary locks the door again before allowing his hands to trace my body teasing his fingers up my skirt. "Ever done this before?" He growls against my neck swirling his tongue around my pulse point.
With a shaky breath i wrap my arms around the back of his neck bringing him even closer. ""
"You're in for a treat then...."

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